Critical Exchange

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This collection examines the development of art criticism across Russia and Western Europe in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Art criticism articulated local ideas about functions of art but, more importantly, it also became one of the most responsive fields in which a larger, transnational European exchange of ideas about the role of critical discourse could take place. Art criticism of this period was also rich in rhetorical strategies and textual diversity. International contributors to this volume, who include art historians, cultural historians, and specialists in critical and philosophical discourse, examine the emergence of art critical discourse in a variety of cultural and geo-political contexts.

Moral Markets

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Like nature itself, modern economic life is driven by relentless competition and unbridled selfishness. Or is it? Drawing on converging evidence from neuroscience, social science, biology, law, and philosophy, Moral Markets makes the case that modern market exchange works only because most people, most of the time, act virtuously. Competition and greed are certainly part of economics, but Moral Markets shows how the rules of market exchange have evolved to promote moral behavior and how exchange itself may make us more virtuous. Examining the biological basis of economic morality, tracing the connections between morality and markets, and exploring the profound implications of both, Moral Markets provides a surprising and fundamentally new view of economics--one that also reconnects the field to Adam Smith's position that morality has a biological basis. Moral Markets, the result of an extensive collaboration between leading social and natural scientists, includes contributions by neuroeconomist Paul Zak; economists Robert H. Frank, Herbert Gintis, Vernon Smith (winner of the 2002 Nobel Prize in economics), and Bart Wilson; law professors Oliver Goodenough, Erin O'Hara, and Lynn Stout; philosophers William Casebeer and Robert Solomon; primatologists Sarah Brosnan and Frans de Waal; biologists Carl Bergstrom, Ben Kerr, and Peter Richerson; anthropologists Robert Boyd and Michael Lachmann; political scientists Elinor Ostrom and David Schwab; management professor Rakesh Khurana; computational science and informatics doctoral candidate Erik Kimbrough; and business writer Charles Handy.

The Critical Component

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Mission-Critical Microsoft Exchange 2000

Book Description

Mission-Critical Microsoft Exchange 2000 is the definitive book on how to design and maintain extremely reliable and adaptive Exchange Server messaging systems that rarely crash and that preserve valuable data and services in spite of technical disruptions. E-mail systems are now a primary means of communication for organizations, which can afford e-mail down-time no more than they can afford to be without phones. Further, messaging systems increasingly are supporting vital applications in addition to e-mail, such as workflow and knowledge management, making the data they store both voluminous and incredibly valuable. Mission-Critical Microsoft Exchange 2000 teaches system designers, administrators and developers the strategies, tools, and best practices they'll need to plan and implement highly-available systems on Exchange 2000 and on earlier versions of Exchange. The book explains Exchange back-up and disaster recovery techniques, Windows clustering technologies for Exchange systems, and security planning to resist messaging-based attacks. Written by Jerry Cochran, an authority on large-scale Exchange systems, Mission-Critical Microsoft Exchange 2000 helps readers create Exchange systems upon which they can build large and growing organizations. Unique book on a crucial Exchange topic Part of Digital Press's Exchange Server Cluster Author is Compaq's expert on high-end Exchange systems

Critical Exchanges

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Early Modern Exchanges

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Marcus Gheeraerts’s portrait of a ’Persian lady’ - probably in fact an English lady in masquing costume - exemplifies the hybridity of early modern English culture. Her surrounding landscape and the embroidery on her gown are typically English; but her head-dress and slippers are decidedly exotic, the inscriptions beside her are Latin, and her creator was an ’incomer’ artist. She is emblematic of the early modern culture of exchange, both between England and its neighbours, and between Europe and the wider world. This volume presents fresh research into such early modern exchanges, exploring how new identities, subjectivities and artefacts were forged in dialogues and encounters between diverse cultures, nations and language communities. The early modern period was a time of creative interactions between cultures and disciplines, and accordingly this is a multidisciplinary volume, drawing together international experts in literature, history, modern and ancient languages and art history. It understands cultural exchange as encompassing both the geographical mobilities of travel and trade and the transmission of ideas across borders and between languages, as enabled by the new technology of print. Sites of exchange were located not only in distant and unfamiliar lands, but also in the bookseller’s shop and the scholar’s study. The volume also explores the productive and complex dialogues between early modern culture and the classical past. The types of exchanges discussed include the linguistic transactions of translation and imitation; interactions between cultural elites, such as monarchs, courtiers and diplomats; and the catalytic influences of particularly mobile or outward-looking individuals and groups. Ranging from the neo-Latin poetry of an English author to the plays of a nun in seventeenth-century New Spain, from royal portraits exchanged in diplomatic negotiations to travelling companions in the Ottoman Empire, the volume sheds new light

Educating for Critical Consciousness

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In this politically and democratically urgent collection, George Yancy and contributors argue that more than ever, we are in need of classrooms that function "dangerously"—that is, classrooms where people are not afraid to engage in critical discussions that call into question difficult political times. Collectively they demonstrate the ways activist authors and scholars must be prepared to engage in risk and vulnerability as a defense of our democratic right to practice forms of pedagogical transgression. Ideal for scholars and students of critical pedagogy, philosophy of education, and political theory, this collection delineates the necessity of critical consciousness through education, and provides ways of speaking back against authoritarian control of imaginative and critical capacities.

Mission-Critical Microsoft Exchange 2003

Book Description

Mission-Critical Microsoft Exchange 2003 provides a complete update of Cochran's Mission-Critical Microsoft Exchange 2000, and complements Tony Redmond's new book, the best-selling Microsoft Exchange Server 2003. This book includes many of the same high-availability topics as the first edition but also expands the coverage of storage technology, server technology, management, and security. The book meets the needs of an Exchange administrator or system implementer who is striving to maintain a production Exchange environment that delivers superior service levels, high availability, manageability and scalability with the lowest cost of ownership. · Gives "lessons learned" and other best practices from organizations that have successfully deployed Exchange · Includes material on the forthcoming release of Exchange 2003 · Offers advice from one of the most experienced storage practitioners

Habermas on Law and Democracy

Book Description

In the first essay, Habermas himself succinctly presents the centerpiece of his theory: his proceduralist paradigm of law. The following essays comprise elaborations, criticisms, and further explorations by others of the most salient issues addressed in his theory. The distinguished group of contributors—internationally prominent scholars in the fields of law, philosophy, and social theory—includes many who have been closely identified with Habermas as well as some of his best-known critics. The final essay is a thorough and lengthy reply by Habermas, which not only engages the most important arguments raised in the preceding essays but also further elaborates and refines some of his own key contributions in Between Facts and Norms. This volume will be essential reading for philosophers, legal scholars, and political and social theorists concerned with understanding the work of one of the leading philosophers of our age. These provocative, in-depth debates between Jürgen Habermas and a wide range of his critics relate to the philosopher's contribution to legal and democratic theory in his recently published Between Facts and Norms. Drawing upon his discourse theory, Habermas has elaborated a novel and powerful account of law that purports to bridge the gap between democracy and rights, by conceiving law to be at once self-imposed and binding.