Critical Point Theory for Lagrangian Systems

Book Description

Lagrangian systems constitute a very important and old class in dynamics. Their origin dates back to the end of the eighteenth century, with Joseph-Louis Lagrange’s reformulation of classical mechanics. The main feature of Lagrangian dynamics is its variational flavor: orbits are extremal points of an action functional. The development of critical point theory in the twentieth century provided a powerful machinery to investigate existence and multiplicity questions for orbits of Lagrangian systems. This monograph gives a modern account of the application of critical point theory, and more specifically Morse theory, to Lagrangian dynamics, with particular emphasis toward existence and multiplicity of periodic orbits of non-autonomous and time-periodic systems.

Critical Point Theory and Hamiltonian Systems

Book Description

FACHGEB The last decade has seen a tremendous development in critical point theory in infinite dimensional spaces and its application to nonlinear boundary value problems. In particular, striking results were obtained in the classical problem of periodic solutions of Hamiltonian systems. This book provides a systematic presentation of the most basic tools of critical point theory: minimization, convex functions and Fenchel transform, dual least action principle, Ekeland variational principle, minimax methods, Lusternik- Schirelmann theory for Z2 and S1 symmetries, Morse theory for possibly degenerate critical points and non-degenerate critical manifolds. Each technique is illustrated by applications to the discussion of the existence, multiplicity, and bifurcation of the periodic solutions of Hamiltonian systems. Among the treated questions are the periodic solutions with fixed period or fixed energy of autonomous systems, the existence of subharmonics in the non-autonomous case, the asymptotically linear Hamiltonian systems, free and forced superlinear problems. Application of those results to the equations of mechanical pendulum, to Josephson systems of solid state physics and to questions from celestial mechanics are given. The aim of the book is to introduce a reader familiar to more classical techniques of ordinary differential equations to the powerful approach of modern critical point theory. The style of the exposition has been adapted to this goal. The new topological tools are introduced in a progressive but detailed way and immediately applied to differential equation problems. The abstract tools can also be applied to partial differential equations and the reader will also find the basic references in this direction in the bibliography of more than 500 items which concludes the book. ERSCHEIN

Critical Point Theory

Book Description

This monograph collects cutting-edge results and techniques for solving nonlinear partial differential equations using critical points. Including many of the author’s own contributions, a range of proofs are conveniently collected here, Because the material is approached with rigor, this book will serve as an invaluable resource for exploring recent developments in this active area of research, as well as the numerous ways in which critical point theory can be applied. Different methods for finding critical points are presented in the first six chapters. The specific situations in which these methods are applicable is explained in detail. Focus then shifts toward the book’s main subject: applications to problems in mathematics and physics. These include topics such as Schrödinger equations, Hamiltonian systems, elliptic systems, nonlinear wave equations, nonlinear optics, semilinear PDEs, boundary value problems, and equations with multiple solutions. Readers will find this collection of applications convenient and thorough, with detailed proofs appearing throughout. Critical Point Theory will be ideal for graduate students and researchers interested in solving differential equations, and for those studying variational methods. An understanding of fundamental mathematical analysis is assumed. In particular, the basic properties of Hilbert and Banach spaces are used.

Minimax Systems and Critical Point Theory

Book Description

This text starts at the foundations of the field, and is accessible with some background in functional analysis. As such, the book is ideal for classroom of self study. The new material covered also makes this book a must read for researchers in the theory of critical points.

Dynamical Systems, Number Theory and Applications

Book Description

"This volume consists of a selection of research-type articles on dynamical systems, evolution equations, analytic number theory and closely related topics. A strong emphasis is on a fair balance between theoretical and more applied work, thus spanning the chasm between abstract insight and actual application. Several of the articles are expected to be in the intersection of dynamical systems theory and number theory. One article will likely relate the topics presented to the academic achievements and interests of Prof. Leutbecher and shed light on common threads among all the contributions."--

Morse Theory for Hamiltonian Systems

Book Description

This Research Note explores existence and multiplicity questions for periodic solutions of first order, non-convex Hamiltonian systems. It introduces a new Morse (index) theory that is easier to use, less technical, and more flexible than existing theories and features techniques and results that, until now, have appeared only in scattered journals

