Date of Gautama Buddha's disincarnation

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The master key to all imponderables of the nebular theory is the Cosmogony of the Archaic Doctrine

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Like bricks already baked, of various qualities, shapes and colour, that are no longer formless clay but have become fit units of a future wall, the cloud of dust and gas between stars is the storehouse of the materials from which new stars, planets, and other celestial bodies are produced. It is thus that star-clusters are destroyed by the Architects of the visible Universe, but to be rebuild and fashioned into new Worlds. The matter within our Solar system is in an entirely different state from that which is outside or beyond the system. Since the three dimensions (length-breadth-thickness) belong only to one characteristic of matter, i.e., extension, common sense justly rebels against the suggestion that there can be more than three. The Septenary Constitution of Space will become visible when the so-called “fourth dimension of space,” i.e., the Sixth characteristic of matter and harbinger of the Sixth Sense, is fully awakened. The turn of a four-dimensional plane of the world (the realm of atoms) is near, but till then the puzzle of the astronomer will continue until his concepts reach the natural dimensions of visible invisible space in its septenary completeness. Gravity is an obsolete law in starry heaven. Among the materialists, gravity is the summit of the all-potent imponderables. But among the students of the Sacred Science, gravity in one of the attributes of differentiation manifested as the Law of Attraction and Repulsion between various states of matter. The arrangement of the nebulae suggests that some other force than gravitation was the active agent. The Solar System is as much the Microcosm of One Macrocosm, as man is the former when compared with his own little solar cosmos.

Antiquity of the Atlanto-Aryan tribes in Europe

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Occult records make no difference between the Atlantean ancestors of the old Greeks and those of the Romans. The blood of the true Roman was Hellenic from the outset. With the exception of a few Latin families, descendants of Umbro-Sabellian stock from the East, the bulk of the “Founders of Rome” were assorted remnants of primitive tribes. The old Romans were Hellenes in a new ethnological disguise; the still older Greeks, the real blood ancestors of the succeeding Romans, i.e., Aeolians, Dorians and Ionians, were the dwarfed and weak remnants of the Atlantean Race. The Aeolians were a small tribe of the last sub-race of Atlanteans that survived when Plato’s Poseidonis, the very last island of Atlantis, sank as recently as 12 millennia ago. A number of small islands scattered around Poseidonis had been vacated, in consequence of earthquakes long before the final catastrophe. One of the small tribes, the Aeolians, who had become islanders after emigrating from far Northern countries, had to leave their home again for fear of a deluge. Through their original connection with the emerging Aryan race, the old Aeolians were Atlanteans not only by the power of their long residence in the now submerged continent, covering some thousands of years, but also by the free intermingling of blood, i.e., intermarriage with the new race. They sailed from beyond the Pillars of Hercules (Atlantic Ocean), and settled in the land of Pyrrha or Red, the oldest name of Thessaly, which they named Aeolia. In that mythical age, Greece, Crete, Sicily, Sardinia, and many other islands of the Mediterranean were simply the faraway possessions or colonies of Atlantis. The legend that the ancient forefathers of the Thessalonians, so renowned for their magical feats, had come from behind the Pillars of Hercules, and the critical moment when the Epireans crossed the Pindus bent on expelling the black magicians from their home to Bœotia, make perfect sense to the Occultist. The fable of Prometheus relates to the extinction of the civilized portions of the Fourth Race, whom he saved partially as seed for future humanity. Its origin antecedes the destruction of Poseidonis by more than 70 millennia. There was a time when the Indian peninsula was at one end of the line, and South America at the other, connected by a belt of islands and continents. For Atlantis was not merely the name of one island but that of a whole continent, many of whose isles and islets have to this day survived. Consentes, Complices, and Novensiles, were disguised relics of the Atlanteans. Though the last island of Atlantis perished 12 millennia ago, the Aryan Race had begun evolving nearly 1000 millennia earlier.

