Développement durable - Comprendre et analyser des enjeux et des actions du développement durable

Book Description

Après la Seconde Guerre mondiale, le monde a connu une croissance économique exceptionnelle. Cette recherche de bien-être (collectif et individuel) n'a pas été sans conséquence sur l'environnement et les sociétés. Ce développement a ainsi un impact sur les ressources naturelles, la santé, la qualité de la vie avec les différentes formes de pollutions, etc. Mais en 1972, un nouveau concept ou paradigme a vu le jour : le développement durable. C'est la prise de conscience générale du fait qu'il faut changer de système de production et de consommation, préserver les ressources naturelles menacées partout dans le monde et faire des efforts pour lutter contre la pauvreté. Depuis quelques années, le développement durable est un moteur pour les actions d'investissement sur les plans économique, social et environnemental. Et si des progrès considérables ont été réalisés en matière de développement humain, d'immenses défis se posent encore. Des milliards de personnes vivent toujours dans la pauvreté, privées de leur dignité. Les inégalités persistent en termes de richesse et de capacité d'action, et bien des populations demeurent, hélas, très vulnérables. Catastrophes naturelles et sanitaires, recrudescence des conflits armés, terrorisme, épuisement des ressources naturelles, changements climatiques sont autant de menaces, qui se déclinent en défis à relever par le monde contemporain. Le développement durable est donc un processus sans exclusive et de long terme. Il conserve toute son actualité malgré les efforts réalisés tant à l'échelon international que national. Il a de plus été réaffirmé comme une nécessité en 2012, à la Conférence Rio+20, et a bénéficié en 2015 d'un cadre stratégique universel, le Programme de développement durable à l'horizon 2030, décliné en une série d'objectifs de développement durable (ODD). Mais la mise en œuvre du développement durable implique une mobilisation populaire et des actions pérennes à large spectre. C'est dans ce cadre que l'Organisation internationale de la Francophonie (OIF) a lancé l'initiative Objectif2030, qui vise à faciliter l'appropriation citoyenne des ODD et à soutenir les projets francophones les plus innovants pour la mise en œuvre du Programme de développement durable à l'horizon 2030.

Towards a Political Education Through Environmental Issues

Book Description

The growing field of political education through environmental issues is organized around processes, which reach beyond the formal ones found in academic disciplines and national curricula into informal processes (such as social mobilization) and nonformal processes (such as those found in various international educational recommendations). Using theoretical approaches from the fields of political philosophy and the social sciences, this book develops a simultaneously conceptual and analytical framework for the political in educational content involving environmental issues. This framework is then used to empirically analyze educational content on sustainable development formulated by UNESCO, as well as the Tunisian curriculum. The theoretical and empirical studies carried out in this book lead to proposed curriculum tags for political education through environmental issues, with the intent of opening this field to inclusion in the didactics of curriculum research.


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Action 2000, Stratégie de Développement Durable Du Ministère Des Affaires Étrangères Et Du Commerce International

Book Description

Four sustainable development goals are addressed in this document. These are based on the three strategic objectives of the Department as well as an environmentally-sensitive objective, that of Greening Operations. Other topics covered are: sustainable development objectives, issues and action plans; economic growth and prosperity; building peace and security; Canadian values and culture; greening operations; strategy requirements and process; departmental profile; and consultations.

Under Development: Gender

Book Description

Despite various decades of research and claim-making by feminist scholars and movements, gender remains an overlooked area in development studies. Looking at key issues in development studies through the prisms of gender and feminism, the authors demonstrate that gender is an indispensable tool for social change.

Information Pour la Prise de Décisions en Matière de Développement Durable

Book Description

This monograph provides an overview of Canada's work to meet two objectives identified by the United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development: bridging the data gap and improving the availability of information for decision making related to sustainable development. It begins by describing Canada's commitment to sustainable development and the kind of information needed. It then reviews national programs in the areas of bringing information together, building information systems & tools, improving public access to & use of information, recognizing weaknesses in infrastructure & information, supporting new technologies, and striking partnerships to finance & share information for sustainable development at home & abroad.

Occasions de Développement Durable, 2001-2003

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Natural Resources, Socio-Ecological Sensitivity and Climate Change in the Volta-Oti Basin, West Africa

Book Description

This book presents the outcome of an interdisciplinary and international workshop supported by the Volkswagen Stiftung (funding line ‘Knowledge for Tomorrow’) on the topic of ‘Natural Resources, Socio-Ecological Sensitivity and Climate Change in the Volta-Oti Basin, West Africa’. The conference was jointly organised by Goethe-University Frankfurt (Germany) and the University of Kara (Togo) held from March 6 to 8, 2019 in northern Togo. It aimed to strengthen capacities of junior scientists from the sub-region, exchange and mobilise theoretical and methodological background from various scientific fields (Botany, Construction, Geology, Geography, Infrastructure, Politics, Remote Sensing, Sociology and Urban Planning). One goal was to deliver reliable elements for ongoing and profound environmental analyses that lie outside the common questions of the academic and civil society stakeholders. Ecosystem fragmentation and deforestation in West Africa are mainly triggered by humans such as agriculture and small-scale forest disturbances for charcoal and firewood production. Increasing population pressure, declining of carrying capacity and demand for agricultural land caused the reduction of land conservation capacities, even in protected areas. The complexity of interactions between environmental and socio-ecological systems and subsequent effects (sensitivity) has raised ongoing international awareness in light of ongoing climate change. By the example of natural resources, land use and stakeholders’ perceptions within the Volta-Oti Basin the book’s proceedings present, discuss and distribute new findings that will sustainably stimulate the international debate. The workshop also intended to overcome national borders and language barriers between the Anglophone (Ghana) and the Francophone (Benin, Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Togo) research communities, and supported better West African cooperation and networking. The young as well as the established partners formed new collaborations, and the event at the University of Kara (Togo) was a truly unique opportunity for all involved, not only to discuss science, but also to assess applied and best future management practices for the Oti-Volta Basin in West Africa.