Defects in Optoelectronic Materials

Book Description

Defects in Optoelectronic Materials bridges the gap between device process engineers and defect physicists by describing current problems in device processing and current understanding of these defects based on defect physics. The volume covers defects and their behaviors in epitaxial growth, in various processes such as plasma processing, deposition and implantation, and in device degradation. This book also provides graduate students cutting-edge information on devices and materials interaction.

Defects In Functional Materials

Book Description

The research of functional materials has attracted extensive attention in recent years, and its advancement nitrifies the developments of modern sciences and technologies like green sciences and energy, aerospace, medical and health, telecommunications, and information technology. The present book aims to summarize the research activities carried out in recent years devoting to the understanding of the physics and chemistry of how the defects play a role in the electrical, optical and magnetic properties and the applications of the different functional materials in the fields of magnetism, optoelectronic, and photovoltaic etc.

Defects in Nanocrystals

Book Description

Defects in Nanocrystals: Structural and Physico-Chemical Aspects discusses the nature of semiconductor systems and the effect of the size and shape on their thermodynamic and optoelectronic properties at the mesoscopic and nanoscopic levels. The nanostructures considered in this book are individual nanometric crystallites, nanocrystalline films, and nanowires of which the thermodynamic, structural, and optical properties are discussed in detail. The work: Outlines the influence of growth processes on their morphology and structure Describes the benefits of optical spectroscopies in the understanding of the role and nature of defects in nanostructured semiconductors Considers the limits of nanothermodynamics Details the critical role of interfaces in nanostructural behavior Covers the importance of embedding media in the physico-chemical properties of nanostructured semiconductors Explains the negligible role of core point defects vs. surface and interface defects Written for researchers, engineers, and those working in the physical and physicochemical sciences, this work comprehensively details the chemical, structural, and optical properties of semiconductor nanostructures for the development of more powerful and efficient devices.

Understanding Defects in Germanium and Silicon for Optoelectronic Energy Conversion

Book Description

This thesis explores bulk and interface defects in germanium (Ge) and silicon (Si) with a focus on understanding the impact defect related bandgap states will have on optoelectronic applications. Optoelectronic devices are minority carrier devices and are particularly sensitive to defect states which can drastically reduce carrier lifetimes in small concentrations. We performed a study of defect states in Sb-doped germanium by generation of defects via irradiation followed by subsequent characterization of electronic properties via deep-level transient spectroscopy (DLTS). Cobalt-60 gamma rays were used to generate isolated vacancies and interstitials which diffuse and react with impurities in the material to form four defect states (E37, E30, E22, and E21) in the upper half of the bandgap. Irradiations at 77 K and 300 K as well as isothermal anneals were performed to characterize the relationships between the four observable defects. E37 is assigned to the Sb donor-vacancy associate (E-center) and is the only vacancy containing defect giving an estimate of 2 x 1011 cm-3 Mrad-1 for the uncorrelated vacancy-interstitial pair introduction rate. E37 decays by dissociation and vacancy diffusion to a sink present in a concentration of 1012 cm-3. The remaining three defect states are interstitial associates and transform among one another. Conversion ratios between E22, E21, and E30 indicate that E22 likely contains two interstitials. The formation behavior of E22 after irradiation in liquid nitrogen indicates that E30 is required for formation of E22. Eight defect states previously unseen after gamma irradiation were observed and characterized after irradiation by alpha and neutron sources. Their absence after gamma irradiation indicates that defect formation requires collision cascades. We demonstrate electrically pumped lasing from Ge epitaxially grown on Si. Lasing is observed over a ~200nm bandwidth showing that this system holds promise for low-cost on-chip communications applications via silicon microphotonics. The observed large threshold currents are determined to be largely a result of recombination due to threading dislocations. We estimate that recombination by threading dislocations becomes negligible when threading dislocation density is

Direct Observations of Defect Structures in Optoelectronic Materials by Z-Contrast STEM.

Book Description

Optoelectronic semiconductor materials have wide and important technological applications. For example, wide gap nitride semiconductors have attracted significant attention recently due to their promising performance as short-wavelength light emitting diodes (LEDs) and blue lasers, while HgCdTe II-VI semiconductors are the most promising candidates for applications as infrared detectors, or large array x-ray or r-ray detectors. In this paper, two examples are given to show that high-resolution Z-contrast imaging is an effective technique to determine the atomic structures of defects in these complex semiconductor materials.

Defects in Two-Dimensional Materials

Book Description

Defects in Two-Dimensional Materials addresses the fundamental physics and chemistry of defects in 2D materials and their effects on physical, electrical and optical properties. The book explores 2D materials such as graphene, hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) and transition metal dichalcogenides (TMD). This knowledge will enable scientists and engineers to tune 2D materials properties to meet specific application requirements. The book reviews the techniques to characterize 2D material defects and compares the defects present in the various 2D materials (e.g. graphene, h-BN, TMDs, phosphorene, silicene, etc.). As two-dimensional materials research and development is a fast-growing field that could lead to many industrial applications, the primary objective of this book is to review, discuss and present opportunities in controlling defects in these materials to improve device performance in general or use the defects in a controlled way for novel applications. Presents the theory, physics and chemistry of 2D materials Catalogues defects of 2D materials and their impacts on materials properties and performance Reviews methods to characterize, control and engineer defects in 2D materials

Bulk Crystal Growth of Electronic, Optical and Optoelectronic Materials

Book Description

A valuable, timely book for the crystal growth community, edited by one of the most respected members in the field. Contents cover all the important materials from silicon through the III-V and II-IV compounds to oxides, nitrides, fluorides, carbides and diamonds International group of contributors from academia and industry provide a balanced treatment Includes global interest with particular relevance to: USA, Canada, UK, France, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, China, Australia and South Africa