Organizational Behavior

Book Description

Organizational Behavior is designed to help students, professionals, and managers develop the competencies and skills that are needed to effectively contribute to an organization. This proven text's strengths lie in its classic research, coverage of contemporary and emerging OB topics, and excellent case selection. Throughout the text, seven core competencies-Managing Self, Managing Diversity, Managing Ethics, Managing Across Cultures, Managing Teams, Managing Communications, and Managing Change-are emphasized and illustrated for the student.

The Marriage Book

Book Description

Full of practical advice, this bestselling book by Nicky and Sila Lee is easy to read and designed to prepare, build, and even mend marriages. The Marriage Book is essential reading for any married or engaged couple. This resource addresses questions like: How can we be happily married to one person for our entire life? How do we resolve conflict? How can we discover and rediscover sexual intimacy? The Marriage Course is a series of seven sessions, designed to help couples invest in their relationship and build a strong marriage. It serves as a bridge between the church and local community by recognizing the need to go beyond the social, as well as physical, walls of the church to help couples with their relationships. Marriage Course is easy to run; the talks are available on DVD (sold separately) and each guest and leader receives a manual. If you enjoy hosting people and have a passion for strengthening family life, you could run a course!

Disciplined Mind

Book Description

This brilliant and revolutionary theory of multiple intelligences reexamines the goals of education to support a more educated society for future generations. Howard Gardner’s concept of multiple intelligences has been hailed as perhaps the most profound insight into education since the work of Jerome Bruner, Jean Piaget, and even John Dewey. Here, in The Disciplined Mind, Garner pulls together the threads of his previous works and looks beyond such issues as charters, vouchers, unions, and affirmative action in order to explore the larger questions of what constitutes an educated person and how this can be achieved for all students. Gardner eloquently argues that the purpose of K–12 education should be to enhance students’ deep understanding of the truth (and falsity), beauty (and ugliness), and goodness (and evil) as defined by their various cultures. By exploring the theory of evolution, the music of Mozart, and the lessons of the Holocaust as a set of examples that illuminates the nature of truth, beauty, and morality, The Disciplined Mind envisions how younger generations will rise to the challenges of the future—while preserving the traditional goals of a “humane” education. Gardner’s ultimate goal is the creation of an educated generation that understands the physical, biological, and societal world in their own personal context as well as in a broader world view. But even as Gardner persuasively argues the merits of his approach, he recognizes the difficulty of developing one universal, ideal form of education. In an effort to reconcile conflicting educational viewpoints, he proposes the creation of six different educational pathways that, when taken together, can satisfy people’s concern for student learning and their widely divergent views about knowledge and understanding overall.

The Economics of Altruism

Book Description

This volume contains 34 articles on the economics of altruism published after 1975. The articles are grouped under 6 headings: the emergence of altruistic behaviour, varieties of altruism, the relevance of altruism and selfishness, altruism and allocation of resources, evolutionary dynamics of altruism, extended rationality and altruistic behaviour. It should be welcomed by all those with an interest in economics, philosophy, psychology and sociology.

Geriatric Psycho-Oncology

Book Description

Geriatric Psycho-Oncology is a comprehensive handbook that provides best practice models for the management of psychological, cognitive, and social outcomes of older adults living with cancer and their families. Chapters cover a wide range of topics including screening tools and interventions, psychiatric emergencies and disorders, physical symptom management, communication issues, and issues specific to common cancer sites. A resource section is appended to provide information on national services and programs. This book features contributions from experts designed to help clinicians review, anticipate and respond to emotional issues that often arise in the context of treating older cancer patients. Numerous cross-references and succinct tables and figures make this concise reference easy to use. Geriatric Psycho-Oncology is an ideal resource for helping oncologists and nurses recognize when it may be best to refer patients to their mental health colleagues and for those who are establishing or adding psychosocial components to existing clinics.

White House Years

Book Description

One of the most important books to come out of the Nixon Administration, the New York Times bestselling White House Years covers Henry Kissinger’s first four years (1969–1973) as Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs. Among the momentous events recounted in this first volume of Kissinger’s timeless memoirs are his secret negotiations with the North Vietnamese in Paris to end the Vietnam War, the Jordan crisis of 1970, the India-Pakistan war of 1971, his back-channel and face-to-face negotiations with Soviet leaders to limit the nuclear arms race, his secret journey to China, and the historic summit meetings in Moscow and Beijing in 1972. He covers major controversies of the period, including events in Laos and Cambodia, his “peace is at hand” press conference and the breakdown of talks with the North Vietnamese that led to the Christmas bombing in 1972. Throughout, Kissinger presents candid portraits of world leaders, including Richard Nixon, Anwar Sadat, Golda Meir, Jordan’s King Hussein, Leonid Brezhnev, Chairman Mao and Chou En-lai, Willy Brandt, Charles de Gaulle, and many others. White House Years is Henry Kissinger’s invaluable and lasting contribution to the history of this crucial time.

