Dictionary of 11-Letter Words: Words You Should Know

Book Description

In this book, you will learn the meanings of 875 useful 11-letter words. You will also find the names of the parts of speech they belong to. I have also given synonyms for most of these words. Sample this: 01 -- abandonment [n.] -- (a). the act of leaving a person, place or thing without intending to return | (b). the act of giving up a practice, a course of action or a way of thinking completely and permanently [synonyms: desertion, forsaking] 02 -- accelerator [n.] -- (a). the pedal in a car, truck or other vehicle used to press with your foot for controlling the speed of the engine | (b). something that makes a process happen quickly | (c). a machine that is used to make elementary particles move at very high speeds 03 -- acceptation [n.] -- a particular sense or the generally accepted meaning of a word, phrase or expression 04 -- acclamation [n.] -- (a). loud, noisy and enthusiastic approval or welcome [synonyms: approbation, commendation] | (b). the act of electing sb using a spoken vote instead of a ballot 05 -- acquisitive [adj.] -- eager to own to acquire and own money or new possessions (material things) in a greedy way [synonyms: covetous, materialistic] 06 -- acrimonious [adj.] -- (a). (of an argument, a speech, discussion, behavior, etc.) angry and full of strong bitter, sharp or harsh feelings and words | (b). having a strong unpleasant taste or smell 07 -- adventuress [n.] -- a woman who enjoys taking risks or is willing to take risks with a view to acquire political power or to get success in a business, sometimes in a dishonest way 08 -- adventurism [n.] -- a willingness to take risks with a view to acquire political power or to get success in a business, sometimes in a dishonest way 09 -- adventurous [adj.] -- (a). (of a person) willing to take risks and try new ideas, methods, things or experiences | (b). including new and interesting ideas, methods, things or experiences | (c). full of new, exciting or dangerous ideas, methods, things or experiences [synonyms: audacious, bold, daring, exploratory] 10 -- affectation [n.] -- insincere, pretentious or unnatural behavior or an action intended to impress other people 11 -- affectingly [adv.] -- in a manner that produces strong feelings of distress, pity, regret, sorrow, or sympathy, etc. 12 -- ambiguously [adv.] -- In a manner that can be understood or interpreted in more than one way [synonyms: dubiously, vaguely, puzzlingly] 13 -- ambitiously [adv.] -- (a). with the intention of becoming extremely successful, rich, powerful, wealthy [synonym: determinedly] | (b). in a way that needs a lot of work, effort, money or time in order to achieve a specific goal because it involves too much of difficulty 14 -- amorphously [adv.] -- (a). in a manner that has no fixed, regular or distinct shape, design, form or structure [synonyms: formlessly, shapelessly,] | (b). in a way that has no definite character or nature | (c). in a manner that lacks organization [synonyms: unstructured, vaguely] 15 -- androgynous [adj.] -- partly male and partly female in appearance; having both male and female characteristics; of indeterminate gender [synonyms: asexual, genderless] 16 -- anecdotally [adv.] -- according to or by means of personal description or observations rather than proven facts 17 -- appallingly [adj.] -- In an extremely bad way [synonyms: awfully, terribly] | (b). extremely bad or poor 18 -- aristocracy [n.] -- (in some countries) the people of the highest social class or position who often have special titles such as that of duke or duchess [synonym: nobility] 19 – atmospheric [adj.] -- (a). [only before noun] related to the mixture of gases that surrounds a place, earth, planet, star, etc. | (b). creating an emotional or thrilling mood 20 -- audaciously [adv.] -- In an extremely courageous, confident and often reckless or rude manner [synonyms: adventurously, daringly, boldly]