Periodic Solutions of Singular Lagrangian Systems

Book Description

Thismonographdealswiththeexistenceofperiodicmotionsof Lagrangiansystemswith ndegreesoffreedom ij + V'(q) =0, where Visasingularpotential. Aprototypeofsuchaproblem, evenifitisnottheonlyphysicallyinterestingone, istheKepler problem . q 0 q+yqr= . This, jointlywiththemoregeneralN-bodyproblem, hasalways beentheobjectofagreatdealofresearch. Mostofthoseresults arebasedonperturbationmethods, andmakeuseofthespecific featuresoftheKeplerpotential. OurapproachismoreonthelinesofNonlinearFunctional Analysis:ourmainpurposeistogiveafunctionalframefor systemswithsingularpotentials, includingtheKeplerandthe N-bodyproblemasparticularcases. PreciselyweuseCritical PointTheorytoobtainexistenceresults, qualitativeinnature, whichholdtrueforbroadclassesofpotentials. Thishighlights thatthevariationalmethods, whichhavebeenemployedtoob tainimportantadvancesinthestudyofregularHamiltonian systems, canbesuccessfallyusedtohandlesingularpotentials aswell. Theresearchonthistopicisstillinevolution, andtherefore theresultswewillpresentarenottobeintendedasthefinal ones. Indeedamajorpurposeofourdiscussionistopresent methodsandtoolswhichhavebeenusedinstudyingsuchprob lems. Vlll PREFACE Partofthematerialofthisvolumehasbeenpresentedina seriesoflecturesgivenbytheauthorsatSISSA, Trieste, whom wewouldliketothankfortheirhospitalityandsupport. We wishalsotothankUgoBessi, PaoloCaldiroli, FabioGiannoni, LouisJeanjean, LorenzoPisani, EnricoSerra, KazunakaTanaka, EnzoVitillaroforhelpfulsuggestions. May26,1993 Notation n 1. For x, yE IR, x. ydenotestheEuclideanScalarproduct, and IxltheEuclideannorm. 2. meas(A)denotestheLebesguemeasureofthesubset Aof n IR - 3. Wedenoteby ST =[0,T]/{a, T}theunitarycirclepara metrizedby t E[0,T]. Wewillalsowrite SI= ST=I. n 1 n 4. Wewillwrite sn = {xE IR + : Ixl =I}andn = IR \{O}. n 5. Wedenoteby LP([O, T], IR),1~ p~+00,theLebesgue spaces, equippedwiththestandardnorm lIulip. l n l n 6. H (ST, IR)denotestheSobolevspaceof u E H,2(0, T; IR) suchthat u(O) = u(T). Thenormin HIwillbedenoted by lIull2 = lIull~ + lIull~· 7. Wedenoteby(·1·)and11·11respectivelythescalarproduct andthenormoftheHilbertspace E. 8. For uE E, EHilbertorBanachspace, wedenotetheball ofcenter uandradiusrby B(u, r) = {vE E: lIu- vii~ r}. Wewillalsowrite B = B(O, r). r 1 1 9. WesetA (n) = {uE H (St, n)}. k 10. For VE C (1Rxil, IR)wedenoteby V'(t, x)thegradient of Vwithrespectto x. l 11. Given f E C (M, IR), MHilbertmanifold, welet r = {uEM: f(u) ~ a}, f-l(a, b) = {uE E : a~ f(u) ~ b}. x NOTATION 12. Given f E C1(M, JR), MHilbertmanifold, wewilldenote by Zthesetofcriticalpointsof fon Mandby Zctheset Z U f-l(c, c). 13. Givenasequence UnE E, EHilbertspace, by Un --"" Uwe willmeanthatthesequence Unconvergesweaklyto u. 14. With £(E)wewilldenotethesetoflinearandcontinuous operatorson E. 15. With Ck''''(A, JR)wewilldenotethesetoffunctions ffrom AtoJR, ktimesdifferentiablewhosek-derivativeisHolder continuousofexponent0:. Main Assumptions Wecollecthere, forthereader'sconvenience, themainassump tionsonthepotential Vusedthroughoutthebook. (VO) VEC1(lRXO, lR), V(t+T, x)=V(t, X) V(t, x)ElRXO, (VI) V(t, x)

Elementary Symplectic Topology and Mechanics

Book Description

This is a short tract on the essentials of differential and symplectic geometry together with a basic introduction to several applications of this rich framework: analytical mechanics, the calculus of variations, conjugate points & Morse index, and other physical topics. A central feature is the systematic utilization of Lagrangian submanifolds and their Maslov-Hörmander generating functions. Following this line of thought, first introduced by Wlodemierz Tulczyjew, geometric solutions of Hamilton-Jacobi equations, Hamiltonian vector fields and canonical transformations are described by suitable Lagrangian submanifolds belonging to distinct well-defined symplectic structures. This unified point of view has been particularly fruitful in symplectic topology, which is the modern Hamiltonian environment for the calculus of variations, yielding sharp sufficient existence conditions. This line of investigation was initiated by Claude Viterbo in 1992; here, some primary consequences of this theory are exposed in Chapter 8: aspects of Poincaré's last geometric theorem and the Arnol'd conjecture are introduced. In Chapter 7 elements of the global asymptotic treatment of the highly oscillating integrals for the Schrödinger equation are discussed: as is well known, this eventually leads to the theory of Fourier Integral Operators. This short handbook is directed toward graduate students in Mathematics and Physics and to all those who desire a quick introduction to these beautiful subjects.

Duality Principles in Nonconvex Systems

Book Description

Motivated by practical problems in engineering and physics, drawing on a wide range of applied mathematical disciplines, this book is the first to provide, within a unified framework, a self-contained comprehensive mathematical theory of duality for general non-convex, non-smooth systems, with emphasis on methods and applications in engineering mechanics. Topics covered include the classical (minimax) mono-duality of convex static equilibria, the beautiful bi-duality in dynamical systems, the interesting tri-duality in non-convex problems and the complicated multi-duality in general canonical systems. A potentially powerful sequential canonical dual transformation method for solving fully nonlinear problems is developed heuristically and illustrated by use of many interesting examples as well as extensive applications in a wide variety of nonlinear systems, including differential equations, variational problems and inequalities, constrained global optimization, multi-well phase transitions, non-smooth post-bifurcation, large deformation mechanics, structural limit analysis, differential geometry and non-convex dynamical systems. With exceptionally coherent and lucid exposition, the work fills a big gap between the mathematical and engineering sciences. It shows how to use formal language and duality methods to model natural phenomena, to construct intrinsic frameworks in different fields and to provide ideas, concepts and powerful methods for solving non-convex, non-smooth problems arising naturally in engineering and science. Much of the book contains material that is new, both in its manner of presentation and in its research development. A self-contained appendix provides some necessary background from elementary functional analysis. Audience: The book will be a valuable resource for students and researchers in applied mathematics, physics, mechanics and engineering. The whole volume or selected chapters can also be recommended as a text for both senior undergraduate and graduate courses in applied mathematics, mechanics, general engineering science and other areas in which the notions of optimization and variational methods are employed.