Toute la fonction Achats - 3e éd.

Book Description

Ce livre couvre l'ensemble de la fonction Achats. Savoirs : L’évolution de la fonction achats, son rôle stratégique pour l’entreprise, la prise en compte des enjeux sociaux et environnementaux, les impacts financiers, la notion de risque fournisseur, les changements aux niveaux éthique et juridique. Savoir-faire : Analyser le portefeuille achats, étudier un marché amont, identifier les bons fournisseurs, réaliser un appel d’offre, travailler en coût complet, négocier, piloter la performance... Savoir-être : Être ouvert et créatif dans la discussion, adapter son style à la situation de négociation, adopter les réflexes du communicant pour convaincre avec intégrité, faire face aux blocages... La 3e édition de ce livre correspond : une description du fonctionnement et de l'organisation des achats alignée sur les engagements Sociétaux pris par l'entreprise (RSE) : référence explicite aux "achats Durables et Responsables" ainsi qu'à la Charte "Relation fournisseur responsables" de la Médiation Inter-entreprises. le savoir être des acheteurs favorisant la collaboration et la coopération, même en situation difficile ou conflictuelle. un glossaire français-anglais des 90 termes communément utilisés en achats. une mise à jour des contenu liés à l'actualité : juridique, marketing, sources d'information achat, références ...

Performance des achats responsables et performance financière de l'entreprise

Book Description

Le concept des achats responsables occupe, avec les nouvelles réglementations, une place centrale dans la mise en œuvre des stratégies responsables de l'entreprise. Toutefois, vingt ans de recherches n'ont pas permis de proposer une mesure globale de sa performance. L'impact des actions responsables aux achats sur la performance financière reste donc à explorer. Ce travail met en perspective dans un même modèle les deux performances, et étudie le rôle médiateur de trois ressources intangibles (le capital humain, l'innovation et la réputation) entre les ressources tangibles de l'entreprise et la performance des achats responsables. Les résultats de ce travail - suite à l'analyse de 1918 observations, dans 18 pays européens, de 2011 à 2017, issues des principales bases de données (Vigeo Eiris, Institute Réputation, Infinancials, et Thomson Reuters) - confirment l'hypothèse selon laquelle les ressources - notamment le capital humain - contribuent à améliorer la performance des achats responsables, qui impacte à son tour la performance financière de l'entreprise.

2nd Pan-African Symposium on the Sustainable Use of Natural Resources in Africa

Book Description

This bilingual publication results from a four-day symposium aimed at capturing the general directions and analytical issues that characterize approaches to sustainable use in Africa. The papers included in this work are organized under four major headings: modes of use, devolution, scale issues and external issues. Authors explore these themes through the use of case studies and the description of specific regional experiences. External issues are further explored in a series of commissioned policy papers which have also been included.

Crying Out for Change

Book Description

A multi-country research initiative to understand poverty from the eyes of the poor, the Voices of the Poor project was undertaken to inform the World Bank's activities and the upcoming World Development Report 2000/01. The research findings are being published in three books: "Can Anyone Hear Us?" gathers the voices of over 40,000 poor women and men in 50 countries from the World Bank's participatory poverty assessments (Deepa Narayan, Raj Patel, Kai Schafft, Anne Rademacher, and Sarah Koch-Schulte, authors). "Crying Out for Change" pulls together new field work conducted in 1999 in 23 countries (Deepa Narayan, Robert Chambers, Meera Shah, and Patti Petesch, authors). "From Many Lands" offers regional patterns and country case-studies (Deepa Narayan and Patti Petesch, editors). Voices of the Poor marks the first time such an exercise has been undertaken in so many developing countries and transition economies around the world. It provides a unique and detailed picture of the life of the poor and explains the constraints poor people face to escape from poverty in a way that more traditional survey techniques do not capture well. Each of the three volumes demonstrates the importance of voice and power in poor people's definition of poverty. Voices of the Poor concludes that we need to expand our conventional views of poverty which focus on income expenditure, education, and health to include measures of voice and empowerment.

Algerian Sketches

Book Description

In the late 1950s, like tens of thousands of young men of his generation, Pierre Bourdieu, having recently passed the agrégation in philosophy, found himself immersed in the Algerian war. Motivated by an impulse that, as he himself says, ‘was civic rather than political’, nothing seemed more important to him than to understand the Algerian situation and provide the elements that would enable others to come to an informed judgement about it. In extremely tough conditions and along with a small group of students, Bourdieu undertook a series of studies across an Algeria that was tightly patrolled by the army, leading him to discover the shocking reality of the resettlement camps and to analyse the mechanisms of destruction of Algerian society of which they were emblematic. To achieve the objectives he had set himself, Bourdieu had to carry out a genuine intellectual conversion, acquiring an ethnographic understanding of Algerian society, learning sociological analysis at a breakneck pace and inventing new instruments - both theoretical and empirical - that would enable him to understand the relations of domination specific to colonialism. These new tools also enabled him to analyse the nature of the crisis that the war had both produced and manifested. This unique volume brings together the first texts written by Bourdieu in the midst of the Algerian conflict, as well as later writings and interviews in which he returns to the topic of Algeria and the decisive role it played in the development of his work.