Dictionary of 12- to 14-Letter Words: Words You Should Know

Book Description

In this book, you will learn the meanings of 1225 useful 12- to 14-letter words. You will also find the names of the parts of speech they belong to. I have also given synonyms for most of these words. “Letter Count” has been mentioned in the bracket after each and every word. Sample this: 01 -- abominableness [14] [n.] -- the state or quality of being extremely bad or unpleasant and causing a strong feeling of dislike or disapproval [synonyms: monstrousness, repulsiveness] 02 -- abstemiously [12] [adv.] -- in a sparing manner, avoiding too much in enjoyable activities such as eating food or drinking alcohol 03 -- abstractedly [12] [adv.] -- without paying attention to what is happening around you because you are thinking deeply about sth else; [synonyms: absentmindedly, inattentively, distractedly] 04 -- abstractionism [14] [n.] -- the principles that the mind obtains concepts by abstracting them from concepts it already has, or from experience. 05 -- abstractionist [14] [n.] -- a person who produces abstract works of art || [adj.] -- producing abstract works of art 06 -- acquisitively [13] [adv.] -- in a manner that shows eagerness to own to acquire and own money or new possessions (material things) in a greedy way [synonyms: graspingly, covetously, materialistically] 07 -- acrimoniously [13] [adv.] -- (of an argument, a speech, discussion, behavior, etc.) in an angry manner or in a bitter, sharp, harsh manner of language or tone 08 -- adaptability [12] [n.] -- (a). the quality of being able to adjust or be adjusted to deal with new and different situations or conditions [synonym: flexibility] | (b). the quality of being able to be modified or suited for a new use or purpose 09 -- adjectivally [12] [adv.] -- as, or in the manner or way of, an adjective 10 -- adulterously [12] [adv.] -- relating to a physical relationship (intercourse) between a married person and sb who is not their spouse or partner [synonyms: disloyally, treacherously] 11 -- advantageous [12] [adj.] -- good, useful, helpful or favorable in a particular situation [synonyms: beneficial, gainful] 12 -- advantageously [14] [adv.] -- in a manner that is good, useful, helpful or favorable in a particular situation [synonyms: beneficially, constructively, gainfully] 13 -- adventitious [12] [adj.] -- happening by chance or accident; not planned or designed 14 -- adventitiously [14] [adv.] -- in a manner that is happening by chance or accident; in a manner that is not planned or designed 15 -- aggrandizement [14] [n.] -- an increase in the power, wealth, importance or status of a person or country [synonyms: enhancement; extension] 16 -- alliteration [12] [n.] -- repetition of the initial letter or sound at the beginning of words in a sentence 17 -- amateurishly [12] [adv.] -- in a manner that is done incompetently, inexpertly or unskillfully [synonyms: incompetently, unprofessionally] 18 -- ambassadorial [13] [adj.] -- belonging to a high ranking official, who is representative to a foreign country [synonym: diplomatic] 19 -- ambassadress [12] [n.] -- a high-ranking female official, who is representative to a foreign country; a female ambassador [synonyms: diplomat, envoy] 20 -- ambidextrous [12] [adj.] -- (a). able to use the right and left hands equally well | (b). (of a tool or instrument) designed to be used by right-handed and left-handed people with equal ease 21 -- ambidextrously [14] [adv.] -- meaning of the word 22 -- amphibiously [12] [adv.] -- (a). in a manner that is able to live/belong both on land and in water | (b). (of military operations) in a manner that involves soldiers landing or attacking at a place from the sea | (c). in a way that is suitable for use to operate on land or water; in a way that is able to operate on land or water 23 – antagonistic [12] [adj.] -- showing or feeling dislike or opposition [synonym: hostile] 24 -- aristocratic [12] [adj.] -- belonging to or typical of the people of the highest social class or position who often have special titles such as that of duke or duchess [synonym: noble] 25 – asymptomatic [12] [adj.] -- (of a person or illness) showing no symptoms

How to Use the Word “Take” In English: A Comprehensive Guide to the Word “Take”

