Saint John of the Cross for Every Day

Book Description

A thought for each day of the year from selected writings of St. John of the Cross.

You Set My Spirit Free

Book Description

Rekindling the Inner FireWritings that touch the pure-flaming heart of God ... from the men and women who walked with Him through the ages ... guiding into a deeper friendship with the "Father of Lights."John of the Cross (1549-1591) was one of the brightest spiritual lights of the dark and tumultuous 1500s. His teaching led thousands to inner freedom from "the dark night of the soul"--the state of spiritual blindness in which most of us live our days, unaware that God is right beside us, in love, in freeing power. Through great opposition and danger, John taught countless men and women how to find freedom in the Spirit.John's words and deep understanding of spiritual truth will also help you find a richer experience of God, leading you to:a fresh infilling of the love of the Father.renewed wonder at the beauty and holiness of Jesus, our Lord and brother.the discovery of the Holy Spirit's presence, helping you daily, with new strength and freedom from within.Treasured and classic writings that have had a profound impact on the church down through the ages.

Saint John of the Cross

Book Description

Saint John of the Cross is the Church's premier teacher on contemplative prayer. Catholic tradition even calls him the Mystical Doctor. The sixteenth-century Carmelite priest not only wrote four massive treatises on the spiritual life, along with some of the finest poetry in the Spanish language, but also worked alongside Teresa of Ávila in renewing the Carmelite order. Thérèse of Lisieux claimed she found no other spiritual reading that could satisfy her soul like John of the Cross. Yet the volume and intensity of Saint John's work can make his teachings seem daunting, even to trained theologians. This book by Father Donald Haggerty, author of The Contemplative Hunger and Contemplative Enigmas, offers readers a unique step-by-step introduction to the way of contemplation as Saint John understood it and taught it—a burning, transformative intimacy with the God who made us. Furnished abundantly with quotations from across the Mystical Doctor's writings, this guidebook confronts the mysteries, difficulties, and joys of prayer, showing how silent contemplation prepares our hearts for an unspeakable love. For all his theological richness, Saint John gave practical, realistic advice on navigating the world of contemplation, and Father Haggerty—a spiritual director for decades—applies these principles to our lives today. Whether you are new to prayer or have been praying since childhood, you will find an illuminating and surprising companion in Saint John of the Cross: Master of Contemplation.

A Lenten Journey with Jesus Christ and St. John of the Cross

Book Description

"O Lord, my God, who will seek you with simple and pure love, and not find that you are all one can desire, for you show yourself first and go out to meet those who seek you?" With these beautiful words, St. John of the Cross places before us God's great invitation of Love. He reminds us that it is God who fulfills our desires, God who yearns for us, and God who will come to us if we seek Him. Accept the invitation to journey through Lent with Jesus Christ and one of the great spiritual writers of the Catholic Church, St. John of the Cross. Inside you will find an Invitation from St. John of the Cross, a short biography of St. John of the Cross, a History of Lent, and St. John of the Cross on following Jesus. Each day of Lent, weekdays and Sundays, begins with: a Gospel Reading, a selection from the Writings of St. John of the Cross, a Reflection, and a Prayer. Let this book help you explore the spiritual wisdom of St. John of the Cross and the journey to God.

Writings of John of the Cross (Annotated)

Book Description

With: Historical commentary Biographical info Appendix with further readings For nearly 2,000 years, Christian mystics, martyrs, and sages have documented their search for the divine. Their writings have bestowed boundless wisdom upon subsequent generations. But they have also burdened many spiritual seekers. The sheer volume of available material creates a seemingly insurmountable obstacle. Enter the Upper Room Spiritual Classics series, a collection of authoritative texts on Christian spirituality curated for the everyday reader. Designed to introduce 15 spiritual giants and the range of their works, these volumes are a first-rate resource for beginner and expert alike. John of the Cross, a 16th-century Carmelite monk, used vivid metaphors and biblical stories to describe a process of detachment from earthly desires. His experience, which he described as the "dark night of the soul," freed him to receive God's blessings. John's writings have inspired countless Christians over the centuries.

Lamps of Fire

Book Description

The Collected Works of St. John of the Cross

Book Description

This revised edition of The Collected Works of St. John of the Cross was produced to mark the fourth centenary of the death of St. John of the Cross (1542–1591). The result is an English translation of his writings that preserves the authentic meaning of the great mystic’s writings, presents them as clearly as possible, and at the same time gives the reader the doctrinal and historical information that will lead to a deeper understanding and appreciation of the teachings of the Mystical Doctor. Included in The Collected Works are St. John’s poetry, The Ascent of Mount Carmel, The Dark Night, The Spiritual Canticle, and The Living Flame of Love, as well as his extant letters and other counsels. More Information: Complementing St. John’s writings are a comprehensive General Introduction for the entire work, as well as brief, enlightening introductions for each specific work, explaining theme and structure. These are enhanced by new and expanded footnotes and a glossary of terms. About the Translators Kieran Kavanaugh, O.C.D. Father Kieran, a native of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, made his profession as a Discalced Carmelite in 1947. He has held several important positions within the order, including prior, formation director, and provincial councilor. A founding member of the Institute of Carmelite Studies, he subsequently served as its chair, as well as publisher of ICS Publications. Father Kieran’s major contributions in the field of Carmelite studies are his translations from the Spanish of the works of St. Teresa of Jesus and St. John of the Cross, in collaboration with Father Otilio Rodriguez. He also was the English translator of God Speaks in the Night: The Life, Times and Teaching of St. John of the Cross, a pictorial biography of St. John of the Cross commemorating the 400th anniversary of his death, published in several languages. In addition to translations, Father Kieran is also the author of two ICS Publications’ study editions of the works of St. Teresa, and has written several other books on St. Teresa and St. John of the Cross. Father Kieran has lectured and written widely on the teaching of both of these Carmelite saints. He is a member of the Discalced Carmelite community in Washington, D.C. Otilio Rodriguez, O.C.D. Father Otilio was born in Mantinos, Palencia, Spain, and was a Carmelite for more than fifty years. He was provincial of the Burgos province several times and also served as rector of the Discalced Carmelites’ international pontifical theological faculty, the Teresianum, in Rome. Father Otilio was one of the founders of the Institutum Historicum Teresianum and was a member of the Institute of Carmelite Studies. Both internationally and throughout the United States he gave retreats and lectures on Carmelite history and spirituality and wrote extensively on Carmelite subjects. Father Otilio died in Rome in 1994.