Early theosophical doctrines expounded by H.P. Blavatsky

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The Secrets of Nature and of Occult Sciences cannot be revealed to the profane, who will desecrate them and turn into a weapon against humanity. They can only be imparted to a regular chela of many years’ standing, pledged to silence and secrecy during his successive initiations. Such Secrets do exist and are defended with one’s life. Occult Truth is Nature without the illusory veil of the Five Senses. Reason is purely human; instinct, an endowment of Deity. Sixth Sense is Reason over instinct, i.e., Mental Fire perceiving and registering the other Five. The Sixth Sense is spiritual clairvoyance, as opposed to psychic. The former is normal and real; the latter, abnormal and counterfeit. Not before developing his Sixth Sense, will the man of science concede the error of his theories as to the solar spectrum, unless he retracts his marked weakness for conditional and disjunctive syllogisms ending in eternal dilemmas. Appearances are deceitful, says a Master of Wisdom. While the astronomer has elucidated the visible relations of the orbs of space, he knows nothing of their inner constitution. Similarly, the knowledge of geologist and physiologist is confined to man’s outer shell. The Adept cannot cross bodily the limits of the solar system, yet he knows that far stretching beyond the telescopic power of detection there are systems upon systems, the smallest of which would, when compared with the system of Sirius, make the latter seem like an atom of dust imbedded in the great Gobi desert. Divine Wisdom alone can carry us to the perfect state of Jivanmukta, by teaching us what is true and what is false. Till then, the next best thing to learning what is true is to ascertain what is not true. With biographical notes on Frederick W.H. Myers, Sir William Crookes, and Johann Karl Friedrich Zöllner.

The noble genius of Paracelsus

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Paracelsus was the most wondrous intellect of his age and original thinker. Bold creator of chemical medicines, founder of courageous parties, ever victorious in controversy. He belonged to those great minds who have created a new mode of thinking on the natural existence of things. More than one pathologist, chemist, homœopathist, and magnetist has quenched his thirst for knowledge in his books. Alkahest, a Paracelsian term for which there is no end to the assumed explanations, is Chaos, i.e., primordial undifferentiated substance, containing within itself the essence of all that goes to make up man, including the “breath of life” itself in a latent state, ready to be awakened. Chaos is another name for Æther, the celestial virgin and spiritual mother of every form and being in the manifested world. Alkahest was used by Paracelsus to denote the menstruum or universal solvent that is capable of reducing all things. But the real alkahest is the all-pervading Divine Spirit of the higher Initiate, not the all-geist of the inferior Alchemist. Paracelsus was the greatest chemist of his age and peer of modern scientists. But he exhausted his ingenuity in endless transpositions of letters and abbreviations of words and sentences. For example, when he wrote sutratur he meant tartar; and by mutrin, nitrum! By mercurius vitæ, he meant the living spirit or aura of silver, not the quicksilver. Paracelsus declared that the affinity between stars and man is due to their identical composition. Embodied existence is the outcome of reciprocal sympathies and antipathies between the starry sky and man. Our body comes from terrestrial elements; the thinking principle, from the stars. It is not the spirits of heaven and hell that are the masters of nature but the Spirit of Man which is concealed in him, as the fire is concealed in the flint. Every living being possesses his own celestial power and is closely allied with heaven. The fact that everyone affects another and all, mutually and reciprocally, is evidence of the universal sympathy and antipathy that exists between everyone and everything. Éliphas Lévi quotes approvingly the doctrine of Paracelsus that every man, animal, and plant bears external and internal evidence of the influences dominant at the moment of germinal development. Pure magic stems from the imperial will of man. Will is neither spirit nor substance but everlasting ideation. Determined will is the beginning of all magical operations. Paracelsus is the father of modern magic and proponent of the occult physics of the Kabbalah and Magnetism. True Magic is occult wisdom; reason, the folly of man. No armour can protect against Black Magic, for it injures the inward spirit of life. But there is a divine power in every man, which is to rule his life, and which no one can influence for evil, not even the greatest magician. Let men bring their lives under its guidance, and they have nothing to fear from man or devil. The great Adept removed disease by applying a healthy organism to the afflicted part. Watch out! A would-be healer, who is physically or morally ill, not only fails to heal but often imparts his illness to his patient, thus robbing him of what strength he may have. The divine spirit is a great thing, so great that no one can fully express its greatness. It requires no conjuration or ceremonies. Circle-making and incense burning are all tomfoolery and temptation by which only evil spirits are attracted, says Paracelsus. If we only knew the power of the heart, nothing would be impossible for us. The whole world is one living organism and outcome of a single creative effort. There is no death and nothing “dead” throughout nature. Neither the form of man, nor that of any animal, plant or stone has ever been “created,” and it is only on this plane of ours that it commenced becoming, by expanding from within without, from the most sublimated and supersensuous essence into its grossest appearance in the abyss of matter. According to the Hermetico-Kabbalistic philosophy of Paracelsus, it is Yliaster that evolved out of its “chaotic” self a new Kosmos. Yliaster is the universal matrix of Kosmos, the Father-Mother within. It is beyond space, time, and intellectual comprehension. Yliaster is Anima Mundi, the noumenon of Astral Light, and a cosmic veil between earth and the waters of Space that sprang out of Chaos. The Swiss-German Adept rediscovered some of the lost secrets of the Phrygian priests and the Asclepieia. He was a learned Theosophist and a far-famed physician-Occultist. He taught that Fire, i.e., the Spirit of the Flame, is the highest God. The Hermetic Fire is a ray of the One eternal and infinite Flame that starts from, and is immediately reabsorbed into, the parent essence. The Spirit of the Flame is invisible to all except to the eyes of another immortal Spirit. The occult properties of medicinal plants and minerals, and of the curative powers of certain things in nature, are far more important and useful than metaphysical and psychological Occultism or Theophany.