Book Description

This Book Covers The Following Topics: 01. English Verb -- ‘Take’ 02. Meanings of the Main Verb ‘Take’ 03. Idioms With the Word ‘Take’ 04. Phrasal Verbs With the Word ‘Take’ 05. Proverbs/Sayings With the Word ‘Take’ 06. Useful Expressions With the Word ‘Take’ 07. English Word: ‘Take’ -- Useful Notes 08. Conjugation of the Verb ‘Take’ Sample This: Take is an irregular verb. Its three forms are as follows: First Form (Base Form) -- TAKE Second Form (Past Form) -- TOOK Third Form (Past Participle) -- TAKEN Present Perfect of ‘Take’ – Have/Has Taken Past Perfect of ‘Take’ -- Had Taken -ING Form of ‘Take’ -- Taking Infinitive of ‘Take’ -- To Take MOST COMMON Meanings OF “TAKE” AS THE MAIN VERB ARE AS FOLLOWS: 01. to go with sb from one place to another Example Sentences: (take sb to sth) The police took them to the police station. (take sb doing sth) He took his dog walking when it was drizzling. (take sb to do sth) I took him to meet his friend in the resort. 02. (take sth) to eat, drink, etc. sth Example Sentences: Is it possible to take salt while fasting? Take medicine on time. He is sick and has to take medicine five times a day for a week. He took drugs that killed him instantly. What are the best vitamins to take for skincare? 03. to carry or move sth from one place to another take sth (with you) Example Sentences: He took his luggage and possessions with him. (take sth to sb/sth) She took the iron box to a local recycling bin to be discarded. 04. to need or require sth in order to happen or be done (take sb/sth to do sth) Example Sentences: It will take three people to lift this box. It doesn't take much to tame a dog. It only takes a few seconds to hurt people you love. It did not take much persuading for him to accept the challenge. 05. to make sb/sth go from one level, position, stage, situation, etc. to another Example Sentences: My school teacher knew I take myself to the top. We need to determine how many years it will take the debt to reach zero Take your hobby a stage further and make it part of your career development. Unity and harmony is the best way to take the country forward. He asked them to submit a detailed proposal in order to take the matter forward. The blend of skills required to take the company forward.

How to Use the Word “Have” In English: A Comprehensive Guide to the Word “Have”

Book Description

This Book Covers The Following Topics: 01. English Verb -- ‘Have’ 02. Meanings of the Main Verb ‘Have’ 03. Idioms With the Word ‘Have’ 04. Phrasal Verbs With the Word ‘Have’ 05. Proverbs/Sayings With the Word ‘Have’ 06. Useful Expressions With the Word ‘Have’ 07. English Word: ‘Have’ -- Useful Notes 08. Conjugation of the Verb ‘Have’ Sample This: Have is an irregular verb. Its three forms are as follows: First Form (Base Form) – HAVE/HAS Second Form (Past Form) -- HAD Third Form (Past Participle) -- HAD Present Perfect of ‘Have’ – Had Past Perfect of ‘Have’ -- Had -ING Form of ‘Come’ -- Making Infinitive of ‘Come’ -- To Have MOST COMMON Meanings OF “HAVE” AS A MAIN VERB ARE AS FOLLOWS: (Note: In some senses you can also use “have got”. Especially in British English, using “have got” is quite popular.) Meaning 01: (have sth) (or have got sth) (not used in the continuous tenses) to hold, own or possess sth Example Sentences: He has an old two-wheeler. She does not have a college degree. They do not have an ATM card. Meaning 02: (have sth) to experience sth Example Sentence: What to do when you have a bad day at work. She had difficulty falling asleep and would wake up several times in the night. My company has had a rapid economic recovery, He has had no adverse impact of the medicines. Our organization has had very healthy growth during the last year She was helpful to her friend who has had a traumatic event. Many children have had neglect and abuse. He has had a truly remarkable year. Some sectors have had major financial challenges in recent years. The hill road had larger slips. Meaning 03: (have sth) (or have got sth) (not used in the continuous tenses) to have a thought or feeling in your mind She has the notion that she can fulfill her dreams. They have always had the belief that they could beat the big teams. I have got an idea for the event. She has got an idea of how it should work. Meaning 04: (have sth) (or have got sth) (not used in the continuous tenses) to show a particular feature or quality Example Sentences: Most of the things we eat have flavor in them. He has a lot of confidence. He had the audacity to reject my suggestion for a superficial reason. Meaning 05: (have sth) to eat, drink or smoke sth Example Sentences: I had a delicious meal at his home. He had a cigarette during her stroll', We all had breakfast together at 8 am. We all had lunch and took a picture. He had dinner with his family and then went to the office.

