Corporate Social Responsibility in Brazil

Book Description

This book examines the practice of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in Latin America, with a particular focus on Brazil. Drawing on historical developments and theoretical reflections alike, it introduces readers to the state of the art in Brazilian CSR. The authors present a range of regulatory and entrepreneurial frameworks that form the basis for business and CSR activities in Brazil. In a number of detailed case studies from various Brazilian institutions and enterprises, the book provides revealing insights into the practice of sustainable and responsible business conduct in this country. Subsequent chapters show the effects of anti-corruption laws, which have since informed corporations’ compliance agendas, and discuss recent, massive corruption scandals. Generally speaking, the book provides a highly informative and practice-oriented resource that successfully reconciles an ostensible contradiction – corporate social responsibility and Brazil.

Corporate Social Responsibility in Brazil

Book Description

If being socially responsible can result in short or long-term economic benefits, then why do not all companies adopt corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices? This thesis draws on general assumptions from illustrative examples of two paper companies in Brazil--Aracruz and Riocell-- to answer this question. The two examples suggest that stakeholder pressure, managers' perceptions of the economic benefits of CSR and managers' environmental and social values affect the decisions of companies to adopt corporate social responsibility. In addition, data from these two paper companies indicate that company size and economic and political context explain the variations of CSR practices between Aracruz and Riocell. This study argues that both companies have responded to pressures from stakeholders in different ways. As a result, their corporate social responsibility practices have been different. If the goals of companies are to demonstrate increased commitment to corporate social responsibility and to strengthen these practices, businesses need to focus on extending their actions beyond compliance, and incorporate corporate social responsibility as part of their policies.

Corporate social responsibility in brazil the dpaschoal case

Book Description

O tema da responsabilidade social nos negócios vem sendo discutido no meio acadêmico, desde a década de 50 e sob diversos enfoques. No Brasil, mais especificamente, a discussão em torno desta questão tem seu início na década de60. No entanto, foi no final da década de 80 que o tema passou a ser discutido mais intensamente no meio empresarial e na mídia do País, assumindo importânciaestratégica para as empresas. Para a abordagem teórica desta pesquisa, foi feito um levantamento dos trabalhos pertencentes à área de estudos denominada -Business and Society-, apresentando a evolução do conceito ao longo do tempo e os conceitos delederivados. Paralelamente, o tema foi abordado contexto brasileiro, apresentando um estudo do processo de mobilização do empresariado em prol da responsabilidadesocial corporativa no Brasil. Para tal, foi feita uma pesquisa em dados secundários tais como relatórios, revistas, jornais e nos sites das associações que tratam do assunto no Brasil. Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a questão da responsabilidade social corporativa no contexto brasileiro, a partir de um estudo de caso de uma organização privada. Foi investigada a gestão das relações da empresa estudada com seus diversos públicos de interesse e, de maneira mais aprofundada, analisada a gestão de suas relações com a comunidade. Foram realizadas entrevistas em profundidadecom funcionários, líderes da organização, coordenadores de programas e membros dos grupos afetados pela atuação da empresa. A pesquisa conclui que a responsabilidade social de uma empresa é reflexo dos valores e crenças passados por seus líderes para cultura da organização ao longo do tempo, além de ser impulsionada por fatores e pressões externas de diversas naturezas e por possíveis benefícios vislumbrados pela empresa como conseqüência de uma atuação social estratégica. A empresa pesquisada pratica sua responsabilidade social de forma multidimensional, tendo seus valores e princípios refletidos nas relações com os diversos públicos por ela afetados. No entanto, algumas limitações são apontadas, principalmente no que tange à perpetuação desta prática. A empresa em questão pode ser classificada como - empresa-cidadã -, segundo conceitos propostos por alguns dos autores estudados (Martinelli, 1997;Carroll 1998, 1999; Maignan, 1999 e Davenport, 2000).

