Dandong, I Love You: The Chinese Dream

Book Description

Dandong, I Love You is the fourth and final story in the trilogy set in Dalian, Harbin, and Dandong, China, and Toronto, Canada. The Dandong story includes a look inside North Korea, right across the river from the city on China's north-east border.

The Chinese Dream: China, I Love You

Book Description

The Chinese Dream: China, I Love You is an omnibus edition with three short novels and a short story, all about love, featuring a Canadian doctor who changes his name to Bethune and goes to China, taking a cure for cancer with him, to make millions going against the mainstream Western medication establishment and saving millions while making millions.

Dalian, I Love You: The American Dream

Book Description

Can a doctor from Canada, named Bethune, find love in China? Dalian, I Love You is the second novel in the series called "China, I Love".

Love and Peace, Health and Wealth, With Grace and Ease and Perfect Timing: New Age Prayers And Poems

Book Description

Love and Peace, Health and Wealth, With Grace and Ease and Perfect Timing: New Age Prayers And Poems, by Martin Avery, DISH, is all about praying, manifesting, opening a coning, working on enlightenment, staying in heaven while surrounded by devas but still working on enlightenment, and waking up before you die.

Kaifaqu, I Love You: A Canadian Poet In China

Book Description

Kaifaqu, I Love You: A Canadian Poet In China, by Martin Avery, is a collection of poems about love and enlightenment set in a city of seven million between the Black Mountains and the Yellow Sea, called Dalian, in a special part of the city that has an urban core like Manhattan with a mountain backdrop called Daheishan or Big Monk Mountain.

Gretzky Versus Orr (In China): Poetry On Ice

Book Description

Gretzky Versus Orr (In China): Poetry On Ice, by Martin Avery, describes two Canuck expats in China rehashing that same old argument about who was the greatest hockey player in the history of the sport. A book boys will love!

Ace Bailey Versus Roger Crozier: Epic Poetry

Book Description

Ace Bailey Versus Roger Crozier: Epic Poetry is a book about two great Canadian hockey legends from Bracebridge, Muskoka, Ontario, Canada. This is a book that boys will enjoy! It looks at the legends and then the author imagines an epic battle between the two superstars. Avery also connects his own story to the legends as he comes from the same place as the two stars and they were big influences in his life.

My Chinese Dream

Book Description

An unprecedented, unflinching, warts-and-all rags to riches story of one of China's most successful female entrepreneurs.

Journey of a Thousand Miles

Book Description

Journey of a Thousand Miles tells the remarkable story of a boy who sacrificed almost everything – family, financial security, childhood and his reputation in China’s insular classical music world – to fulfil his promise as a classical pianist. Lang Lang was born in Shenyang in north-eastern China just after the end of the Cultural Revolution. He began piano lessons at three years old and by age ten had been awarded a place at the Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing. In order to continue his studies he moved thousands of miles from home, living with his exacting father in a cramped, shared apartment, while his mother stayed at home to earn the money to pay his fees. At fifteen he moved to the United States to take up a scholarship at the Curtis Institute in Philadelphia; by nineteen he was selling out Carnegie Hall. His tutor and mentor Daniel Barenboim was perhaps the first to describe him as ‘extraordinarily talented’; today his assessment is shared by millions. Now in adulthood, Lang Lang tours relentlessly, delighting sell-out audiences with his trademark flamboyance and showmanship. Journey of a Thousand Miles is a tale of heartbreak, drama and ultimately triumph. His inspiring story demonstrates the courage and self-sacrifice required to achieve artistic greatness.

China Dreams

Book Description

The year 2019 marked a number of significant anniversaries for the People’s Republic of China (PRC), each representing different ‘Chinese dreams’. There was the centennial of the May Fourth Movement — a dream of patriotism and cultural renewal. The PRC celebrated its seventieth anniversary — a dream of revolution and national strength. It was also thirty years since the student-led Protest Movement of 1989 — dreams of democracy and free expression crushed by government dreams of unity and stability. Many of these ‘dreams’ recurred in new guises in 2019. President Xi Jinping tightened his grip on power at home while calling for all citizens to ‘defend China’s honour abroad’. Escalating violence in Hong Kong, the ongoing suppression of Uyghurs in Xinjiang, and deteriorating Sino-US relations dominated the headlines. Alongside stories about China’s advances in artificial intelligence and geneticially modified babies and its ambitions in the Antarctic and outer space, these issues fuelled discussion about what Xi’s own ‘China Dream’ of national rejuvenation means for Chinese citizens and the rest of the world. The China Story Yearbook: China Dreams reflects on these issues and more. It surveys the dreams, illusions, aspirations, and nightmares that coexisted (and clashed) in 2019 in China and beyond. As ever, we take a cross-disciplinary perspective that recognises the inextricable links between economy, politics, culture, history, language, and society. The Yearbook, with its accessible analysis of the main events and trends of the year, is an essential tool for understanding China’s growing power and influence around the world.