Cyberarts 2000

Book Description

Compendium of Computer Arts from the Competition Prix Ars Electronica.

Cracked Media

Book Description

"In Cracked Media, Caleb Kelly explores how the deliberate utilization of the normally undesirable (a crack, a break) has become the site of productive creation. Cracked media, Kelly writes, slides across disciplines, through music, sound, and noise. Cracked media encompasses everything from Cage's silences and indeterminacies, to Paik's often humorous tape works, to the cold and clean sounds of digital glitch in the work of Tone and Oval. Kelly offers a detailed historical account of these practices, arguing that they can be read as precursors to contemporary new media.".

The Johns Hopkins Guide to Digital Media

Book Description

The first systematic, comprehensive reference covering the ideas, genres, and concepts behind digital media. The study of what is collectively labeled “New Media”—the cultural and artistic practices made possible by digital technology—has become one of the most vibrant areas of scholarly activity and is rapidly turning into an established academic field, with many universities now offering it as a major. The Johns Hopkins Guide to Digital Media is the first comprehensive reference work to which teachers, students, and the curious can quickly turn for reliable information on the key terms and concepts of the field. The contributors present entries on nearly 150 ideas, genres, and theoretical concepts that have allowed digital media to produce some of the most innovative intellectual, artistic, and social practices of our time. The result is an easy-to-consult reference for digital media scholars or anyone wishing to become familiar with this fast-developing field.

The Art and Science of Interface and Interaction Design (Vol. 1)

Book Description

Artists and creators in interactive art and interaction design have long been conducting research on human-machine interaction. Through artistic, conceptual, social and critical projects, they have shown how interactive digital processes are essential elements for their artistic creations. Resulting prototypes have often reached beyond the art arena into areas such as mobile computing, intelligent ambiences, intelligent architecture, fashionable technologies, ubiquitous computing and pervasive gaming. Many of the early artist-developed interactive technologies have influenced new design practices, products and services of today's media society. This book brings together key theoreticians and practitioners of this field. It shows how historically relevant the issues of interaction and interface design are, as they can be analyzed not only from an engineering point of view but from a social, artistic and conceptual, and even commercial angle as well.

Next sex

Book Description

Die medizinisch, gentechnische Einflussnahme auf die menschliche Reproduktion wird in absehbarer Zeit die gewohnten ZusammenhAnge von Sex, Liebe, Fortpflanzung und Familie aufheben. In der Zusammenschau von wissenschaftlichen und kA1/4nstlerischen Positionen wird den Konturen einer Gesellschaft nachgespA1/4rt, in der Menschen genetisch konfiguriert, nicht einfach geboren, sondern gemacht werden, in der Sex seiner funktionalen Notwendigkeit fA1/4r die Fortpflanzung entledigt ist und damit der Kampf der Geschlechter, aber auch die moralische Steuerung unserer Gesellschaft neu geordnet werden. Ein Ausflug in die Zukunft des Menschen, um aus der Diskussion des MAglichen EntwA1/4rfe fA1/4r die Gestaltung unseres Weges dorthin zu entwickeln. Ein Unterfangen, in dem Kunst nicht auf das moralische Gewissen der Gesellschaft beschrAnkt bleiben darf. In dieser weit A1/4ber die wissenschaftlichen Aspekte des Themenkomplexes Reproduktionsbiologie hinausgehenden Publikation stehen gesellschaftspolitisch brisante Fragen im Vordergrund. Der kA1/4nstlerische Kontext bietet Platz fA1/4r Visionen und eine Asthetische AnnAherung an das Thema.

Imagery in the 21st Century

Book Description

Scholars from science, art, and humanities explore the meaning of our new image worlds and offer new strategies for visual analysis. We are surrounded by images as never before: on Flickr, Facebook, and YouTube; on thousands of television channels; in digital games and virtual worlds; in media art and science. Without new efforts to visualize complex ideas, structures, and systems, today's information explosion would be unmanageable. The digital image represents endless options for manipulation; images seem capable of changing interactively or even autonomously. This volume offers systematic and interdisciplinary reflections on these new image worlds and new analytical approaches to the visual. Imagery in the 21st Century examines this revolution in various fields, with researchers from the natural sciences and the humanities meeting to achieve a deeper understanding of the meaning and impact of the image in our time. The contributors explore and discuss new critical terms of multidisciplinary scope, from database economy to the dramaturgy of hypermedia, from visualizations in neuroscience to the image in bio art. They consider the power of the image in the development of human consciousness, pursue new definitions of visual phenomena, and examine new tools for image research and visual analysis.

Virtual Theatres

Book Description

Giannachi offers an investigation of the interface between theatre performance & digital arts, investigating the aesthetic concerns of current computer arts practices & showing how they radically question our conventional uses & definitions of time, space, place, character, identity & realness.


Book Description