Desarrollo y coaching de mujeres líderes

Book Description

La incursión de la mujer en posiciones de liderazgo se inició hace poco tiempo, y aún cuando ya se observan los beneficios que la diversidad aporta a los negocios, mucho queda por recorrer. El libro aborda las características de las líderes mujeres, los desafíos y obstáculos específicos que afrontan, como desplegar el potencial individual, y la importancia de un disciplinado desarrollo profesional y personal. La obra describe los elementos relevantes para que una estrategia de desarrollo permita a la mujer capitalizar los aportes mas efectivos: como abordar las barreras que se presentan en la carrera, la importancia de que sea auténtica a sus atributos, y a su estilo de liderazgo, y la fuerte interrelacion entre las dimensiones personal y laboral. A tal fin la autora considera al coaching como un proceso relevante y propone una modalidad ajustada al paradigma particularmente femenino, pero no excluyente, de pensar, actuar y sentir: el coaxxing. Es una invitación a acomodar metodologías de coaching probadas y exitosas a las exigencias que el mundo del trabajo impone hoy a las líderes mujeres. Está dirigido a los interesados en explorar y explotar la riqueza que desde las diferencias, similitudes y complementariedad de género, la diversidad puede aportar al mundo de los negocios, al tiempo que recuerda la valiosa tarea que la actualidad les reserva a las mujeres líderes en tanto modelos visibles para las futuras generaciones: hacer una diferencia en la construcción de un futuro más inclusivo y enriquecedor.

Menos líderes, más liderazgo

Book Description

Pedro Gioya y Juan Rivera presentan los métodos e instrumentos para el crecimiento de un liderazgo verdaderamente efectivo y productivo. Con prólogo de Peter Hug.

Flourishing Families

Book Description

Denise Dziwak, invites you to enter her inner home to coach you so you can learn to connect to yourself and transform your family life to flourish. She is an entrepreneur, inspirational speaker, spiritual teacher, and life coach, who has built her inner home upon a pillar: freedom to choose. Things come with life that we cannot change. Yet, we are free to choose how we relate to what happens to us. This response-ability gives us the power to build our homes within to create the happiness, peace, or love we crave. In this book, Denise guides you to form a vision of your ideal home, reflect on how you've been building it up to now, and what you can do differently to promote inner peace and fulfillment. The insights and clear actions on this book will help you change whatever isn't working in your life and transform it to live in harmony with your loved ones.

International Humanitarian Action

Book Description

This textbook examines a wide range of humanitarian action issues in five parts, presented by specialists from different academic fields. The respective parts reflect the five core modules of the International NOHA Joint Master’s Programme “International Humanitarian Action”: a) World Politics, b) International Law, c) Public Health, d) Anthropology, and e) Management. The book serves as a common basis for teaching at all NOHA universities and aims at imparting the basic knowledge and skills needed to excel in a complex interdisciplinary and international learning context. It provides in-depth information on key international humanitarian principles and values, professional codes of conduct, and the commitment to their implementation in practice. The book will thus be useful for all students of the NOHA Joint Master’s Programme and participants of any courses with a similar content, but also for academics and practitioners affiliated with entities such as international organisations and NGOs. It may also serve as an introduction to anyone with an interest in understanding the numerous and inter-linked facets of humanitarian action.

The Extraordinary Leader: Turning Good Managers into Great Leaders

Book Description

People can learn how to lead. This was the position John H. Zenger and Joseph R.Folkman took when they wrote their now-classicleadership book The Extraordinary Leader—and it’sa fact they reinforce in this new, completely updatededition of their bestseller. When it was first published, The ExtraordinaryLeader immediately attracted a wide audience ofaspiring leaders drawn to its unique feature: theextensive use of scientific studies and hard data,which served to demystify the concept of leadershipand get readers thinking about the subject ina pragmatic way. Now, Zenger and Folkman revisit the subject to addressleaders’ most pressing concerns today. Theresult is an up-to-date, essential leadership guidefor the twenty-first century that includes: Late-breaking research on the psychologyof leadership New information on leading in a globalenvironment A breakthrough case study on measuringimproved leadership behavior Studies revealing the importance offollow-through The Extraordinary Leader is a remarkable combinationof expert insight and extensive research.The authors analyzed more than 200,000 assessmentsdescribing 20,000 managers—by far themost expansive research ever conducted for a leadershipbook. Zenger and Folkman have created the leadershipbook of the ages. The Extraordinary Leader explainshow to build leadership skills that will take you andyour organization to unimagined success.

Total Leadership

Book Description

"Now in paperback, this national bestseller proves more than ever, your success as a leader isn't just about being great at business. You must be a great person, performing well in all domains of your life-including work, home, community, and your private self. The good news is that, contrary to conventional wisdom about "balance," you don't have to assume that these domains compete in a zero-sum game. Total Leadership is a game-changing blueprint for how to perform well as a leader not by trading off one domain for another, but by finding mutual value among all four. Stew Friedman shows you how to achieve these "four-way wins" as a leader who can be real, be whole, and be innovative. With engaging examples and clear instruction, Friedman provides more than thirty hands-on tools for using these proven principles to produce stronger business results, find clearer purpose in what you do, feel more connected to the people who matter most, and generate sustainable change. Total Leadership is a unique resource that shows how to win in all domains of life. "--

Traffic Congestion

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Coaching by Values (Cbv):

Book Description

This book is about values. It is about life values, work values, family values, and world values. It is also about value alignment. Author Simon Dolan extends the concepts presented in the best-selling Managing by Values, adding many innovations including a step-by-step methodology for diagnosing value congruence and tools for conducting real value reengineering (value alignment). Dolan argues that when people understand their values (regardless of how and why they have emerged), and analyze their relative importance and consequences, they can see more clearly how these values affect their daily lives. Extensive research shows that realignment of values ensures better congruence with goals and objectivesresulting in deeper inner satisfaction, which positively affects overall well-being, state of mind, performance, and general happiness. This is what the author calls success in the life of business and the business of life. The description is fresh and innovative, the methodology is clear, and the tools can be used by individuals, business professionals, families, organizations, and wellness and life coaches alike. Click on the links below for available book reviews.

Construcción de liderazgo en mujeres

Book Description

¿Cómo desarrollo las competencias para transformarme en Líder siendo mujer? ¿Cuál es mi propósito de vida y profesional? Cómo colaboro como Líder en el desarrollo de mujeres en mis equipos? Estas son algunas de las preguntas que intenta responder el libro. Construcción de Liderazgo en Mujeres es una combinación de ideas teóricas con ejercicios de aplicación práctica, y es una invitación a pensarnos y obtener herramientas tanto si sos mujer o sos líder que desarrolla y trabaja en equipos con mujeres. El libro está dirigido a profesionales, líderes, consultores, varones y mujeres que estén interesados en contar con más herramientas para desarrollar el liderazgo en mujeres y que trabajen con el foco de construir liderazgos más efectivos, integrados y felices. "Esta obra se enmarca en el tan actual y mentado tema del liderazgo femenino, y está encarado de una forma original: es un magnífico manual, como Cecilia misma lo llama, que ayuda a recorrer el camino de la construcción del liderazgo. No solo nos habla del liderazgo femenino, sino que también invita a los hombres a revisarse a sí mismos como líderes, como padres, como jefes de mujeres, como promotores en las organizaciones de políticas a favor de la equidad de género" (Cristina Bomchil – Fundadora y Directora Ejecutiva de Valuar).