How to Use the Word “Break” In English: A Comprehensive Guide to the Word “Break”

Book Description

This Book Covers The Following Topics: 01. English Verb -- ‘Break’ 02. Meanings of the Main Verb ‘Break’ 03. Idioms With the Word ‘Break’ 04. Phrasal Verbs With the Word ‘Break’ 05. Proverbs/Sayings With the Word ‘Break’ 06. Useful Expressions With the Word ‘Break’ 07. English Word: ‘Break’ -- Useful Notes 08. Conjugation of the Verb ‘Break’ Sample This: Break is an irregular verb. Its three forms are as follows: First Form (Base Form) -- BREAK Second Form (Past Form) -- BROKE Third Form (Past Participle) -- BROKEN Present Perfect of ‘Break’ – Have/Has Broken Past Perfect of ‘Break’ -- Had Broken -ING Form of ‘Break’ -- Breaking Infinitive of ‘Break’ -- To Break MOST COMMON Meanings OF “BREAK” AS THE MAIN VERB ARE AS FOLLOWS: Meaning 1: to be damaged and divided or separated into two or more parts due to force of some type; to damage sth in this way Example Sentences: Many large trees broke under the weight of heavy snow. (break (in/into sth)) A passenger plane skidded off the runway and broke into pieces (break sth) At the age of 15, Day broke her legs in a car accident. A museum visitor intentionally broke a vase in the exhibition. (break sth in/into sth) He broke the table into many pieces and wood splinters flew up into the air. Meaning 2: (break sth) to do sth that is considered illegal or to fail to keep your promise, words, etc. Example Sentences: When minors break the law, they usually appear in juvenile court. Why do some employees break the rules? With their permission, you can break the agreement I had no other option but to break the contract with them What can you do when you break a promise to yourself? He broke the speed limit 15 times in four hours and was fined heftily. Meaning 3: (break sth) to make sth come to an end forcefully Example Sentences: Tear gas was hurled into the buildings to break the strike. They have managed to break the siege. Meaning 4: to destroy sth or make sb/sth weaker or unable to bear sth; to become weak or be destroyed Example Sentences: (break sb/sth) A loss would have definitely broken his morale. His battle with debilitating medical conditions never broke his resolve to struggle to maintain a productive life. The first time we confronted them; they broke our momentum and broke our spirit. He broke her with his harsh words. Racism broke her. (destroyed his confidence) (break under) The prisoner broke under questioning​ and confessed that he stole the money. He broke under pressure and lost the game. Meaning 5: (break sth) to end a relationship, association, connection, etc. with sb/sth Example Sentence: After he left college, he broke all ties with his former life.

How to Use the Word “Go” In English: A Comprehensive Guide to the Word “Go”

