Curso de Inglés Médico

Book Description

Un método completo de aprendizaje de inglés compuesto por tres libros y seis CD-ROM, dos por cada nivel, que cubren los niveles de aprendizaje básico, intermedio y avanzado. El curso está diseñado para que el usuario lleve a cabo un aprendizaje fácil y gradual, aumentando de nivel progresivamente hasta una completa inmersión lingüística. Desde el libro 1, con las explicaciones en castellano y algunos textos en inglés reproduciendo situaciones cotidianas y otras en las que ya se introduce el vocabulario especializado básico, hasta el libro 3, que está escrito por completo en inglés y cubre las necesidades lingüísticas más avanzadas del profesional sanitario (información y vocabulario muy específicos, redacción de artículos científicos, etc.) Los tres libros, con un diseño muy didáctico y atractivo a todo color, están estructurados en doce unidades que van acompañadas de un test de progreso, glosario, compendio gramatical, transcripción de las locuciones de los CD-ROM y soluciones a todos los ejercicios y actividades planteados en ellos. Cada unidad está organizada en una serie de apartados, correspondientes a los distintos aspectos de la lengua (situación, Reading, listening, gramar, etc.), que incluyen numerosas actividades prácticas y permiten adquirir y ejercitar las destrezas necesarias para el aprendizaje de la lengua. Los seis CD-ROM interactivos están diseñados para potenciar la compresión oral y la comunicación efectiva (actividades de listening, ejercicios de pronunciación con la posibilidad de grabación, etc.), con una navegación muy intuitiva que permite seleccionar de un menú principal la unidad que se desea trabajar y una vez que se accede a ésta, la actividad que se va a realizar. Los CD-ROM incluyen distintos tipos de ejercicios y actividades didácticas que resultan de realización sencilla y amena (campos de selección, drag & lock, check box.), refuerzan el aprendizaje de los distintos niveles de la lengua y complementan lo aprendido en los libros. Course on Medical English for Health Professionals Vol 3 + 2 CD ROMS

Index of NLM Serial Titles

Book Description

A keyword listing of serial titles currently received by the National Library of Medicine.

Michael Aaron Piano Course: Spanish & English Edition (Curso Para Piano), Book 1

Book Description

Cada pieza incorpora nuevos fundamentos de la tí©cnica del piano: Escalas mayores y acordes * Ejercicios rí_tmicos * Transposicií_n * Diccionario Musical y Teorí_a. [Spanish] [The Michael Aaron Piano Course Lesson books have been completely re-engraved, expanded (adding more definitions of musical terms and more musical pieces), updated (with modernized artwork), and re-edited (with less emphasis on fingerings and more on note-reading)].

Michael Aaron Piano Course: Spanish & English Edition (Curso Para Piano), Book 3

Book Description

Este libro ha sido ampliado (agregando más música y explicaciones de términos musicales), actualizado, y editado (con énfasis en lectura de las notas). [Spanish] The Michael Aaron Piano Course Lesson books have been completely re-engraved, expanded (adding more definitions of musical terms and more musical pieces), updated (with modernized artwork), and re-edited (with less emphasis on fingerings and more on note-reading).

Michael Aaron Piano Course: Spanish & English Edition (Curso Para Piano) Primer

Book Description

Estimula al principiante mediante notas y melodías fáciles. Introducción a los rudimentos de la música, desarollo del sentido del ritmo, explicaciones y diagramas del teclado. [Spanish] The Michael Aaron Piano Course Lesson books have been completely re-engraved, expanded (adding more definitions of musical terms and more musical pieces), updated (with modernized artwork), and re-edited (with less emphasis on fingerings and more on note-reading)].

Oxford Picture Dictionary English-Brazilian Portuguese Edition: Bilingual Dictionary for Brazilian Portuguese-speaking teenage and adult students of English

Book Description

4,000 words and phrases are organized thematically within 163 topics. Includes English to Brazilian Portuguese translations of vocabulary throughout, and an extensive index in Brazilian Portuguese at the back of the book. A fully integrated vocabulary development program in American English, progressing from essential words to the more complex, delivered in short thematic units. Realistic scenarios and modern artwork are easy to relate to and these, together with story pages and practice exercises, have been applauded for their success in promoting critical thinking skills. Content is fully supported by a range of components (in English only) - including Workbooks, Classroom Activities, Audio and website.

Oxford Picture Dictionary English-Spanish Edition: Bilingual Dictionary for Spanish-speaking teenage and adult students of English.

Book Description

4,000 words and phrases are organized thematically within 163 topics. Includes English to Spanish translations of vocabulary throughout, and an extensive index in Spanish at the back of the book. A fully integrated vocabulary development program in American English, progressing from essential words to the more complex, delivered in short thematic units. Realistic scenarios and modern artwork are easy to relate to and these, together with story pages and practice exercises, have been applauded for their success in promoting critical thinking skills. Content is fully supported by a range of components (in English only) - including Workbooks, Classroom Activities, Audio and website.

PHTLS Portuguese: Atendimento Pre-hospitalar Traumatizado

Book Description

Are you ready to get started with PHTLS? Experience PHTLS for yourself by previewing a free module from PHTLS Online. Then, complete the NAEMT Instructor Course and learn more about the simple steps to become a PHTLS instructor here. To learn more about becoming an NAEMT Course site, visit this page.Each new print copy of PHTLS: Prehospital Trauma Life Support, Eighth Edition also includes an access code that unlocks a complete eBook and skills videos.PHTLS: Prehospital Trauma Life Support, Eighth Edition is the premier and proven global prehospital trauma education program from NAEMT. For three decades, PHTLS has improved the quality of trauma patient care and has saved lives. The Eighth Edition of PHTLS continues the PHTLS mission to promote excellence in trauma patient management by all providers involved in the delivery of prehospital care through global education.This legendary program was first developed by the National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT) in the early 1980s in cooperation with the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma (ACS-COT). Its medical content is continuously revised and updated to reflect current, state-of-the-art knowledge and practice. PHTLS promotes critical thinking as the foundation for providing quality care. It is based on the belief that EMS practitioners make the best decisions on behalf of their patients when given a good foundation of knowledge and key principles. The Eighth Edition of PHTLS features a new chapter, Physiology of Life and Death. This chapter creates a solid understanding of the physiology of life and pathophysiology that can lead to death. This understanding is essential for the prehospital care provider if abnormalities are to be found and addressed quickly in the trauma patient.Clear Approach to Assessing a Trauma PatientIn the field, seconds count. PHTLS teaches and reinforces the principles of rapidly assessing a trauma patient using an orderly approach, immediately treating life-threatening problems as they are identified, and minimizing any delays in initiating transport to an appropriate destination.Dynamic Technology SolutionsWorld-class content joins instructionally sound design in a user-friendly online interface to give instructors and students a truly interactive and engaging learning experience with:• eBook• Video Demonstrations of Critical Skills• Interactive LecturesPHTLS Online Continuing Education is also available. Click here for additional information.