Book Description

Educational Justice

Book Description

This book presents a novel perspective on education as a social right. Literature on this topic has focused on inclusion as the universal concept whereby access to education is examined. As a moral principle, this concept opens new challenges in different ways if we take a deeper view into diverse contexts. What education? For what? For whom? Are we thinking about education because it will bring social justice in the future, or are we thinking of education as a just practice in the present? This book brings fresh theoretical and empirical perspectives on those questions, moving beyond a pure inclusion paradigm to a broader and context-oriented notion of educational justice. The chapters engage with theories of educational justice to present these challenges at the institutional level of educational policy, at the practical level of schooling practices, and in the production of ideas around childhood and education, for instance, notions of normalcy at schools. Although the featured works are related to the Chilean educational system, they opens questions about education in general. They embrace rural and urban contexts, different educational levels (from preschool to university), and university and vocational education. This book will be rewarding reading for educational scholars, those interested in theories of social and educational justice, and anyone interested in contemporary perspectives on education, childhood and youth, inclusion, and justice.

Proceedings of the 2022 International Conference on International Studies in Social Sciences and Humanities (CISOC 2022)

Book Description

This is an open access book. CISOC’2022 – The 2022 International Conference on International Studies in Social Sciences and Humanities, invites the entire scientific, academic and professional community to present their contributions, which can be written in French, English, Spanish or Portuguese. All papers (full articles) will be submitted to a “double-blind review” by at least two members of the Scientific Committee, based on relevance, originality, importance and clarity. The papers presented must bring discussions on actual theoretical, or methodological, or empirical workshop proposals around Social Sciences and Humanities. The topics proposed for the Conference are related to: Psychology, Education, History, Linguistics and language, Political science, Religious studies, Philosophy, Globalization, Humanities, Archaeology, Anthropology, Inter-cultural studies, Development, Geography, Library and Information Sciences.


Book Description

Diversidade(S). Discapacidad, altas capacidades intelectuales y trastornos del espectro autista se estructura en tres partes. En primer lugar, se presenta la discapacidad intelectual desde el modelo social. En segundo lugar, se estudian los trastornos del espectro autista desde una visión amplia e interdisciplinaria hasta los aportes específicos de Fernand Deligny en Francia y el movimiento de la neurodiversidad en Inglaterra. En tercer lugar, se indican los elementos esenciales para el trabajo educativo con niños con altas capacidades intelectuales en el aula. El libro recoge los enfoques teóricos, modelos epistemológicos, técnicas de acompañamiento socioeducativo, instrumentos de detección, evaluación y orientaciones generales de trabajo en contextos educativos para los tres casos citados. Se plantea una aproximación teórico-práctica que ofrece criterios de actuación a los profesionales de la educación. Por otro lado, se interroga sobre algunos debates y controversias presentes en los casos estudiados ofreciendo, en su conjunto, un contenido extenso y de gran aplicación práctica.

Ethnography and Education Policy

Book Description

This book addresses the relationship between the production of social problems in educational policy, the research practices required to inform policy, and the daily production of normalcies and differences in school contexts. It reports on the opportunities and consequences for policy, research, and practice when normalcy is stigmatized at the same level as difference. The book employs a critical analysis combining queer, feminist, and post-representational theories to understand the implications of dominant ways of understanding the division between normal and different subjectivities and how they reiterate structures of inequality in schools.

Qualitative and Quantitative Models in Socio-Economic Systems and Social Work

Book Description

The main purpose of this book is not only to present recent studies and advances in the field of social science research, but also to stimulate discussion on related practical issues concerning statistics, mathematics, and economics. Accordingly, a broad range of tools and techniques that can be used to solve problems on these topics are presented in detail in this book, which offers an ideal reference work for all researchers interested in effective quantitative and qualitative tools. The content is divided into three major sections. The first, which is titled “Social work”, collects papers on problems related to the social sciences, e.g. social cohesion, health, and digital technologies. Papers in the second part, “Education and teaching issues,” address qualitative aspects, education, learning, violence, diversity, disability, and ageing, while the book’s final part, “Recent trends in qualitative and quantitative models for socio-economic systems and social work”, features contributions on both qualitative and quantitative issues. The book is based on a scientific collaboration, in the social sciences, mathematics, statistics, and economics, among experts from the “Pablo de Olavide” University of Seville (Spain), the “University of Defence” of Brno (Czech Republic), the “G. D’Annunzio” University of Chieti-Pescara (Italy) and “Alexandru Ioan Cuza University” of Iaşi (Romania). The contributions, which have been selected using a peer-review process, examine a wide variety of topics related to the social sciences in general, while also highlighting new and intriguing empirical research conducted in various countries. Given its scope, the book will appeal, in equal measure, to sociologists, mathematicians, statisticians and philosophers, and more generally to scholars and specialists in related fields.

Publicidad 360º

Book Description

Esta publicación es fruto de la reflexión de, fundamentalmente, docentes del ámbito de la comunicación y de la publicidad basada en la necesidad de aunar fuerzas para ofrecer una obra de conjunto que intenta ver la publicidad como un hecho global y no solo aislado de la comunicación comercial. La presente obra profundiza en el valor de la publicidad y su importancia contemporánea, desde una perspectiva holística y con el objetivo de querer ser una publicación didáctica y de reflexión.

Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, vol. 13/2016

Book Description

“Neutrosophic Sets and Systems” has been created for publications on advanced studies in neutrosophy, neutrosophic set, neutrosophic logic, neutrosophic probability, neutrosophic statistics that started in 1995 and their applications in any field, such as the neutrosophic structures developed in algebra, geometry, topology, etc.

Exploring Research

Book Description

Book's content and also references for related works of fiction, and other material of a more informal nature. For Psychologists, Management and Businesspersons or other social or behavioral science-related professionals who are looking to sharpen their understanding of research methods.