Diálogo de la doctrina cristiana

Book Description

Diálogo de doctrina cristiana constituye, una de las obras más representativas del influjo erasmiano en España. El contenido del Diálogo es muy parecido a otro libro de Juan de Valdés, el Alfabeto cristiano, escrito unos años después en Nápoles (y publicado también en versión italiana en 1546), donde sostiene la doctrina de la justificación por la fe. Valdés da a su Diálogo de la doctrina cristiana la forma de coloquio, tan difundida en el Renacimiento, y utilizada especialmente por Erasmo en sus escritos, e introduce a tres personajes: Antonio, Eusebio y Fray Pedro de Alba, arzobispo de Granada.

Diálogo de la doctrina cristiana

Book Description

El Diálogo de doctrina cristiana es una obra que destaca no solo por su contenido teológico sino también por su estructura literaria y su contexto histórico. Escrita bajo la influencia del erasmismo, una corriente intelectual y religiosa inspirada en las ideas de Erasmo de Róterdam, este trabajo de Juan de Valdés se alinea con una serie de textos que buscaban conciliar los principios del Renacimiento con los del cristianismo. En cuanto a la forma, el uso del diálogo o coloquio es particularmente significativo. Este formato, popular durante el Renacimiento y frecuentemente empleado por Erasmo, permite una exploración más profunda y matizada de los temas teológicos. A través del intercambio entre los tres personajes -Antonio, Eusebio y Fray Pedro de Alba, arzobispo de Granada- se ofrecen diversas perspectivas sobre la doctrina de la justificación por la fe, un tema central en el erasmismo y en la Reforma protestante. La elección de los personajes también es reveladora. Al incluir a un arzobispo en la conversación, Valdés demuestra una voluntad de diálogo entre las diferentes facciones del cristianismo de la época. Esto puede interpretarse como un intento de buscar un terreno común en medio de las disputas teológicas y eclesiásticas que caracterizaban el período. En cuanto al contenido, la obra comparte similitudes con otro texto de Valdés, el "Alfabeto cristiano", lo que sugiere una coherencia en su pensamiento teológico. En ambas obras, el autor defiende la idea de la justificación por la fe, un principio que desafiaba algunas de las enseñanzas tradicionales de la Iglesia Católica de la época y que fue un punto clave en las discusiones religiosas subsiguientes. Diálogo de doctrina cristiana de Juan de Valdés es una obra compleja y rica en matices que ofrece una ventana a las tensiones teológicas y intelectuales del siglo XVI en España. Su uso del formato de diálogo permite un tratamiento más dinámico y plural de los temas doctrinales, y su influencia erasmiana la coloca en una tradición de pensamiento que buscaba renovar el cristianismo desde dentro, manteniendo un equilibrio entre la fe y la razón. La obra es un documento histórico valioso, y una pieza literaria que refleja las inquietudes y aspiraciones de su tiempo.

Peter Martyr Vermigli and Predestination

Book Description

This study is an inquiry into the intellectual origins of the Reformed branch of Protestantism generally called Calvinism. It focuses on the early theologian who gave formative shape to Reformed theology, Peter Martyr Vermigli.

Humanism and Religion in Early Modern Spain

Book Description

Humanism and Religion in Early Modern Spain brings together twenty-five essays by renowned historian Terence O’Reilly. The essays examine the interplay of religion and humanism in a series of writings composed in sixteenth-century Spain. It begins by presenting essential background: the coming together during the reign of the Emperor Charles V of Erasmian humanism and various movements of religious reform, some of them heterodox. It then moves on to the reign of Philip II, focusing on the mystical poetry and prose of St John of the Cross. It explores the influence on his writings of his humanist learning – classical, biblical and patristic. The third part of the book concerns a verse-epistle by John’s contemporary, Francisco de Aldana. One chapter presents the text with a parallel version in English, whilst two others trace its debt to Florentine Neoplatonism, particularly the thought of Marsilio Ficino. The final part is devoted to the humanism of the poet and Scripture scholar Luis de León, and specifically to the confluence in his work of biblical and classical motifs. This book is essential reading for scholars and students of early modern Spanish history, as well those interested in literary studies and the history of religion. (CS 1102).

Iberian Books / Libros ibéricos (IB)

Book Description

This is the first comprehensive listing of all books published in Spain, Portugal, Mexico and Peru or in Spanish or Portuguese before 1601. Iberian Books offers an analytical short title-catalogue of over 19,000 bibliographically distinct items, with reference to around 100,000 surviving copies in over 1,200 libraries worldwide. By drawing together information from many previously disparate published and online resources, it seeks to provide a single, powerful research resource. Fully-indexed, Iberian Books is an indispensible work of reference for all students and specialists interested in the literature, history and culture of the Iberian Peninsula in the early modern age, as well as historians of the European book world. For the period 1601-1650, see Iberian Books Volumes II & III.

The Catecismo of Martín Pérez de Ayala

Book Description

It is important for Christians and Muslims to engage in respectful dialogue. However, it is not easy. The present book delves into the past for wisdom and guidance. Spanish theologian Martin Perez de Ayala (1504-66) wrote a catechism or Catecismo that was not published until more than three decades after he had passed away. Why was the Catecismo published posthumously? The search for answers to this question involved evaluating the Catecismo against thirteen other catechisms written in sixteenth-century Spain. This assessment generated timeless principles that can be used today by those who wish to have cordial conversations about Islam and biblical Christianity with their Muslim friends.

Books in the Catholic World during the Early Modern Period

Book Description

The Reformation is often alluded to as Gutenberg’s child. Could it then be said that the Counter-Reformation was his step-child? The close relationship between the Reformation, the printing press and books has received extensive, historiographical attention, which is clearly justified; however, the links between books and the Catholic world have often been limited to a tale of censorship and repression. The current volume looks beyond this, with a series of papers that aim to shed new light on the complex relationships between Catholicism and books during the early modern period, before and after the religious schism, with special focus on trade, common reads and the mechanisms used to control readership in different territories, together with the similarities between the Catholic and the Protestant worlds. Contributors include: Stijn Van Rossem, Rafael M. Pérez García, Pedro J. Rueda Ramírez, Idalia García Aguilar, Bianca Lindorfer, Natalia Maillard Álvarez, and Adrien Delmas.

Dictionary of Spanish Literature

Book Description

A wide-ranging, accessible reference for students of Spanish or Spanish American literature covering fiction, poetry, drama, anonymous classics, and more. In Dictionary of Spanish Literature, Maxim Newmark presents a concise yet informative overview of significant authors and works in Spanish literature, as well as important topics and terminology. Outstanding Spanish literary critics, the major movements, schools, genres, and scholarly journals are also included. An essential resource for any Spanish literature scholar, this volume provides an expansive overview of the topic, spanning both centuries and continents.

Spain and Portugal

Book Description

Serves as a reference guide for any student interested in the modern history of Spain and Portugal. This work contains a concise narrative history, a chronology, and an A-to-Z encyclopedia covering significant people, places, events, and issues in Spanish and Portuguese history.