Inter-American Yearbook on Human Rights / Anuario Interamericano de Derechos Humanos, Volume 36 (2020) (VOLUME III)

Book Description

This Yearbook aims to contribute to a greater awareness of the functions and activities of the organs of the Inter-American system for the protection of human rights. The Yearbook is partly published as an English-Spanish bilingual edition. NB: This book is part of a three volume set. Each volume should be ordered separately!Vol 1 isbn 978-90-04-44560-4Vol 2 isbn 978-90-04-50440-0Vol 3 isbn 978-90-04-50991-7

Las Cualidades que debe poseer un ciudadano, de acuerdo a la conceptualizaci—n Ontol—gica del Ser Humano y la Filosof’a del Derecho

Book Description

El presente trabajo, es un tema que se ubica, dentro de uno mayor llamado Inteligencias múltiples. Mi propuesta es desarrollar siete inteligencias prioritarias, acordes con el ideal constitucional (...desarrollar armónicamente, todas las facultades del ser humano. Art. 3). Al desarrollar estas siete capacidades (meta-normas), desarrollaríamos una cultura jurídica tal, que estimularía una conducta acorde con la legalidad y esto evitaría un sinnúmero de acciones, fuera del orden.

Handbook of Latin American Studies, Vol. 61

Book Description

"The one source that sets reference collections on Latin American studies apart from all other geographic areas of the world.... The Handbook has provided scholars interested in Latin America with a bibliographical source of a quality unavailable to scholars in most other branches of area studies." —Latin American Research Review Beginning with volume 41 (1979), the University of Texas Press became the publisher of the Handbook of Latin American Studies, the most comprehensive annual bibliography in the field. Compiled by the Hispanic Division of the Library of Congress and annotated by a corps of more than 140 specialists in various disciplines, the Handbook alternates from year to year between social sciences and humanities. The Handbook annotates works on Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean and the Guianas, Spanish South America, and Brazil, as well as materials covering Latin America as a whole. Most of the subsections are preceded by introductory essays that serve as biannual evaluations of the literature and research under way in specialized areas. The Handbook of Latin American Studies is the oldest continuing reference work in the field. Lawrence Boudon, of the Library of Congress Hispanic Division, has been the editor since 2000, and Katherine D. McCann has been assistant editor since 1999. The subject categories for Volume 61 are as follows: AnthropologyEconomicsGeographyGovernment and PoliticsPolitical EconomyInternational RelationsSociology

The Right to Water

Book Description

The right to clean water has been adopted by the United Nations as a basic human right. Yet how such universal calls for a right to water are understood, negotiated, experienced and struggled over remain key challenges. The Right to Water elucidates how universal calls for rights articulate with local historical geographical contexts, governance, politics and social struggles, thereby highlighting the challenges and the possibilities that exist. Bringing together a unique range of academics, policy-makers and activists, the book analyzes how struggles for the right to water have attempted to translate moral arguments over access to safe water into workable claims. This book is an intervention at a crucial moment into the shape and future direction of struggles for the right to water in a range of political, geographic and socio-economics contexts, seeking to be pro-active in defining what this struggle could mean and how it might be taken forward in a far broader transformative politics. The Right to Water engages with a range of approaches that focus on philosophical, legal and governance perspectives before seeking to apply these more abstract arguments to an array of concrete struggles and case studies. In so doing, the book builds on empirical examples from Africa, Asia, Oceania, Latin America, the Middle East, North America and the European Union.

Dominio Político: Permanencias Y Cambios

Book Description

Este libro es resultado de un trabajo colectivo llevado adelante por un grupo de investigadores de distintos perfiles, orígenes institucionales y hasta de diferentes edades. La idea que los convocó fue la posibilidad de desarrollar, a partir de la construcción de la noción dominio político, algunos de los ya clásicos problemas tratados por la Ciencia Política. Las cuestiones de orden metodológico, las correspondientes al Estado, la democracia, la representación, la ciudadanía y los movimientos sociales se tomaron como casos testigos del desafío teórico asumido. Estos fenómenos debían ser construidos en sus propias singularidades para ser enmarcados en el cuadro ofrecido por el dominio político como noción devenida en categoría-instrumento.

Shifting Frontiers of Citizenship: The Latin American Experience

Book Description

While in the days of the Cold War models of citizenship were relatively clear-cut around the contrasting projects of reform and revolution, in the last three decades Latin America has become a laboratory for comparative research. The region has witnessed both a renewal of electoral democracy and the diversification of experiments in citizen representation and participation. The implementation of neo-liberal policies has led to countervailing transformations in democratic citizenship and to the rise of populist leaderships, while the crisis of representation has been accompanied by new forms of participation, generating profound transformations. The authors analyze these recent trends, reflected in new forms of populism, inclusion and exclusion, participation and alternative models of democracy, social insecurity and violence, diasporas and transnationalism, the politics of justice and the politics of identity and multiculturalism.

Derechos humanos y transformación política en contextos de violencia

Book Description

Análisis crítico con un enfoque multidisciplinario, único hasta ahora en México, de las oportunidades y desafíos de los derechos humanos. Los autores aquí reunidos analizan los derechos humanos como una práctica social que se realiza en medio de relaciones asimétricas de poder, en el marco del ya convulsionado siglo xxi. Pensados como un discurso que se convierte en práctica social y en campo de disputa para la definición de significados, los derechos humanos pueden generar marcos de oportunidad para la transformación político-social pero, también, pueden constituir un obstáculo para el cambio y la construcción de subjetividades emancipadas.

The Crisis of Democratic Representation in the Andes

Book Description

The essays in this book analyze and explain the crisis of democratic representation in five Andean countries: Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela. In this region, disaffection with democracy, political parties, and legislatures has spread to an alarming degree. Many presidents have been forced from office, and many traditional parties have fallen by the wayside. These five countries have the potential to be negative examples in a region that has historically had strong demonstration and diffusion effects in terms of regime changes. "The Crisis of Democratic Representation in the Andes" addresses an important question for Latin America as well as other parts of the world: Why does representation sometimes fail to work?