DFID's Programme in Zambia

Book Description

Although Zambia has enjoyed significant economic growth in the last decade, it remains one of the least-developed countries in the world, ranking 164 out of 187 countries in the 2011 UN Human Development. The country is seriously off track on the poverty Millennium Development Goal (MDG1) and inequality remains very high. Women suffer disproportionately; violence against women is widespread and maternal mortality rates (MDG5) are high. The foremost challenge for the Zambian economy is to spread wealth to rural areas and the Committee welcomes DFID's proposed rural markets development programme, which seeks to increase the productivity of poor smallholder farmers by strengthening markets for inputs and crops. Lack of access to reproductive health services is one of the key reasons maternal mortality is high. The report recommends that DFID encourage the Zambian Government to allow clinicians other than doctors, including nurses and midwives, to be trained to provide Long-Acting and Permanent Method contraception. DFID should focus its efforts on rural areas and young people. Secondary, tertiary and vocational education should also be prioritised in DFID's education expenditure. There is a particular need for business education with a lack of competent middle management across the Zambian economy in the public and private sector. The report also highlights major inefficiencies in Zambia's public expenditure - which, if removed, could free up revenues to improve public services. The biggest of these is the maize subsidy

DFID's Programme in Zambia

Book Description

Government response to HC 119, session 2012-13 (ISBN 9780215047700)

Aid and Poverty Reduction in Zambia

Book Description

Zambia, a once prosperous African country, now has 73 per cent of its people below the poverty line and by the early 1990s, the country was included on the list of the least developed countries. Despite significant aid volumes and structural reforms, the country is getting deeper and deeper into poverty. What is the missing link between aid and positive change? Is the problem mainly that the volume of aid is not sufficient and, as is often heard, more of it would make a difference? Has the sluggish social and economic progress in Zambia been appropriately diagnosed and correct remedies and strategies prescribed? This book attempts to address these and related questions.

DFID Zambia

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DFID and China

Book Description

Incorporating HC 596-i, ii, and iii of session 2007-08 previously unpublished