Book Description

This Book Covers The Following Topics: 01. English Verb -- ‘Go’ 02. Meanings of the Main Verb ‘Go’ 03. Idioms With the Word ‘Go’ 04. Phrasal Verbs With the Word ‘Go’ 05. Proverbs/Sayings With the Word ‘Go’ 06. Useful Expressions With the Word ‘Go’ 07. English Word: ‘Go’ -- Useful Notes 08. Conjugation of the Verb ‘Go’ Sample This: Turn is a regular verb. Its three forms are as follows: First Form (Base Form) -- TURN Second Form (Past Form) -- TURNED Third Form (Past Participle) -- TURNED Present Perfect of ‘Come’ – Have/Has Turned Past Perfect of ‘Come’ -- Had Turned -ING Form of ‘Come’ -- turning Infinitive of ‘Come’ -- To Turn MOST COMMON Meanings OF “GO” AS The MAIN VERB ARE AS FOLLOWS: Meaning 01: to move or travel from one place to another Example Sentences: (go + adv./prep.) When can a child go into a swimming pool? He had gone to Amsterdam to celebrate her birthday last year. As a flight attendant, she has been to many countries. (=went and returned) When was the last time you went to the dentist's? Will you go to work if you're sick? (go to do sth) He has gone to meet him at the airport Meaning 02: to move or travel in a particular way (go + adv./prep.) Example Sentence: Sometimes we went fast, sometimes we went slow! Meaning 03: (of money) to be spent or used for sth Example Sentence: Where all your money went? Her salary goes to a local children's charity. (go on sth) 80% of his wages went on gambling. (go to do sth) 50% of his salary goes to pay the medical bills. Meaning 04: to be sounded as a signal or warning sign Example Sentences: The whistle went for the interval. The whistle went for full time with the score sitting on nil. The alarm went for an air raid The alarm went for us to be ready. Meaning 05: to move or travel over a particular distance (go + noun) Example Sentences: The van has gone 20 miles now with no problems yet. Flames went 50 feet in the air. Meaning 06: (go + adv./prep.) used to talk about how a situation progresses Example Sentences: His daughter's first day of school went well and without any big issue. How can you tell if a job interview went well? My job & visa process went smoothly. The presidential election went smoothly. We have a discussion about the way things are going. We have guys who want to change the way things are going. He was fully prepared and the job went efficiently. Officials say the exercise went safely as planned.

How to Use the Word “Come” In English: A Comprehensive Guide to the Word “Come”

Book Description

This Book Covers The Following Topics: 01. English Verb -- ‘Come’ 02. Meanings of the Main Verb ‘Come’ 03. Idioms With the Word ‘Come’ 04. Phrasal Verbs With the Word ‘Come’ 05. Proverbs/Sayings With the Word ‘Come’ 06. Useful Expressions With the Word ‘Come’ 07. English Word: ‘Come’ -- Useful Notes 08. Conjugation of the Verb ‘Come’ Sample This: Come is an irregular verb. Its three forms are as follows: First Form (Base Form) -- COME Second Form (Past Form) -- CAME Third Form (Past Participle) -- COME Present Perfect of ‘Come’ – Have/Has Come Past Perfect of ‘Come’ -- Had Come -ING Form of ‘Come’ -- Coming Infinitive of ‘Come’ -- To Come MOST COMMON Meanings OF “COME” AS A MAIN VERB ARE AS FOLLOWS: Meaning 01: to arrive at, get to or reach a place; to move towards a person or place Example Sentences: My parcel came today but sadly an item that I had ordered was missing. When opportunity came at last, I made the most of it. Your ordered items are coming in a little while. Help came late! He came into the dressing room. (come (to..)) Today is a holiday but he came to the office in the afternoon for some work. They went along the road and came to a stream What time did he come to your farmhouse? The time has come to say goodbye – for a while. (come to do sth) They are coming to meet you personally today. He had come to solve your problems. She came to work despite being told to stay home. Come near! His daughter came home in the evening, “It is quite a storm coming in. Meaning 02: to happen Example Sentences: Did this contract come after the initial announcement of the record? The rains came late but were abundant to end the months-long drought (come as sth) Testing positive for dengue fever came as a rude shock to him. The increased payments came as a relief. The results of the company did not come as expected. It came as no surprise to us that he was named “Student of the Year”. Meaning 03: to arrive somewhere with a purpose to do sth or get sth Example Sentences: (come for sth) She came for a vacation with her two sons. (come about sth) She came about his dinner. (come to do sth) His wife and children came to meet him. (come doing sth) He came complaining of tooth pain at the upper left maxilla. Meaning 04: (come to/into sth) used to show that sth has reached a particular state Example Sentences: His life journey suddenly came to an end. The motorcycle came to a stop. Hitler came to power in 1933 She analyzed the information and came to a decision. He came to a conclusion without hearing me completely. Meaning 05: to move or travel by yourself or with sb else to a particular place with a view to join an event Example Sentences: He had come only for a few minutes at the function. Thanks for coming, everyone! She came to the party with no gift. (come to sth with sb) She came to the get-together with his family. (come doing sth) He came skating with his friends.

