Book Description
Is it beautiful like the residue of a birds hum? The last pound of the blind man drum. The rum of the scum, Is it the scent of a bakers thumb? The beautiful of the slum? The gift of the innocence/ confusion in the solution. A something of nothing or the nothing of something. The surrendered of superficial / is the hug from a poem. The kisses of an I miss you. The leftover dew from a long exotic nightThe last twisting on an erotic knot. Is it the cream that rose to the top/or the sugar rush from the last drop/The simmering of a rainbows nose/ snowflakes un-froze? Is it birds freed/ or insanity caged The teaspoon of humanitys first and last flavor /Drowning of a thought/ or the life saver. Now ask yourself this. Crumbs of a bums cake/Washing your face in midnights rage/ waking up with the good in morning caged/Laying down and sharing your heart with if, possible and maybe Erecting to the world aggression. Is crumbs from wanting the love /but Accepting the Mmmmms on the Fs between the liberations of breaths/ Crumbs of a bum cake where desires are lit or destiny blown outWhere the softest flowers grew into hard like rocks. To taste the crumb of a bums cake / where all senses radiateSparked by a revolution / and the most angelic earthquake partake Accepting the lost in winning/winning to not lose/ still confused by when you win -you still lose. In short, Crumbs of a Bums cake addresses the hardcore battle of drug addictions through six generations.