Corporate Social Responsibility in Times of Crisis

Book Description

This book explores national and transnational companies' Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities in times and settings in which they are confronted with economic and social challenges and analyzes these situations, ranging from the financial crisis to fourth generation sustainability. Presenting a number of different cases from various parts of Europe, North America and Africa, it showcases how companies respond to the challenges of the development, consultation, implementation, integration, measurement and consolidation of CSR. Further it specifies how these corporations deal with uncertainties over corporate and financial resources, global financial stability and growing evidence for climate change. The book describes CSR adaptation under challenging circumstances and argues for the strategic and operative legitimation of Corporate Social Responsibility in times of crisis.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Book Description

In a dynamic and constantly changing external environment, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in the tourism and hospitality industry is paramount for assuring a balance among shareholders and internal/external stakeholders, with the environment being inclusive. CSR has different forms and dimensions, and its application more often than not, is content specific; that is, politics, economy, society, culture, technology, environment, and law are taken into consideration. This makes its application not only difficult, but also gives leeway to many companies to take advantage of unique local environments and conditions, especially in the developing world. This book aims to portray paradigms of CSR practices in developing countries in an effort to depict good practices and highlight examples of malpractice. The book is consists of six chapters discussing applications of CSR in four different continents, namely South America, North America, Africa and Asia. The countries where tourism and hospitality cases were investigated are: Peru, Brazil, Cape Verde, the Caribbean (Latin America/North America), Malawi and Bangladesh.

Integrating Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development

Book Description

This book is a truly interdisciplinary publication, useful to scholars, social movements, practitioners and members of governmental agencies and private companies, undertaking research and/or executing projects focusing on social responsibility and sustainability from across the world.Sustainable development has become a matter of central concern to both public institutions and enterprises. Indeed, for many companies, a due emphasis to environmental issues is not only positive from the point of view of environmental gains, but also to the image of the business. Often, but not always, this is reflected in the preparation of formal strategies and programmes, which entail their institutional strategies and visions. The wide area of social responsibility, often known as Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), entails elements of social equality and environmental accountability, and eco-efficiency. Due to their complexity, the interrelations between social responsibility and sustainable development need to be better understood. There is also a real need to showcase successful examples of how public institutions and companies are handling their sustainability challenges. It is against this background that this book has been produced.

Innovation in Brazil

Book Description

Since the early 2000s, state-led and innovation-focused strategies have characterized the approach to development pursued in countries around the world, such as China, India, and South Korea. Brazil, the largest and most industrialized economy in Latin America, demonstrates both the opportunities and challenges of this approach. Over the course of nearly 20 years, the Brazilian government enacted various policies and programs designed to strengthen the country’s capacity to innovate. It increased spending on science and technology, encouraged greater collaboration between industry and universities, and fostered the creation of new institutions whose primary aim was to facilitate greater private research and development (R&D) spending. In this book, the editors unite a diverse array of empirical contributions around a few key themes, including public policies, institutions and innovation ecosystems, and firms and industries, that collectively make the case for a new, forward-looking innovation agenda aimed at addressing persistent challenges and exploiting emerging opportunities in Brazil. Its conclusions offer valuable lessons for other developing and emerging economies seeking to accelerate innovation and growth in the modern age. With its interdisciplinary and wide-ranging contribution to the study of innovation, as well as attention to broader policy implications, this book will appeal to scholars and professionals alike.

Global Practices of Corporate Social Responsibility

Book Description

Being socially responsible on the part of corporate entities is now no longer an option, it is part of their normal business obligations to all their stakeholders regardless of whether these are primary or secondary stakeholders. Modern societies around the world now expect corporate entities of all shapes and forms to be socially responsible in whatever they do; the “Global Practices of Corporate Social Responsibility” is a first attempt at bringing together in one book experts' accounts of how corporate entities in twenty independent nations around the world are dealing with the issue of CSR. The world today faces diverse social problems. These become apparent as one moves from one country to the next, interestingly, society now expects corporations to help in finding solutions to these problems. The problem of global warming affects us all; modern corporations can no longer continue to assume that the problem will go away, if nothing is done by them. We can all make a little difference by our actions.

Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Governance

Book Description

This edited book focuses on how CSR and Corporate Governance in Ibero-America have been employed, analyzed, and examined in different sectors and scenarios. It takes a trans-regional approach unlike most research which has been focused on studying specific initiatives or experiences in a particular country.

Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability

Book Description

There is growing interest regarding the sustainability of communities. This volume offers a critical review of current trends around Corporate Social Responsibility and sustainability activities in developing economies. It is a must have for business practitioners, policy makers, experts in supranational organizations, academics and students.