How to Use the Word “Set” In English: A Comprehensive Guide to the Word “Set”

Book Description

This Book Covers The Following Topics: 01. English Verb -- ‘Set’ 02. Meanings of the Main Verb ‘Set’ 03. Idioms With the Word ‘Set’ 04. Phrasal Verbs With the Word ‘Set’ 05. Proverbs/Sayings With the Word ‘Set’ 06. Useful Expressions With the Word ‘Set’ 07. English Word: ‘Set’ -- Useful Notes 08. Conjugation of the Verb ‘Set’ Sample This: MOST COMMON Meanings OF “SET” AS A MAIN VERB ARE AS FOLLOWS: Meaning 01: to put sth/sb in a particular place, spot or position Example Sentences: He set a bowl of candy in front of a child, That residential-looking structure was set in the back of a parking lot. Meaning 02: to cause sb/sth to be in a particular state, condition or situation; to start sth happening (set sb/sth doing sth) Example Sentences: My question set them thinking. That huge rock was balanced so finely that the slightest nudge set it moving. No particular topic set them talking. Meaning 03: to give sb a piece of work, a task, etc. to perform Example Sentences: (set sth for sth) They have set a new syllabus for this competitive exam. (set sth) The examiner will set the question paper on the spot. Examiners are required to set the question paper at least half an hour before the examination. (set sth for sb/yourself) She should set a target for himself and come up with a plan to achieve it. (set sb/yourself sth) He has set himself a number of goals. They have set themselves a series of rules. She needed to set herself a target He had set himself a punishing schedule. (set sb/yourself to do sth) He has set himself to read 24 books per year. He set himself to improve his game and work hard to compete at a high level in his career. She is really set herself to play well again He has set himself to work cheerfully. Some players always set themselves to win. He set himself to write his autobiography, She set herself to learn many things. Meaning 04: (set sth) to arrange, fix or decide on sth Example Sentences: Set a time for completing each step in your plan. Set a time for your scheduled post. Set a time for bed. Set a time for lunch and snacks. Set a time for physical activity and stick to it. When he ran his first marathon he didn't set a time goal except to finish the race. Set limits on your child's behavior in a positive and respectful way. Do not set limits to your dreams! You should not set limits to imagination. Banks may set limits on your withdrawals, Banks may set limits on the amount of money you can send. Many people think that it is very difficult to set limits. Meaning 05: to place and arrange things such as plates, utensils, knives, glasses, forks napkins, etc. for a meal (set a/the table (for sb/sth)) Example Sentences: Teach your kids to set the table. Set the table for friends, family, and loved ones! Her mother told her to set the table for lunch.

