Derechos humanos en Latinoamérica y el Sistema Interamericano. Modelos para (des)armar.

Book Description

Este libro pretende reflexionar críticamente sobre la realidad y las instituciones para transformarlas y ponerlas al servicio de los derechos humanos. Nuestra intención es abrir nuevas áreas de investigación para interpretar la interacción entre el derecho internacional y el derecho interno de los países que forman parte del complejo sistema internacional e interamericano de promoción y protección de los derechos humanos, analizar su efectividad y visualizar a un sistema de derechos humanos complejo, cuya efectividad y funcionamiento podría beneficiarse de una aproximación holística al mismo. Como resultará claro al lector, no se pretende desarrollar una teoría general sobre el sistema de protección de los derechos humanos. Las piezas que lo componen se asientan en ciertos convencimientos sustantivos basados en aproximaciones teóricas y prácticas mediante el ejercicio de la defensa de los derechos humanos en múltiples niveles. Este proceso dinámico se desprende de comprender que todos los cambios sociales vendrán desde las propias sociedades. En estos procesos convergen el orden local y el internacional. La comunidad internacional debe acompañar y apoyar el cambio social sin remplazar ni sustituir. Por eso, un sistema internacional, como el interamericano, no es un fin en sí mismo sino tan solo un instrumento que debe estar al servicio de los actores nacionales y aquellos que luchan por transformaciones sociales que profundizan la vigencia de los derechos humanos. Cada parte de esta obra refleja una preocupación constante que moviliza la reflexión teórica y el trabajo profesional: la situación de pobreza en la que viven vastos sectores de la sociedad, la profunda discriminación e inequidad presente global y localmente. No hay posibilidad de tener un sistema (nacional o internacional) de protección de los derechos humanos que no comprenda, analice y contextualice las violaciones a los derechos humanos sin considerar la pobreza y la discriminación. Ellas son causa y consecuencia de violaciones a los derechos y las respuestas no pueden abstraerse de dicho contexto si pretenden tener un impacto transformador. El sistema interamericano se ha instalado como un actor permanente y prominente en la discusión sobre la protección de los derechos y lo ha hecho, principalmente, gracias a que la Corte y la Comisión se han mostrado receptivas a las demandas de las víctimas y de las organizaciones de derechos humanos. Por ello, el análisis y discusión de las ambivalencias, contradicciones y vacíos jurisprudenciales existentes, así como de las dificultades y obstáculos que presenta la defensa de derechos humanos a nivel interamericano, son un imperativo necesario para considerar las potencialidades y limitaciones que ofrece un mecanismo judicializado internacional para tutelar estos derechos colectivos. Un hilo conductor de los trabajos aquí publicados es la importancia de tener una mirada seria, reflexiva y critica del funcionamiento del sistema interamericano como una de las mejores maneras de fortalecerlo y proveerlo de mayor legitimidad.

The Inter American Court of Human Rights

Book Description

This book provides a critical legal perspective on the legitimacy of international courts and tribunals. The volume offers a critique of ideology of two legal approaches to the legitimacy of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACtHR) that portray it as a supranational tribunal whose last say on human rights protection has a transformative effect on the democracies of Latin America. The book shows how the discussion between these Latin American legal strands mirrors global trends in the study of the legitimacy of international courts related to the use of constitutional analogies and concepts such as the notion of judicial dialogue and the idea of democratic transformation. It also provides an in-depth analysis of how, through the use of those categories, legal experts studying the legitimacy of the IACtHR enact self-validation processes by making themselves the principal agents of transformation. These self-validation processes work as ideological apparatuses that reproduce and entrench the mindset that the legal discipline is a driving force of change in itself. Further, the book shows how profiling the Court as an agent of transformation diverts attention from the ways in which it has pursued a particular view of human rights and democracy in the region that creates and reproduces relations of inequality and domination. Rather than discarding the IACtHR, this book aims to de-centre the focus away from formal legal institutions, engaging with the idea that ordinary people can mobilise and define the content of law to transform their lives and territories. The book will be a valuable resource for scholars working in the areas of human rights law, law, public international law, legal theory, constitutional law, political science and legal philosophy.

Transformative Constitutionalism in Latin America

Book Description

This ground-breaking collection of essays outlines and explains the unique development of Latin American jurisprudence. It introduces the idea of the Ius Constitutionale Commune en América Latina (ICCAL), an original Latin American path of transformative constitutionalism, to an Anglophone audience for the first time. It charts the key developments that have transformed the region and assesses the success of the constitutional projects that followed a period of authoritarian regimes in Latin America. Coined by scholars who have been documenting, conceptualizing, and comparing the development of Latin American public law for more than a decade, the term ICCAL encompasses themes that cross national borders and legal fields, taking in constitutional law, administrative law, general public international law, regional integration law, human rights, and investment law. Not only does this volume map the legal landscape, it also suggests measures to improve society via due legal process and a rights-based, supranational and regionally rooted constitutionalism. The editors contend that with the strengthening of democracy, the rule of law, and human rights, common problems such as the exclusion of wide sectors of the population from having a say in government, as well as corruption, hyper-presidentialism, and the weak normativity of the law can be combatted more effectively in future.

The Inter-American Court of Human Rights

Book Description

This book provides a reference guide to the case law of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. Structured in two parts, it covers the case law on jurisdiction and procedure before the Court and the case law on the scope of particular rights, drawing comparisons with the case law of the European Court of Human Rights.

Forbearance as Redistribution

Book Description

The book explains why and when laws go unenforced in developing countries. It argues that the tolerance of street vending and squatting is a form of informal welfare provision and a more effective means to mobilize the poor than conventional state social policies.

Civics and Citizenship

Book Description

The book is organized around four sections. The first section is an introduction to the problem of defining the scope and foundations of the development of moral personality and social engagement, in particular, the development of civic and ethical attitudes and prosocial behavior. The second section presents a comparative analysis of education policies in Mexico, Chile and Colombia, in particular the way the curricula of civic and citizenship education is designed and implemented. The section also describes and analyzes the way this subject is taught in the classrooms of the primary, secondary and high school levels in the three countries. The third section includes the results of research projects in Civics and Citizenship Education conducted with different theoretical and methodological models of analysis. This last section includes some of the best practices of Civic Education that have been developed in Mexico, Colombia, and Chile.

Toward a New International Financial Architecture

Book Description

Recoge: 1. Introduction-2. Summary of recommendations-3. Standars for crisis prevention-4. Banks and capital flows-5. Bailing in the private sector-6. What won't work-7. What the IMF should do (and what we should do about the IMF).

Pursuing the Public Interest

Book Description

Constitutional Dialogue

Book Description

Identifies how and why 'dialogue' can describe and evaluate institutional interactions over constitutional questions concerning democracy and rights.