Discoveries in Periodicals, 1720-1820

Book Description

This volume is designed to support investigations into British magazine literature of the 18th and early 19th century, and the study of serials in general. Dr Pitcher provides substantial lists of emendations to published checklists relevant to the field. Also, he has given not only 50 case histories to introduce authors who were published extensively in the magazines, but also compiled an index of principal works by many of the 18th-century essayists who followed Addison and Steele.

Transatlantic Stories and the History of Reading, 1720–1810

Book Description

Eve Tavor Bannet explores some of the remarkable stories about the Atlantic world that shaped Britons' and Americans' perceptions of that world. These stories about women, servants, the poor and the dispossessed were frequently rewritten or reframed by editors and printers in America and Britain for changing audiences, times and circumstances. Bannet shows how they were read by examining what contemporaries said about them and did with them; in doing so, she reveals the creatively dynamic and unstable character of transatlantic print culture. Stories include the 'other' Robinson Crusoe and works by Penelope Aubin, Rowlandson, Chetwood, Tyler, Kimber, Richardson, Gronniosaw, Equiano, Cugoano Marrant, Samson Occom, Mackenzie and Pratt.

Performing Authorship in Eighteenth-Century English Periodicals

Book Description

Performing Authorship in Eighteenth-Century Periodicals discusses the English periodical and how it shapes and expresses early conceptions of authorship in the eighteenth century. Unique to the British eighteenth century, the periodical is of great value to scholars of English cultural studies because it offers a venue where authors hash out, often in extremely dramatic terms, what they think it should take to be a writer, what their relationship with their new mass-media audience ought to be, and what qualifications should act as gatekeepers to the profession. Exploring these questions in The Female Spectator, The Drury-Lane Journal,The Midwife, The World, The Covent-Garden Journal, and other periodicals of the early and mid-eighteenth century, Manushag Powell examines several “paper wars” waged between authors. At the height of their popularity, essay periodicals allowed professional writers to fashion and make saleable a new kind of narrative and performative literary personality, the eidolon, and arguably birthed a new cult of authorial personality. In Performing Authorship in Eighteenth-Century Periodicals, Powell argues that the coupling of persona and genre imposes a lifespan on the periodical text; the periodicals don’t only rise and fall, but are born, and in good time, they die.

Gothic Chapbooks, Bluebooks and Shilling Shockers, 17971830

Book Description

This study is the first full-length study of the Gothic chapbook It contains a list of 400 Gothic chapbooks. The list provides bibliographical information as well as the location of the text. It provides biographical information on the publishers and booksellers involved in the development, production and dissemination of the Gothic chapbook.

The Magazine Sources for Interesting Anecdotes, Memoirs, Allegories, Essays, and Poetical Fragments-- by Mr. Addison (London, 1794-1797)

Book Description

The Interesting Anecdotes by "Mr. Addison" are generally identified as a multi-volume miscellany of prose and verse, collected in 1794-97, but the extant volumes dated 1797 are apparently reissues of volumes which appeared earlier. While the listings here usefully document specific borrowings, the data also suggest the way in which literary magazines had become a resource to spur growth in that part of publishing which provided miscellanies and 'judicious selections' to the common reader.

The Monthly Miscellany, 1774-1777

Book Description

This title is an annotated register of the contents of The Monthly Miscellany magazine between the years 1774 and 1777.

An Anthology of the Short Story in 18th and 19th Century America

Book Description

In this anthology, Dr Pitcher has illustrated and partially defined the beginnings of short fiction in America in the period before the emergence of our modern understanding of the short story. These beginnings are to be found in the gradual coming together of forms such as anecdote, fable, tall-tale and sentimental story with the increasingly diverse aspirations, images, character types, and historical incidents of a people linked by language and culture to Britain and Europe. There is a second volume, with the ISBN 0-7734-7844-2.

The Eighteenth Century

Book Description

In their hundreds of entries and reviews the editorial staff have expanded both the quantity and depth of the work but also re-evaluated the subject headings to better reflect the needs of users, be they professionals or students. General categories include printing and bibliographical studies; historical, social and economic studies; philosophy,