Discrimination in the Small Business Credit Market

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This paper uses data from the 1993 National Survey of Small Business Finances to determine the extent to which minority-owned small businesses face constraints in the credit market beyond those faced by white-owned small businesses. First, we present qualitative evidence indicating that black- and white-owned firms report similar concerns about the factors that may affect their businesses except that blacks are far more likely to report problems with credit availability. Second, we conduct an econometric analysis of loan denial probabilities by race and find that black-owned small businesses are almost three times more likely to have a loan application denied. Even after controlling for the differences in credit-worthiness and other factors that exist between black- and white-owned firms, blacks are still about twice as likely to be denied credit. A series of specification checks indicates that this gap is unlikely to be largely attributed to omitted variable bias. Third, we conduct a similar analysis regarding interest rates charged to approved loans and find black-owned firms pay higher interest rates as well. Finally, even these results are likely to understate differences in credit access because many potential black-owned firms are not in operation due to the lack of credit and those in business may be too afraid to apply. These results indicate that the racial disparity in credit availability is likely caused by discrimination

Market Structure and Discrimination

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This paper examines bank market structure to draw inferences concerning the role of discrimination in credit markets for small businesses. We analyze credit application and denial rates, loans outstanding, and interest rates across demographic groups. This set of variables, in combination with information on local bank market structure, helps us distinguish among borrower preferences, lender tastes, and inadequate lender information as likely causes of differences in credit market experiences of small business operators from distinct demographic groups. We find that white men and women can expect similar treatment in credit markets, with some benefits to female- owned firms located in concentrated banking markets. Minorities, by contrast, fare worse than whites. Moreover, by appealing to Becker's (1957) classic theories, we find some clear evidence to support the view that prejudicial discrimination is at least partly to blame.

Small Firm Credit Market Discrimination, SBA-Guaranteed Lending, and Local Market Economic Performance

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We empirically test whether SBA-guaranteed lending has a greater impact on economic performance in markets with a high percentage of potential minority small businesses. This hypothesis is predicated on priors related to three overlapping assumptions. These three assumptions are: (1) The classic type of credit rationing developed in the seminal paper by Stiglitz and Weiss (1981) is more likely to occur in markets with a higher per capita percentage of minority small businesses because such markets are more likely to have more severe information asymmetry problems, (2) SBA-guaranteed lending is likely to reduce these credit rationing problems - thus improving the level of development of the local financial market, and (3) increased local financial market development helps to lubricate the wheels of economic performance (Rajan and Zingales, 1998). Using local labor market employment rates as our measure of economic performance, we find evidence consistent with this proposition. In particular, we find a positive and significant impact on the average annual level of employment in a local market of SBA-guaranteed lending in that local market. This impact is 200 percent larger in markets with a high percentage of potential minority small businesses. This result has important implications for public policy in general and SBA-guaranteed lending in particular.

Competition, Small Business Financing, and Discrimination

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A large body of literature investigates discrimination in home mortgage markets. In contrast, little is known about variation in access to credit across demographic groups for small businesses. This paper examines some of the factors that influence differences in small business credit market experiences across demographic groups. We analyze credit applications, loan denials, and interest rates paid across gender, race and ethnicity of small business owners. In addition, we analyze data gathered from small business owners who said they did not apply for credit because they believed that their application would have been turned down. This set of analyses, in combination with important new information on the personal credit history of the principal owner, the business credit history of the firm, a rich set of additional explanatory variables, and information on the competitiveness of local banking markets, helps us to understand better the sources of observed differentials in the credit market experiences of small business operators across demographic groups. The analyses reveal substantial unexplained differences in denial rates between African American and white-male owned firms. Moreover, consistent with Becker?s classic theories (1957), we find evidence that the level of lender market competition in the firm?s local banking market mitigates these differences.

Racial Disparities in Access to Small Business Credit

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We explore the sources of racial disparities in small business lending by studying the $806 billion Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), which was designed to support small business jobs during the COVID-19 pandemic. PPP loans were administered by private lenders but federally guaranteed, largely eliminating unobservable credit risk as a factor in explaining differential lending by race. We document that even after controlling for a firm's zip code, industry, loan size, PPP approval date, and other characteristics, Black-owned businesses were 12.1 percentage points (70% of the mean) more likely to obtain their PPP loan from a fintech lender than a traditional bank. Among conventional lenders, smaller banks were much less likely to lend to Black-owned firms, while the Top-4 banks exhibited little to no disparity after including controls. We use novel data to show that the disparity is not primarily explained by differences in pre-existing bank or credit relationships, firm financial positions, fintech affinity, borrower application behavior, or racial differences in rates of fraudulent PPP applications. In contrast, we document that Black-owned businesses' higher rate of borrowing from fintechs compared to smaller banks is particularly large in places with high anti-Black racial animus, pointing to a potential role for discrimination in explaining some of the racial disparities in small business lending. We find evidence that when small banks automate their lending processes, and thus reduce human involvement in the loan origination process, their rate of PPP lending to Black-owned businesses increases, with larger effects in places with more racial animus.

The State Small Business Credit Initiative (SSBCI)

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The SSBCI provides funding to states, territories, and eligible municipalities to expand existing or to create new state small business investment programs, including state capital access programs, collateral support programs, loan participation programs, loan guarantee programs, and venture capital programs. This book examines the SSBCI and its implementation, including Treasury's response to initial program audits conducted by the U.S. Government Accountability Office and Treasury's Office of Inspector General. These audits suggested that SSBCI participants were generally complying with the statute's requirements, but that some compliance problems existed, in that, the Treasury's oversight of the program could be improved; and performance measures were needed to assess the program's efficacy.