Country Diagnostic Study on Long-Term Care in Tonga

Book Description

This publication presents findings of a study on the availability and provision of long-term care (LTC) in Tonga. It discusses the need for and supply of LTC in the country, including regulatory and policy frameworks, service provision, quality management, human resources, and financing. Analysis, conclusions, and recommendations for the development of LTC systems in Tonga are also included. Aiming to contribute to increasing the knowledge base on LTC policies, programs, and systems, this publication is one of six country diagnostic studies—the others on Indonesia, Mongolia, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Viet Nam—prepared under the Asian Development Bank technical assistance 9111: Strengthening Developing Member Countries’ Capacity in Elderly Care.

Country Diagnostic Study on Long-Term Care in Thailand

Book Description

This publication presents findings of a study on the availability and provision of long-term care (LTC) in Thailand, including the need for and supply of LTC, regulatory and policy frameworks, service provision, quality management, human resources, and financing. Analysis, conclusions, and recommendations for the development of LTC systems in Thailand are also included. It contributes to the development of an in-depth knowledge base on LTC policies, programs, and systems. It is one of six country diagnostic studies—the others on Indonesia, Mongolia, Sri Lanka, Tonga, and Viet Nam—prepared under the Asian Development Bank technical assistance 9111: Strengthening Developing Member Countries’ Capacity in Elderly Care.

Country Diagnostic Study on Long-Term Care in Mongolia

Book Description

This publication presents findings of a study on the availability and provision of long-term care (LTC) in Mongolia including the need for and supply of LTC, regulatory and policy frameworks, service provision, quality management, human resources, and financing. Analysis, conclusions, and recommendations for the development of LTC systems in Mongolia are also included. It contributes to the development of an in-depth knowledge base on LTC policies, programs, and systems. It is one of six country diagnostic studies—the others on Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Tonga, and Viet Nam—prepared under the Asian Development Bank technical assistance 9111: Strengthening Developing Member Countries’ Capacity in Elderly Care.

Country Diagnostic Study on Long-Term Care in Sri Lanka

Book Description

This publication presents findings of a study on the availability and provision of long-term care (LTC) in Sri Lanka, including the need for and supply of LTC, regulatory and policy frameworks, service provision, quality management, human resources, and financing. Analysis, conclusions, and recommendations for the development of LTC systems in Sri Lanka are also included. It contributes to the development of an in-depth knowledge base on LTC policies, programs, and systems. It is one of six country diagnostic studies—the others on Indonesia, Mongolia, Tonga, Thailand, and Viet Nam—prepared under the Asian Development Bank technical assistance 9111: Strengthening Developing Member Countries’ Capacity in Elderly Care.

The Road to Better Long-Term Care in Asia and the Pacific

Book Description

The Asian Development Bank is at the forefront of providing countries across Asia and the Pacific with the technical assistance needed to develop long-term care systems and services for older people. This report shares insights from six diverse countries at different stages of demographic change: Indonesia, Mongolia, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Tonga, and Viet Nam. It explores the situation of long-term care development in these countries, identifies common challenges and promising practices, and recommends key priorities for future action in system strengthening and service delivery.


Book Description

The Lao People's Democratic Republic (Lao PDR) has shown remarkable progress by consistently building itself into a market-oriented economy, with economic growth in 1986-2016 averaging around 6.5% per annum. The rapid and sustained growth brought about changes in the structure of output, but did not alter job composition: resource-based products still dominate in industry, low value-added jobs in services, and 65% of the labor force in agriculture. This country diagnostic study provides comprehensive analysis and identifies promising new drivers of growth which the Lao PDR can develop to diversify its production structure and speed up structural transformation.

Uzbekistan Quality Job Creation as a Cornerstone for Sustainable Economic Growth

Book Description

Uzbekistan has achieved sustained growth through its gradual transition to a market-based economy through cautious economic policy reforms. Despite its gradual approach to development challenges, the country experienced the smallest output decline among former Soviet economies and enjoyed high rates of economic growth from 2004 to 2015, largely driven by the high prices of its major export commodities. However, the drop in the global prices of many key commodities in recent years have severely impacted Uzbekistan's economy. Under these circumstances, the new government introduced major reforms. The pace of reform is unprecedented. The government has formulated its long-term economic strategy in its Vision 2030, which aims to double the country's gross domestic product by 2030 through a program of economic diversification. This book analyzes how Uzbekistan can boost sustainable economic growth to create more and better jobs. It considers how the country can consolidate achievements from recent policy reforms and maintain reform efforts to accelerate sustainable growth. Policy recommendations cover fostering macroeconomic stability, increasing investment in physical infrastructure, enhancing human capital, improving firms' access to finance, and lowering barriers to international trade and foreign investment inflows.

Assessing the Enabling Environment for Disaster Risk Financing

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Disasters damage and destroy infrastructure and disrupt economic activities and services, potentially delaying long-term development and hampering efforts to reduce poverty in the region. Countries require a strong enabling environment for disaster risk financing to ensure the timely availability of post-disaster funding. This report presents a comprehensive diagnostics tool kit that countries can apply to assess the financial management of disaster risk. The framework examines the state of the enabling environment and provides a basis to enhance financial resilience with insurance and other risk transfer instruments. It incorporates lessons from the country diagnostics assessments for Fiji, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka that made use of the tool kit and methodology.

Kazakhstan: Accelerating Economic Diversification

Book Description

Kazakhstan has the potential to become an economic leader in Central Asia. Relying on oil and gas alone, however, will not produce the long-run level of growth needed to meet this potential. Reforms geared to improve the business climate, enhance competitiveness, and increase private sector participation are essential. This book examines reforms to accelerate economic diversification in the country. This involves not only modernizing and using public resources in agriculture more efficiently to increase productivity, but also transitioning of manufacturing toward high-potential exports to help the country’s industrial development and create employment opportunities. Upgrading innovation of oilfield services and improving transport and logistics are important to increase participation in the global value chains.