Cow Dung – For Food Security And Survival Of Human Race

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We have taken our food for granted and most of us have no idea where it comes from. Jennifer Hill from Bristol recalls, “Several years ago I took my daughter and her friend to our allotments. As we left I dug up a couple of bunches of my prized organic carrots and offered one of them to my daughter’s friend. With a look of absolute disgust, the young girl said, ‘My mommy doesn’t get food from the dirt! She goes to Tescos!’ Still, at least she knew what a carrot was.”Ask any child where their food comes from, and the chances are he or she will say the supermarket. And most adults don’t know a lot more about how food ends up on their plate either. Civilization survives on an ample supply of food and all previous civilizations developed near a food source. When farm productivity declined, usually as a result of soil mismanagement, civilizations also declined – and occasionally vanished entirely.

Cow Milk – Nature’s Most Perfect Food

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Cow milk is one of our most ancient foods. It is also one of the most controversial ones. This controversy is a recent phenomenon. It stems from our disregard for animal rights and the impact of processed milk on human health.

Cow Ghee – The Food Of The Gods

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This book (Cow Ghee – The Food Of The Gods) discusses the vital role of ghee or clarified butter in maintaining the health and vitality of the human race. Only recently we have ‘discovered” that dairy fats are bad for us. But for thousands of years, countless civilizations have survived on them. Civilizations tend to get rid of foods that are harmful, and that the dairy fats made it through these civilizations, conveys some truth in the matter.

Food Fascism

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Henry Kissinger, the former US national security adviser and secretary of state says, “Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.” Food fascism is all about controlling the food supply and thereby controlling the people. The vested interests get to decide who eats and who starves.

You Are What You Grow – Produce Your Own Food

Book Description

You Are What You Grow – Produce Your Own Food – We Are Humans. We Grow Food. Growing food is a sign of civilized life. The development of agriculture closely follows the development of civilization. Agriculture is our first big step toward a civilized life. Therefore Daniel Webster says, “When tillage begins, other arts follow. The farmers, therefore, are the founders of human civilization.

To Save Time Is To Lengthen Life (English)

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Time is our most precious resource. All we have in life is time. Often, we realize the importance of time only when there is little of it left. Our greatest capital asset is our unexpired years of productive life. We can not influence the supply of this resource. C.S. Lewis says, “The future is something which everyone reaches at the rate of sixty minutes an hour, whatever he does, whoever he is.” This realization is not very easy to come by. It is said that a wise person does at once, what a fool does at last. Both do the same thing; only at different times.

Life Is Nothing But Time (English)

Book Description

Time is the stuff life is made of. Time equals life, and wasting your time is wasting your life. if you spend one hour on someone or something, you are giving away a piece of your life to that someone or something. Therefore you have to be careful to whom or where you away your life. if you are careful with time, time slips away like sand in your fist. Letting time slip away is letting life slip away. Like time and tide, life too waits for none. Life is Precious, therefore time is precious.

A Heart Beats In Us

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Human society is becoming increasingly heartless. Apathy and desensitization are growing and compassion is decreasing all over the world. People simply do not care about one another the way they used to. Today, we are more self-absorbed and self-centered than ever. When people see someone dying or getting killed right in front of them, they don’t even so much as wink an eye.

True Equality

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True Equality – Modern nations are founded on the principles of justice, fairness, equality, and individual freedom of religion and speech, among others. According to the founding fathers of America, unalienable rights are those which God gave to man at the Creation, once and for all. By definition, since God granted such rights, governments could not take them away. In America, this fundamental truth is recognized and enshrined in the nation’s birth certificate, the Declaration of Independence: “All men are created equal… [and] are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

Slaughterhouses must close down

Book Description

Slaughterhouses must close down – We are living in violent times and there is no disputing this fact. Wars are raging around the globe. There is war within the family, in the form of discontent, arguments, separation, and divorce; war in the community in the form of gang wars, crime, robberies, murders, and rape; there is internal war going on in almost half of the countries in the world. Then there are industrial and economic rivalries as well as international wars on terrorism. This era of war is entering a new phase, in which the great divisions among humankind and the dominating source of international conflict will be cultural.