La Solidaridad

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Human Rights in Peru

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Solidarity: A Normative Principle

Book Description

The term solidarity has acquired a commendable meaning of mutual responsibility, yet remains suspect because it has been invoked in too broad a spectrum of cultural contexts, ranging from fascist ideology to human rights. This essential book shows how solidarity may be – should be – conceived as a normative principle with pressing legal content, instrumental to the realisation of the social ends of today’s democratic polities. The author, for the first time in such depth, documents the interweaving of legal norms with social ideas and values, focusing on the use of the principle of solidarity in the European Union’s bodies and in its Member States. There are detailed examinations of how the principle appears in such realms as the following: national constitutions; welfare systems; regulation of contracts; social effects of legal rules; women’s rights; the social market economy; the social doctrine of the Catholic Church; affirmation of corporate social responsibility; and sustainability and corporate governance. The author describes how each context contributes to a meaningful elaboration of the concept of solidarity, thus synthesising and extending prior work on the subject. Following Kant’s dictum that the solidarity of mankind is a ‘to be or not to be; a matter of life or death’, in today's difficult and calamitous times it is appropriate to rethink the principle of solidarity as the reason for living, living fully and not just surviving, in a social agglomeration we call a community. Decoding solidarity, in order to fully understand its potentialities, misrepresentations, and mystifications has therefore become a task entrusted to jurists. For this reason, this matchless book will prove invaluable for lawyers, judges, and policymakers, all of whose professions demand authoritative knowledge of the legal relations among individuals and among legal entities.

Determinants of Gross Human Rights Violations by State and State-sponsored Actors in Brazil, Uruguay, Chile, and Argentina, 1960-1990

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This book deals with the gross human rights violations that characterized the military repression in Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Uruguay from the 1960s to the 1980s. Dr Wolfgang Heinz, the author of three of the four case studies is a German scholar. The second author, Dr Hugo Frühling, is a Chilean researcher. Both are renowned human rights specialists who have done in-depth research on the causes of gross human rights violations in these countries. They have interviewed generals and officers directly involved in the repression. They have unearthed secret documents and, building on existing scholarship, they have managed to draw a unique picture of the mechanisms of repressive domestic social control. They have investigated international factors as well as the dynamics of the interaction between guerrilleros and urban terrorists on the one hand, and the military, the police forces and the death squads on the other. The result is a comprehensive volume, broad and comparative in scope, and written with clinical detachment but also with humanitarian sympathy for the victims of repression.

Justicia e Internet, una filosofía del derecho para el mundo Virtual

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Nuestro derecho y su filosof a fueron concebidos para un mundo econ mico material signado por el reparto de la escasez y por la divisi n en territorios. El enfoque positivo del derecho no se puede concebir sin el criterio territorial. Por ejemplo, siendo el criterio territorial su piedra angular, basta quitarle el concepto de territorio para que se derrumbe la Teor a pura del derecho de KELSEN. As es f cil entender que el mundo virtualde Internet marcado por la abundancia en vez de las limitaciones, sin territorios y sin materialidad, no se pueda regular eficazmente con nuestros principios jur dicos y filos ficos usuales. En Internet, a n el concepto de la justicia de Arist teles, que distribuye a cada persona lo suyo y que reparte los bienes materiales, no sirve de nada. Sin embargo, s lo esta concepci n de la justicia-reparto prevalece en nuestro mundo moderno. Incluso John RAWLS ha basado su Teor a de la justicia sobre este fundamento. A pesar de que en el mbito jur dico, s lo tenemos este concepto de justicia y sus variantes, el mismo no se puede aplicar eficazmente al mundo virtual. Este libro propone una filosof a de la justicia y principios de acci n jur dica adecuados para acompa ar eficazmente el desarrollo de Internet y del mundo de la informaci n.

The Balance between Worker Protection and Employer Powers

Book Description

This book analyses the most important problems and challenges of the current labour market from the point of view of the balance between the parties of the employment contract. The contributions here are related to various pressing topics, including, for example, the future of work and worker protection on an international level against the strengthening of employers’ powers. In addition, the nature and limits of employers’ power, non-competition contractual clauses and workers’ rights in the face of new communication and information technologies are also discussed. The contributors are drawn from several countries, such as Portugal, Spain, Bolivia, Italy, México and Switzerland. The book will appeal to lawyers, legal experts, human resources experts, economist, judges, academia, and staff from companies and trade unions, and employers’ representation. The volume features insights and contributions in different languages, with chapters in Spanish (12), English (4) and Portuguese (5).

Research Handbook on International Solidarity and the Law

Book Description

This comprehensive and insightful Research Handbook addresses the interpretation of international solidarity within topical legal regimes and regional systems, as well as in relation to decolonization and the concepts of Ummah and Ubuntu. It examines the way in which international solidarity enables the global community to respond to intercontinental challenges, including climate change, forced migration, health emergencies, and inequality.