Deconstructing Obama

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Did Obama write his own books and is the story they tell true? “I've written two books,” Barack Obama told a crowd of teachers in July of 2008. “I actually wrote them myself.” The teachers exploded in laughter. They got the joke: lesser politicians were not bright enough to do the same. During the 2008 presidential campaign, Obama supporters pointed to the first of those two books, the 1995 memoir, Dreams from My Father, as proof of Obama’s superior intellect. Time magazine called Dreams “the best-written memoir ever produced by an American politician.” The Obama campaign machine traded on the candidate’s literary reputation, encouraging volunteers to “get out the vote and keep talking to others about the genius of Barack Obama.” There was just one small flaw, as writer and literary detective Jack Cashill discovered months before the November 2008 election: nothing in Obama’s history suggested he was capable of writing either Dreams or his 2006 book, The Audacity of Hope. In fact, as Cashill continued his research, he came to the shocking conclusion that the real craftsman behind Dreams was terrorist emeritus Bill Ayers. “This was a charge,” David Remnick admits in his definitive Obama biography, The Bridge, “that if ever proved true, or believed to be true among enough voters, could have been the end of the candidacy.” Deconstructing Obama tells the story of what happens when a citizen journalist discovers a game-changing reality that the media refuse to acknowledge. Despite their rejection, Cashill expanded his research into Obama’s literary canon. As he came to see, if Dreams serves as sacred text, the poem “Pop” is the Rosetta stone, the key to deciphering Obama’s shrouded past, his fragile psyche, and his uniquely cryptic political life. In unlocking that past, Cashill discovered that the story that Obama has been telling all his life varies from the true story in ways big and small. In fact, much of Obama’s life story appears to be a wholly constructed fabrication, one that Jack Cashill “deconstructs” to show the world just who Barack Obama really is.

"You Lie!"

Book Description

A devastating catalog of Barack Obama’s numerous evasions, misleading statements and blatant lies, from statements in his national bestseller Dreams from My Father to “You can keep your health plan,” PolitiFact’s 2013 “Lie of the Year.” During President Obama’s address to Congress in November 2009, Representative Joe Wilson of South Carolina shouted, “You lie!” As Jack Cashill details, the president has been lying about his personal history and his political philosophy from the beginning of his political career. Yet throughout his meteoric rise and the first five years of his presidency, the liberal media turned a blind eye to his numerous evasions, contradictions, misstatements, deceptions, untruths, and outright falsehoods. It wasn’t until the disastrous Obamacare rollout that the president’s lies caught up with him. Finally, it was impossible even for the mainstream media to ignore the president’s repeated assertions that all Americans could keep their health care plans and family doctors if they so chose. In You Lie! conservative journalist and author Jack Cashill provides a devastating compendium of the president’s false and misleading statements on matters great and small, from the deliberate distortions in his celebrated memoir, Dreams from My Father, to his rise to the White House and his years as president.

Unmasking Obama

Book Description

During the Obama years, an asymmetrical media war was waged to control the critical first draft of American history. There is no fair way to record that history without first acknowledging the war. The field of battle shaped up as follows: on the right, the alternative conservative media and the “responsible” right, occasionally working together, often working at odds; on the left, the mainstream media, the social media giants, Hollywood, Broadway, the federal bureaucracies, the national security apparatus, and what Ray Bradbury would call “firemen”—the virtual book burners, amateur and professional. Rarely at odds, these forces routinely worked together to amplify what Obama adviser Ben Rhodes famously called the White House’s “messaging campaign.” Money, resources, and power overwhelmingly favored the left, but the right had the equalizer on its side—the truth.

The Case Against Barack Obama

Book Description

He's the media's darling, the fresh face of the Democratic ticket. But what does Barack Obama really stand for--and will his extreme liberal agenda and complete inexperience in global affairs endanger the country? That's what David Freddoso, investigative reporter and National Review Online columnist, examines in The Case Against Barack Obama.