Words In the English Language: Useful Notes

Book Description

This Book Covers the Following Topics: 01a. Words that are spelled differently In British and American English 01b. Words with two or more spellings [Usually used in British English only] 01c. Words with two or more spellings [Usually used in American English only] 01d. Words with two or more spellings [Usually used in both British and American English] 02a. Different Words for the same sense or meaning in British and American English 02b. Two or more Words for the same sense or meaning [Usually used in British English only] 02c. Two or more Words for the same sense or meaning [Usually used in American English only] 02d. Two or more Words for the same sense or meaning [Usually used in both British and American English] 03. Words that may be used in both small letters and Capital letters 4a. Verb + to-Infinitive 04b. Verb + Noun Phrase + to-Infinitive 05a. Verb + wh-clause 05b. Verb + Noun Phrase + wh-clause 06a. Verb + that-clause 06b. Verb + Noun Phrase + that-clause 07a. Verb + Direct Speech 07b. Verb + Noun Phrase + Direct Speech 08a. Verb + ‘-Ing Phrase’ 08b. Verb + Noun Phrase + ‘-Ing Phrase’ Sample This: 01a. Words that are spelled differently In British and American English Rule 1: ‘OUR’ in British English words usually changes to ‘OR’ in American English Words. British Spelling (Br) || American Spelling (Ame) ---- (Parts of Speech they belong to) 01. arbour (Br) || arbor (Ame) ---- [noun] 02. ardour (Br) || ardor (Ame) ---- [noun] 03. armour (Br) || armor (Ame) ---- [noun] 04. armoured (Br) || armored (Ame) ---- [adjective] 05. armourer (Br) || armorer (Ame) ---- [noun] 06. armoury (Br) || armory (Ame) ---- [noun] 07. behaviour (Br) || behavior (Ame) ---- [noun] 08. behaviourism (Br) || behaviorism (Ame) ---- [noun] 09. behaviourist (Br) || behaviorist (Ame) ---- [noun] 10. belabour (Br) || belabor (Ame) ---- [verb] 11. candour (Br) || candor (Ame) ---- [noun] 12. clamour (Br) || clamor (Ame) ---- [verb/noun] 13. clangour (Br) || clangor (Ame) ---- [noun] 14. colour (Br) || color (Ame) ---- [noun/verb] 15. colour scheme (Br) || color scheme (Ame) ---- [noun] 16. colouration (Br) || coloration (Ame) ---- [noun] 17. coloured (Br) || colored (Ame) ---- [adjective / noun] 18. colourful (Br) || colorful (Ame) ---- [adjective] 19. colouring (Br) || coloring (Ame) ---- [noun] 20. colourist (Br) || colorist (Ame) ---- [noun] 21. demeanour (Br) || demeanor (Ame) ---- [noun] 22. discolour (Br) || discolor (Ame) ---- [verb] 23. disfavour (Br) || disfavor (Ame) ---- [noun] 24. dishonour (Br) || dishonor (Ame) ---- [noun/verb] 25. dishonourable (Br) || dishonorable (Ame) ---- [adjective] 26. dishonourably (Br) || dishonorably (Ame) ---- [adverb] 27. enamoured (Br) || enamored (Ame) ---- [adjective] 28. endeavour (Br) || endeavor (Ame) ---- [verb / noun] 29. favourite (Br) || favorite (Ame) ---- [adjective/noun] 30. fervour (Br) || fervor (Ame) ---- [noun] 31. flavour (Br) || flavor (Ame) ---- [noun/verb] 32. flavoured (Br) || flavored (Ame) ---- [adjective] 33. flavouring (Br) || flavoring (Ame) ---- [noun] 34. flavourless (Br) || flavorless (Ame) ---- [adjective] 35. forced labour (Br) || forced labor (Ame) ---- [noun] 36. full-colour (Br) || full-color (Ame) ---- [adjective] 37. funeral parlour (Br) || funeral parlor (Ame) ---- [noun] 38. gallows humour (Br) || gallows humor (Ame) ---- [noun] 39. glamour (Br) || glamor (Ame) ---- [noun] 40. glamour model (Br) || glamor model (Ame) ---- [noun] 41. good humour (Br) || good humor (Ame) ---- [noun] 42. good-humoured (Br) || good-humored (Ame) ---- [adjective] 43. good-humouredly (Br) || good-humoredly (Ame) ---- [adverb] 44. harbour (Br) || harbor (Ame) ---- [noun/verb] 45. harbour master (Br) || harbormaster (Ame) ---- [noun] 46. hard labour (Br) || hard labor (Ame) ---- [noun] 47. honour (Br) || honor (Ame) ---- [noun/verb] 48. humour (Br) || humor (Ame) ---- [noun/verb] 49. humourless (Br) || humorless (Ame) ---- [adjective] 50. ill humour (Br) || ill humor (Ame) ---- [noun]