Denis Edwards in His Own Words

Book Description

Denis Edwards was a theoloian concerned with the science and religion discourse and eco-theology. He died in March 2019. This book is a collection of his till now unpusblished talks and essays.

Ecology at the Heart of Faith

Book Description

"In a world born of the "big bang," Edwards shows that humanity and the world are together being made into the image of God. The heart of faith is an ecological communion that holds together and grows in love toward the fullness of life imaged in the Resurrection of Jesus. Denis Edwards helps the general reader, the preacher, the spiritual director, the student, and the theologian tear down the walls that too often separate mysticism, theology, prophecy, poetry, and science." -- Book jacket.

Human Experience of God

Book Description

Departing from human experience the book deals with the theological underpinnings of religious experience, then draws practical conclusions or implications for the spiritual life.

How God Acts

Book Description

From providence and miracles to resurrection and intercessory prayer, Edwards shows how a basically noninterventionist model of divine action does justice to the universe as we know and also to central convictions of Christian faith about the goodness of God, the promises of God, and the fulfillment of creation. Here is wonderfully lucid theology supporting an excitement of how God is at work in the universe.

What Is the Bible and How Do We Understand It?

Book Description

The Jesus Way series helps readers encounter big questions about the reign of God in the world. Concise and practical books deeply rooted in Anabaptist theology. Start small.

Deep Incarnation

Book Description

"Based on the Duffy Lectures, a yearly lecture series at Boston College, this short book explores the theme of 'Deep Incarnation' as a way of making connections between incarnation and the whole of creation, including the costs built into our evolutionary world. The key question of 'Deep Incarnation,' for Edwards, is: 'What relationship is there between the wider natural world, the world of galaxies and stars, mountains and seas, bacteria, plants and animals, and the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ?'"

Jesus and the Cosmos

Book Description

The Natural World and God

Book Description

How are we to think about the natural world around us in relation to the God of Jesus? Astronomers, cosmologists, and evolutionary biologists have opened wonderfully new ways of seeing the community of life on Earth, and its place in the universe. At the same time we are facing an extreme crisis of life on our planet. Both of these realities demand that we rethink our theology of animals, plants, ecosystems, as well as galaxies and stars. In this book, Denis Edwards collects together a series of explorations into this kind of theology.

Jesus the Wisdom of God

Book Description

'Jesus the Wisdom of God' brings together insights from wisdom literature and contemporary creation thought in a work that brilliantly illuminates an integrated ecological theology. Adding new depth to the ethical demands of our global ecological situation, Denis Edwards argues that commitment to ecological praxis springs from the very center of Christian identity in Jesus, Trinity, and humanity. Beginning with the wisdom tradition of the Hebrew scriptures, 'Jesus the Wisdom of God' explores what it means to recover the notion that Sophia-Wisdom became incarnate in Jesus of Nazareth, and shows how the universe is altered by this Incarnation. Wisdom Christology then opens out into a view of the trinitarian God at work in ongoing creation. Edwards considers the implications of the trinitarian theology of Richard of St. Victor and St. Bonaventure, centering on the insight that every creature - including humankind - is the free self-expression of the trinitarian God. In this context humanity is revealed as integrally related to all of creation, a part of a single cosmic story. While at one with creation in evolutionary history, humanity is, at the same time, creation come to self-awareness. This train of insights leads to principles for an ecological praxis that affirms human value while insisting that humanity is a part of nature. The whole reinforces commitment to sustainability and a Franciscan attitude of reverence toward God's creation. 'Jesus the Wisdom of God', in a disciplined yet clear way, crafts an alternative to the anthropocentrism and alienation of much of Christian tradition by finding in the very roots of Christian mysticism - and Christian identity - a truly ecological theology for our time. It is profound reading for students, theologians, and all Christians concerned with ecology, and with the interface of science and theology.

God and the Natural World

Book Description

This collection of essays is a fitting tribute to Denis Edwards, who was one of Australia's leading theologians. In exploring the most challenging questions of our time, these essays canvas some of the great themes of Christian theology that were the focus of Edwards research. Denis Edwards was a theologian of dialogue: dialogue with our rich theological tradition, dialogue with science, dialogue with contemporary theologians. The contributors to this volume enter into a dialogue with substantial parts of the theological output of Denis Edwards. In the process, they capture something of his humanity, his love of creation, and his concern for our common home. The book demonstrates the commitment Denis Edwards had to a theology that is truly ecumenical and always learning from the insights of others. The editors and authors have done a great service in helping many others to deepen reflection on Denis Edwards' contribution to our understanding of God and the natural world.