No He Can't

Book Description

Accepting his party's presidential nomination in the summer of 2008, Barack Obama beamed while Denver's stadium rocked with gauzy chants from adoring admirers. But looming beyond the deafening roar was a harsh reality that too few were willing to face just yet: Some "hope" is too audacious to believe, and just because a smooth talker proclaims something, doesn't make it true. Now, long after the honeymoon has ended and the national mood soured toward the 44th U.S. president, nationally syndicated radio talk-show host and columnist Kevin McCullough?the first pundit to predict Obama's rise to the presidency?provides an alarming perspective on the man he has watched closely since the aspiring commander-in-chief was an obscure community organizer on Chicago's South Side. You'll learn: How Barack Obama's first act as president to sign into law taxpayer-funded abortion How his administration has systematically and intentionally created federal dependents Why Obama's actions prove he believes American Exceptionalism is a myth The outrageous lengths the president is willing to go to as he undermines our national security From Obama's radical economic policy and dubious skills in national security to his administration's disdain for individual liberty and constitutional constraints on the power of the executive branch, McCullough lays out a convincing case for why, early on, he labeled Obama "one of the most dangerous politicians our generation will see." Real hope is possible. While delving into Obama's flawed governance, McCullough also charts a way out, and forward, for the America that once was and can be again. It is a way of clarity and common sense in a tried-and-true direction?a way that is diametrically opposed to the disappointing course set by the current resident of the Oval Office.

A Crisis Wasted

Book Description

“The blow by blow story of a president and his team wasting the ‘opportunity’ of the Great Recession to change the fundamentals of the economy.” —Steven Brill, New York Times–bestselling author This book is the compelling story of President Obama’s domestic policy decisions made between September 2008 and his inauguration on January 20, 2009. Barack Obama determined the fate of his presidency before he took office. His momentous decisions led to Donald Trump, for Obama the worst person imaginable, taking his place eight years later. This book describes these decisions and discusses how the results could have been different. Based on dozens of interviews with actors in the Obama transition, as well as the author’s personal observations, this book provides unique commentary of those defining decisions of winter 2008–2009. A decade later, the ramifications of the Great Recession and the role of government in addressing the crisis animate the ideological battle between progressivism and neoliberalism in the Democratic Party and the radical direction of the Republican Party. As many seek the presidency in the November 2020 election, all candidates and of course the eventual winner will face decisions that may be as critical and difficult as those confronted by Barack Obama. This book aims to provide the guidance of history. “A powerfully lucid, compelling and surprising achievement . . . makes a subtle but irresistible argument that, given the conservative undertow of American politics, liberals and progressives who are serious about change can’t just wing it but must prepare detailed economic policy analyses and prescriptions long in advance of taking power.” —Congressman Jamie Raskin, Representative from Maryland’s 8th District

At the Brink

Book Description

Barack Obama has taken America to the brink of financial ruin. Will we be able to stop before we go over the edge? Author John Lott sounds the alarm as he documents the economic challenges we face with four more years of an Obama presidency, and builds an case for fundamental change—the kind we need to save America.

Empire's New Clothes

Book Description

As Obama nears the middle of his first-term as president Paul Street assesses his performance against the expectations of his supporters. While mainstream journalists have noted discrepancies between Obama's original vision and reality, Paul Street uniquely measures Obama's record against the expectations of the truly progressive agenda many of his supporters expected him to follow. Taken together, the list of Obama's weakened policies is startling: his business-friendly measures with the economy, the lack of support for the growing mass of unemployed and poor, the dilution of his health reform agenda, the passage of a record-setting Pentagon budget, and escalation of US military violence in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, and Somalia. Street's account reveals these and many other indications of how deeply beholden Obama is to existing dominant domestic and global hierarchies and doctrines.

A Consequential President

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Recounts the accomplishments of President Obama during his eight years in office, considering his major successes and how he was able to govern while facing both racial hostility and unrealistic expectations.

The Scandalous Presidency of Barack Obama

Book Description

“I’m proud of the fact that [...] we’re probably the first administration in modern history that hasn’t had a major scandal in the White House.” So President Barack Obama boldly declared before leaving office, and numerous times since. But is it true? Not according to Matt Margolis, bestselling co-author of The Worst President in History: The Legacy of Barack Obama. Margolis lays out the details of literally dozens of Obama administration scandals that have been ignored, downplayed, or covered-up by the mainstream media. From “Fast and Furious,” to the illegal IRS targeting of conservative groups, to the recent NSA spying outrage, Margolis makes a powerful case that the Obama years represented nearly a decade of lawless and abusive governance. While Obama and his allies attempt to spin the narrative that his presidency represented a time of pristine politics, it’s critically important that Americans understand the truth—Barack Obama brought to Washington corrupt Chicago-machine politics of cronyism and corporate payoffs, combined with audacious Alinskyite tactics aimed at dividing Americans and destroying his opponents. Obama’s legacy will be discussed and debated for decades. But in the early months after he left office, more scandals have been uncovered—most notably an illegal scheme of using the NSA to spy on his political opponents and the frightening decision to block the prosecution of Iranian-backed terrorists. Far from being a virtuous New Camelot, the Obama administration abused its power like few others.