Madame Blavatsky on the trans-Himalayan Fraternity

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The acquisition of the highest knowledge and power requires not only many years of the severest study enlightened by a superior intelligence and an audacity bent by no peril; but also as many years of retreat in comparative solitude, and association with but students pursuing the same object, in a locality where nature itself preserves like the neophyte an absolute and unbroken stillness if not silence! Where the air is free for hundreds of miles around of all mephitic influence; the atmosphere and human magnetism absolutely pure, and no animal blood is spilt.

Madame Blavatsky on Apollonius of Tyana

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With appended selections from Philostratus’ The Life of Apollonius of Tyana, translated by F.C. Conybeare.

Lohans are the mellifluous disciples of Tathagata

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Tsong-kha-pa, the founder of the Gelug-pa Order of Tibetan Buddhism, was an incarnation of Amita-Buddha Himself. He was not, as is alleged by Parsi scholars, an incarnation of one of the celestial Dhyanis, or the five heavenly Buddhas, said to have been created by Shakyamuni after he had risen to Nirvana. He was an incarnation of Amita-Buddha Himself. Tsong-kha-pa gave the signs, whereby the presence of one of the twenty-five Bodhisattvas, or of the Celestial Buddhas in a human body, might be recognized. He also strictly forbade necromancy. This led to a split amongst the Lamas, and the malcontents allied themselves with the aboriginal Böns against the reformed Lamaism. It is curious to note the great importance given by European Orientalists to the Dalai Lamas of Lhasa, and their utter ignorance as to the Tda-shu (Teshu) Lamas, while it is the latter who began the hierarchical series of Buddha-incarnations, for they are the de facto “popes” in Tibet. The works of the Orientalists are full of the direct landmarks of Arhats, possessed of thaumaturgic powers — but these are spoken of with unconcealed scorn. If, after the beginning of persecution against Buddhism, the Arhats were no more heard of in India, it was because, their vows prohibiting retaliation, they had to leave the country and seek solitude and security in China, Tibet, Japan, and elsewhere. It was a historical rehearsal of the dramas that were enacted centuries later in Christendom. Whosoever among those Initiates of the Supreme Degree revealed to a profane a single one of the Truths, even the smallest of the secrets entrusted to him, had to die; and he who received the confidence, was also put to death. Yet this secrecy and this profound mystery are indeed disheartening, since the Initiates of India and Tibet alone could thoroughly dissipate the thick mists hanging over the history of Occultism, and force its claims to be recognized. Among the commandments of Tsong-kha-pa there is one that enjoins the Arhats to make an attempt to enlighten the world, including the “white barbarians,” every century, at a certain period of the cycle. Up to the present day none of these attempts has been very successful. Failure has followed failure.