Crises and Cycles in Economic Dictionaries and Encyclopaedias

Book Description

This book aims at investigating from the perspective of the major economic dictionaries the notions of economic crisis and cycle. The project consists in giving an extensive summary of a number of significant entries on this subject, with an introductory essay to each entry placing them (and the dictionary to which they belong) in their context, giving some details on the author of the dictionary entry, and assessing the entry’s (and its author’s) contribution. The broad picture (including the history of these encyclopedic tools) will be examined in the introductory essays.

Routledge French Dictionary of Business, Commerce and Finance Dictionnaire anglais des affaires, du commerce et de la finance

Book Description

This dictionary consists of some 100,000 terms and references in bith French and English, including 4,000 abbreviations. over 45 subject areas are covered, including: * Accountancy * Banking * Business Administration * Computing * Economics * Environment * Finance * General Commerce * Human Resource Management * Import/Export * Industry * Insurance * Law * Leisure * Management * Mathematics * Media * Patents * Politics * Property * Sales & Marketing * Stock Market * Taxation * Tourism * Transport * Welfare & Safety. Also included is a comprehensive up-to-date reference section on countries, business correspondence and situations, job titles, stock exchanges, economic indexes and numbers. KEY FEATURES Term Specialists - the terms list has been checked by over 100 sources including experts from Apple France * Association Française des Banques * Chartered Institute of Banking * France Telecom * Institute of European Trade and Technology * American Graduate School of Management * London School of Economics * Ecole supérieure de commerce de Lyon * Department of Trade and Industry * Law Society * University of Reading * Environment Council * University of Bath * Centre de Recherche et de Gestion * Manchester Business School * Ecole supérieure internationale de commerce and Ecole des hautes études commerciales de Montrial(HEC). Prestigous experts - include Prof. Chris Nobes, Prof. Michel Péron, Prof. Gordon Shenton, Dr. Van de Yeught and Prof. Peter Walton. Native Speakers - all stages of compilation have included native speakers of French as well as English and extensive coverage of US as well as UK terminology.

Routledge French Technical Dictionary Dictionnaire technique anglais

Book Description

The French-English volume of this highly acclaimed set consists of some 100,000 keywords in both French and English, drawn from the whole range of modern applied science and technical terminology. Covers over 70 subject areas, from engineering and chemistry to packaging, transportation, data processing and much more.

French for Management and Business

Book Description

Aimed at those who wish to gain sufficient proficiency in French in order to carry on business, this book attempts to equip students with a text which will consolidate their basic language skills while establishing the intellectual foundation for advanced language work.