Basic Design

Book Description

Integrating text and pictures, this edition also includes colour diagrams and examples of work done by students.

Dynamics in the Practice of Structural Design

Book Description

This book is a practitioner-friendly approach to dynamics on structural design, oriented to facilitate understanding of complicated issues without their elaborate mathematical formulations.While the chapters follow logically from one another, each one deals independently with a subject in structural dynamics; this approach allows the engineer to go directly to the topic of his or her interest at a given moment.Throughout each chapter the reader will find the text set in two different forms, for different levels of the topic in consideration, which will enable him to postpone for a second reading deeper explanations.Conceived as practical support for engineers whenever they want to review a subject related to dynamics in the practice of structural design, this book can be of great help for students of engineering.

Strategic Organizational Diagnosis and Design

Book Description

A unique set of complementary hands-on tools for learning about and applying a deeper and practical theory for diagnosis and design. This edition has been significantly updated and rewritten to make it easier to read.

Shaping Space

Book Description

Introductory guide to three-dimensional design and sculpture, which offers an in-depth exploration of aesthetic and practical considerations of working three-dimensionally.

Dynamics of Underactuated Multibody Systems

Book Description

Underactuated multibody systems are intriguing mechatronic systems, as they posses fewer control inputs than degrees of freedom. Some examples are modern light-weight flexible robots and articulated manipulators with passive joints. This book investigates such underactuated multibody systems from an integrated perspective. This includes all major steps from the modeling of rigid and flexible multibody systems, through nonlinear control theory, to optimal system design. The underlying theories and techniques from these different fields are presented using a self-contained and unified approach and notation system. Subsequently, the book focuses on applications to large multibody systems with multiple degrees of freedom, which require a combination of symbolical and numerical procedures. Finally, an integrated, optimization-based design procedure is proposed, whereby both structural and control design are considered concurrently. Each chapter is supplemented by illustrated examples.

Kinematics, Dynamics, and Design of Machinery

Book Description

Kinematics, Dynamics, and Design of Machinery, Third Edition, presents a fresh approach to kinematic design and analysis and is an ideal textbook for senior undergraduates and graduates in mechanical, automotive and production engineering Presents the traditional approach to the design and analysis of kinematic problems and shows how GCP can be used to solve the same problems more simply Provides a new and simpler approach to cam design Includes an increased number of exercise problems Accompanied by a website hosting a solutions manual, teaching slides and MATLAB® programs

ROMANSY 22 – Robot Design, Dynamics and Control

Book Description

This proceedings volume contains papers that have been selected after review for oral presentation at ROMANSY 2018, the 22nd CISM-IFToMM Symposium on Theory and Practice of Robots and Manipulators. These papers cover advances on several aspects of the wide field of Robotics as concerning Theory and Practice of Robots and Manipulators. ROMANSY 2018 is the 22nd event in a series that started in 1973 as one of the first conference activities in the world on Robotics. The first event was held at CISM (International Centre for Mechanical Science) in Udine, Italy on 5-8 September 1973. It was also the first topic conference of IFToMM (International Federation for the Promotion of Mechanism and Machine Science) and it was directed not only to the IFToMM community.

Romansy 19 - Robot Design, Dynamics and Control

Book Description

Parallel robots modeling and analysis.- Parallel robots design, calibration and control.- Robot design.- Robot control.- Mobile robots design, modeling and control.- Humans and humanoids.- Perception. The papers in this volume provide a vision of the evolution of the robotics disciplines and indicate new directions in which these disciplines are foreseen to develop. Paper topics include, but are not limited to, novel robot design and robot modules/components, service, rehabilitation, mobile robots, humanoid robots, challenges in control, modeling, kinematical and dynamical analysis of robotic systems, innovations in sensor systems for robots and perception, and recent advances in robotics. In particular, many contributions on parallel robotics from leading researchers in this domain are included.

Research Tracks in Urbanism: Dynamics, Planning and Design in Contemporary Urban Territories

Book Description

Maybe the Global Village metaphor has never been more accurate than it is today, where societies join forces in the fight against the COVID 19 pandemic, in a global coordinated effort, possibly never tested before in the known history of Humankind. Although we are sure that in the past some other shared demands have united the different peoples of the world, this has never been so strongly necessary, mainly in what the global scientific community is concerned. This is a fight for the survival of a society. However, we should not lose sight of what we are fighting for. We fight together for people. Not just for the abstract value of Human life, but for life in society as a whole, including its moral and ethical aspects. The topics of this book are based on this claim, on what makes it possible. We do not build our lives in a vacuum, or in distant Invisible Cities, but through a higher value, which represents physical life in society: the City, built by the discipline of Urbanism. This book is a spin-off of the International Research Seminar on Urbanism_SIIU2020. Inspired by the contents of twelve research seminars, a group of researchers from the universities of Barcelona, Lisbon and São Paulo discuss the contemporary agenda of research in Urbanism. Following the conference, a selection of 35 original double-blind peer-reviewed research papers were brought together with different perspectives about such an agenda.

AIMD Dynamics and Distributed Resource Allocation

Book Description

This is the first comprehensive book on the AIMD algorithm, the most widely used method for allocating a limited resource among competing agents without centralized control. The authors offer a new approach that is based on positive switched linear systems. It is used to develop most of the main results found in the book, and fundamental results on stochastic switched nonnegative and consensus systems are derived to obtain these results. The original and best known application of the algorithm is in the context of congestion control and resource allocation on the Internet, and readers will find details of several variants of the algorithm in order of increasing complexity, including deterministic, random, linear, and nonlinear versions. In each case, stability and convergence results are derived based on unifying principles. Basic and fundamental properties of the algorithm are described, examples are used to illustrate the richness of the resulting dynamical systems, and applications are provided to show how the algorithm can be used in the context of smart cities, intelligent transportation systems, and the smart grid.