Fault Tolerance

Book Description

The production of a new version of any book is a daunting task, as many authors will recognise. In the field of computer science, the task is made even more daunting by the speed with which the subject and its supporting technology move forward. Since the publication of the first edition of this book in 1981 much research has been conducted, and many papers have been written, on the subject of fault tolerance. Our aim then was to present for the first time the principles of fault tolerance together with current practice to illustrate those principles. We believe that the principles have (so far) stood the test of time and are as appropriate today as they were in 1981. Much work on the practical applications of fault tolerance has been undertaken, and techniques have been developed for ever more complex situations, such as those required for distributed systems. Nevertheless, the basic principles remain the same.

Fault-Tolerant Computing Systems

Book Description

5th International GI/ITG/GMA Conference, Nürnberg, September 25-27, 1991. Proceedings

The Evolution of Fault-Tolerant Computing

Book Description

For the editors of this book, as well as for many other researchers in the area of fault-tolerant computing, Dr. William Caswell Carter is one of the key figures in the formation and development of this important field. We felt that the IFIP Working Group 10.4 at Baden, Austria, in June 1986, which coincided with an important step in Bill's career, was an appropriate occasion to honor Bill's contributions and achievements by organizing a one day "Symposium on the Evolution of Fault-Tolerant Computing" in the honor of William C. Carter. The Symposium, held on June 30, 1986, brought together a group of eminent scientists from all over the world to discuss the evolu tion, the state of the art, and the future perspectives of the field of fault-tolerant computing. Historic developments in academia and industry were presented by individuals who themselves have actively been involved in bringing them about. The Symposium proved to be a unique historic event and these Proceedings, which contain the final versions of the papers presented at Baden, are an authentic reference document.

Dependable Computing for Critical Applications 4

Book Description

This volume contains the articles presented at the Fourth InternationallFIP Working Conference on Dependable Computing for Critical Applications held in San Diego, California, on January 4-6, 1994. In keeping with the previous three conferences held in August 1989 at Santa Barbara (USA), in February 1991 at Tucson (USA), and in September 1992 at Mondello (Italy), the conference was concerned with an important basic question: can we rely on computer systems for critical applications? This conference, like its predecessors, addressed various aspects of dependability, a broad term defined as the degree of trust that may justifiably be placed in a system's reliability, availability, safety, security and performance. Because of its broad scope, a main goal was to contribute to a unified understanding and integration of these concepts. The Program Committee selected 21 papers for presentation from a total of 95 submissions at a September meeting in Menlo Park, California. The resulting program represents a broad spectrum of interests, with papers from universities, corporations and government agencies in eight countries. The selection process was greatly facilitated by the diligent work of the program committee members, for which we are most grateful. As a Working Conference, the program was designed to promote the exchange of ideas by extensive discussions. All paper sessions ended with a 30 minute discussion period on the topics covered by the session. In addition, three panel sessions have been organizcd.

Scientific Bulletin

Book Description

Euro-Par 2012: Parallel Processing Workshops

Book Description

This book constitutes thoroughly refereed post-conference proceedings of the workshops of the 18th International Conference on Parallel Computing, Euro-Par 2012, held in Rhodes Islands, Greece, in August 2012. The papers of these 10 workshops BDMC, CGWS, HeteroPar, HiBB, OMHI, Paraphrase, PROPER, UCHPC, VHPC focus on promotion and advancement of all aspects of parallel and distributed computing.

Dependable Systems: Software, Computing, Networks

Book Description

Modern civilization relies on a functioning information infrastructure. As a result, dependability has become a central issue in all disciplines of systems engineering and software architecture.Theories, methods and tools that help to master the problems encountered in the design process and the management of operations are therefore of utmost importance for the future of information and communication technology. The present volume documents the results of a research program on Dependable Information and Communication Systems (DICS). The members of the project met in two workshops organized by the Hasler Foundation. This state-of-the-art survey contains 3 overview articles identifying major issues of dependability and presenting the latest solutions, as well as 10 carefully selected and revised papers depicting the research results originating from those workshops. The first workshop took place in Münchenwiler, Switzerland, in March 2004, and the second workshop, which marked the conclusion of the projects, in Löwenberg, Switzerland, in October 2005. The papers are organized in topical sections on surveys, dependable software, dependable computing, and dependable networks.

Applied Cryptography and Network Security

Book Description

The LNCS two-volume set 13905 and LNCS 13906 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security, ACNS 2023, held in Tokyo, Japan, during June 19-22, 2023. The 53 full papers included in these proceedings were carefully reviewed and selected from a total of 263 submissions. They are organized in topical sections as follows: Part I: side-channel and fault attacks; symmetric cryptanalysis; web security; elliptic curves and pairings; homomorphic cryptography; machine learning; and lattices and codes. Part II: embedded security; privacy-preserving protocols; isogeny-based cryptography; encryption; advanced primitives; multiparty computation; and Blockchain.