Conceitos-chave em Sociologia da Infância. Perspetivas Globais = Key concepts on Sociology of Childhood. Global Perspectives

Book Description

Esta obra pretende ocupar um espaço ainda em aberto na área da Sociologia da Infância reunindo os contributos de 55 autores/as, nacional e internacionalmente reconhecidos/as, oriundos de geografias diversificadas, numa análise crítica sobre questões, temáticas e desafios que se colocam hoje na investigação em torno da infância e da(s) criança(s). O objetivo é reunir, num único volume, um conjunto significativo de reflexões científicas sobre conceitos centrais da investigação contemporânea na área, em português e em inglês, para desta forma possibilitar uma maior partilha e divulgação do conhecimento que se vai construindo a nível mundial. This book intends to fill a gap still open in the scientific area of Sociology of Childhood. It brings togheher the contributions of 55 authors, nationally and internationally recognized, from diverse geographies, in a renewed critical analysis on issues, themes and challenges currently placed in research on childhood and on the child(ren). The main goal is to share in a single volume a significant set of scientific reflections on key concepts of contemporary research in the area, in Portuguese and English, aiming to reach wider audiences around the globe.

Delinquency and Drift

Book Description

The first C. Wright Mills Award-winning book, Delinquency and Drift has become a recognized classic in the fields of criminology and social problems. In it, Matza argues persuasively that delinquent thought and delinquent action are distorted reflections of the ideas and practices that pervade contemporary juvenile law and its administration. His ideas are as persuasive today as when they were first published twenty-five years ago. By example and illustration, Matza argues that the delinquent subculture is based on many of the same standards as the conventional social order, and that the delinquent's negation of the law is the result of his relations with an inconsistent and vulnerable legal code. Once the juvenile breaks his or her ties to the legal order, the drift to delinquency becomes relatively easy to justify. The author also maintains that being liberated from legal constraint does not necessarily lead to delinquency; that event depends on the will to commit crime. Because delinquency remains one of our most serious social problems, it is important to consider Matza's thesis that the drift toward delinquency is frequently aided by the unwitting support of society and the guardians of social order.

Sociological Aspects of Crime and Delinquency (Routledge Revivals)

Book Description

The field of crime and delinquency attracts a great deal of heated and partial opinion, prejudice and other forms of mal-thinking. When there is a scientific approach there tends to be a psychological explanation. This book, first published in 1971, is a corrective to both trends. It is a discussion of criminal behaviour in relation to a wide range of behaviours which could be called deviance and regards the whole field from the sociological point of view. The whole discussion is related to social policy, and is vital reading for students of sociology and criminology.

Prospective Studies of Crime and Delinquency

Book Description

Katherine Teilmann Van Dusen and Sarnoff A. Mednick This introduction delineates what we consider to be three of the most important impediments to the advance of knowledge in the field of criminology. The most fundamental need is for more studies of the nature and progress of criminal and delinquent careers. The second need is for more prospective, longitudinal studies of the etiology of crime and delinquency. The third need concerns the lack of interdisciplinary research toward a more integrated understanding of delinquent and criminal behavior. Criminal and Delinquent Careers The birth cohort study by Wolfgang, Figlio and Sellin (1972) was heralded by many (Farrington, 1973; Erickson, 1973; Weis, 1974) as a landmark which allowed researchers to study the course of delinquency without the usual sampling biases that plagued other, cross-sectional research. For the first time, we could get a reasonable picture of when delinquency usually starts, what proportion of the population engages in delinquency, what types of delinquencies they engage in, what proportion continue, and so on. Cross sectional studies do not permit the investigation of careers because cross 1 PROSPECTIVE STUDIES OF CRIME AND DELINQUENCY 2 sectional sampling includes only portions of careers for many of the individuals sampled. This is just one of the many problems that restricted researchers' ability to study the nature of criminal careers.

Taking Stock of Delinquency

Book Description

This volume is the comprehensive synthesis of the empirical findings of seven important ongoing longitudinal studies of delinquency. It aims to examine the extent to which these studies answer the basic question of the origins of delinquent and criminal careers despite their varying guiding theories, methods, and settings. This book is an important resource for criminologists, psychologists, sociologists, and students on juvenile delinquency, criminology, developmental psychology, and deviant behavior.

Delinquency and Ethnicity

Book Description

Understanding Crime and Delinquency

Book Description

Theories of Delinquency

Book Description

In this concise yet comprehensive review and evaluation of major theories of juvenile delinquency, the author presents an integrated and comparative discussion of individualistic and sociological theories. Offering students a solid understanding of the theoretical and intellectual underpinnnings of delinquency, the book will enable them to appreciate the ramificiations of treatment, prevention, and control efforts.