Quiérete ¡Y MUCHO!

Book Description


Book Description

¿Te has preguntado alguna vez cómo sería vivir si pudieras sentirte bien contigo mismo en todo momento? ¿Imaginas vivir sin importar la opinión de los demás? ¿Alguna vez has despertado sintiendo fastidio, inseguridad, frustración o ansiedad por empezar el día? Si la respuesta es sí, te presento "Reinventa tu Autoestima", un compañero que te enseñará, a través de una combinación de técnicas psicológicas probadas, ejercicios prácticos y anécdotas inspiradoras, cómo superar tus miedos, abrazar tu valía y desarrollar una confianza inigualable en ti mismo. Este es un libro amigable y preciso en cuanto a su contenido, ya que en poco tiempo aprenderás a: Cultivar el amor propio Identificar y sanar heridas del pasado Dejar ir la culpa y la vergüenza Perdonar para sanar Entender la importancia de la autenticidad y la singularidad Superar el autosabotaje Saber manejar los comentarios negativos Establecer límites saludables en tus relaciones interpersonales Opinar sin miedo a las críticas Cambiar patrones de pensamientos negativos Superar el perfeccionismo y la codepedencia Practicar la gratitud en tus días La autoestima es una parte vital de nuestro bienestar emocional y mental. Poder crear una buena vida empieza a partir de hacernos cargo de nuestra vida, dejando de lado culpables y entendiendo que nosotros mismos somos los únicos responsables de nuestras vidas. Sin embargo, muchas personas se sienten inseguras, desvalorizadas y sin valor propio, lo que les impide alcanzar sus metas y disfrutar plenamente de la vida. A través de este libro, descubrirás cómo puedes cambiar esta situación para siempre, transformando tus pensamientos autocríticos en afirmaciones poderosas. En las páginas de este libro, encontrarás consejos prácticos y ejercicios que te ayudarán a elevar tu autoestima y a fortalecer tu confianza. Aprenderás a reconocer tus fortalezas y a aceptarte tal y como eres, así como a superar tus miedos y enfrentarte a tus desafíos con seguridad y determinación. Además de aprender a elevar tu autoestima, descubrirás los numerosos beneficios que esto conlleva tanto para ti como para las personas que te rodean. Te sentirás más feliz, seguro y capaz de alcanzar tus objetivos, mientras mejoras tus relaciones interpersonales. Notarás también cómo mejora tu carrera profesional, tu matrimonio y tu vida familiar. Activar la autoestima es como encender el interruptor de la motivación, lo que te permitirá mejorar tu rendimiento exponencialmente. Tus objetivos serán alcanzables y tus decisiones serán acertadas porque te habrás liberado de la preocupación por la opinión de los demás. Finalmente, comprenderás que la aprobación o desaprobación de los demás no tiene ningún poder sobre ti y tus acciones serán basadas en tus propios valores y metas. En resumen, "Reinventa tu Autoestima" es el amigo que necesitas si quieres aprender a sentirte mejor contigo mismo y alcanzar todo tu potencial. No pierdas la oportunidad de descubrir cómo mejorar tu autoestima y cambiar tu vida para siempre.

El poder de confiar en ti mismo. Aprende a creer en ti, desarrolla tu autoestima, vence tus miedos y ten un pensamiento positivo.

Book Description

¿Te sientes inseguro o con miedo de enfrentar los desafíos de la vida? ¿Quieres mejorar tu confianza y a desarrollar tu autoestima? ¡Este libro es para ti! La autoconfianza es una actitud fundamental para afrontar con éxito los retos de la vida. Aunque no se trata de algo que se tenga o no se tenga, sí es algo que se puede desarrollar y fortalecer a lo largo del tiempo. Con estas claves podrás mejorar tu autoconfianza y afrontar la vida con mayor seguridad y optimismo "El poder de confiar en ti mismo" es una guía práctica y accesible para aprender a confiar en ti y a superar tus miedos. A través de ejercicios y consejos útiles, aprenderás a aceptar tus limitaciones, a perdonarte a ti mismo y a otros, y a tener un pensamiento positivo. Además, descubrirás cómo aumentar tu autoestima y cómo enfrentar los obstáculos de la vida con determinación y valentía. Este libro es perfecto para cualquier persona que desee aprender a confiar en sí misma y a tener una actitud positiva ante la vida. Si quieres superar tus miedos y comenzar a vivir la vida que siempre has querido, ¡"El poder de confiar en ti mismo" es el libro que necesitas!