Counsels on Health, and Instruction to Medical Missionary Workers

Book Description

Section 1. The World's NeedSection 2. Essentials to HealthSection 3. Diet and HealthSection 4. Outdoor Life and Physical ActivitySection 5. Sanitariums--Their Objects and AimsSection 6. Successful Institutional WorkSection 7. The Christian PhyscianSection 8. Nurses and HelpersSection 9. Teaching Health PrinciplesSection 10. Health Food WorkSection 11. Medical Missionary WorkSection 12. Ensamples to the FlockSection 13. Holiness of Life

A Call to Medical Evangelism and Health Education

Book Description

Christ, who went about doing good, healing all that were oppressed of the devil, showed that true evangelism comprehends ministry to physical needs as well as the spiritual. This booklet of selections from the pen of Ellen White, is a call to medical evangelism for the church. The 58th chapter of Isaiah lays upon the church the responsibility of caring for the sick and needy, and represents such service as true worship of God.

The Principles and Practice of Health Evangelism

Book Description

This book presents the most effective method of combining the elements of a healthful lifestyle and the Christian gospel. Jesus saves your body as well as your soul. Discover the principles of divine behavior change. These principles have activated sedentary church congregations into a high level of health ministry to their community.

Counsels on Health

Book Description

Ministry to the Cities

Book Description

Jesus' admonition to "go and make disciples of all nations" (Matthew 28:19, NIV) resonates in the hearts of those who love Him supremely. Every individual must be given the opportunity to choose between life and death. This volume is a call to action-a plea for believers to work for their Savior by bringing the gospel to the millions of people in the city, strategies, methods, selecting and training workers, and lessons from Scripture. Yes, the work will require much effort, especially in our day and age. But Ellen G. White doesnÆt mince words: ôDo not hover over the churches to repeat over and over again the same truths to the people, while the cities are left in ignorance and sin, unwarned and unlabored forö (The Upward Look, p. 274). Book jacket.


Book Description

Ellen White was one of the founders of the Seventh Day Adventist Church and claimed to have had over 2000 visions. Excerpt: Everywhere the light of truth is to shine forth, that hearts now in the sleep of ignorance may be awakened and converted. In all countries and cities the gospel is to be proclaimed....

Medical Ministry

Book Description

The Ministry of Healing

Book Description

Healthful Living

Book Description

Healthful Living was originally published by the Medical Missionary Board, Battle Creek, Michigan, under the title Instruction Relating to the Principles of Healthful Living.So popular when it first came out that it became necessary to come out with a second and then a third edition the first year.We have reproduced this 1898 third edition which also contained two additional chapters, God in Nature and The Spirit Filled Life.In the third edition an appendix of parallel Scripture references was included. This Scripture referenced appendix will be found exceedingly helpful in making clear to the mind of the reader the fact that the principles presented in this work are not mere human inventions; but are a part of the divine order appointed for the human family at the beginning, and which is to be restored when all things are made new.Wherever it has been received, this book has been recognized as a veritable storehouse of seed thoughts relating to the great practical themes with which it deals.

Consejos Sobre El Regimen Alimenticio

Book Description

Ellen Gould Harmon de White, conocida también como Elena G. de White (26 de noviembre de 1827 - 16 de julio de 1915), autora cristiana estadounidense, cuyo liderazgo llevó al establecimiento de la Iglesia Adventista del Séptimo Día. Además de líder eclesiástica, es considerada por los adventistas profetisa para los tiempos modernos.