Secondary Education in Spain

Book Description

The series entitled "Guide to secondary education in Europe" is developed as part of the project "A secondary education in Europe". The aim of this series is to give the public not only systematic & coherent information on the educational systems & traditions in all signatory states to the European Cultural Convention, but also to outline the essential problems these systems are facing at the present time.

Reforming Teaching Globally

Book Description

(Originally Published in 2007 by Symposium Books) This book seeks to raise the discussion of globalisation's effects on teacher education, development and work, and its reforms and institutions, to a more theoretical and analytical level, and to provide specific examples in the comparative tradition to illustrate teacher policy in the context of education systems' widespread variability and complexity. The contributors critically analyse current arrangements in teacher education, development and work, and highlight the forces that enter in this contested terrain, the sources of conflict and convergence, and the implication of these for teaching and learning, and for indigenous forms of knowledge and knowledge construction in the globalisation era.

Lengua, nación e identidad

Book Description

Papers presented at the "Coloquio Internacional Relaciones entre Lengua, Naciâon, Indentidad y Poder en Espaäna, Hispanoamâerica y Estados Unidos", held June 2-4, 2005, in Berlin.

Diagnóstico pedagógico

Book Description

La finalidad de este libro es difundir el interés del diagnóstico pedagógico en la etapa de educación infantil. El diagnóstico es fundamental para conocer los fenómenos educativos con rigor, y constituye un paso previo necesario para intervenir adecuadamente sobre ellos. Los contextos educativos se han transformado como consecuencia de cambios sociales, económicos y tecnológicos, y en este escenario resulta cada vez más necesario su presencia activa y colaborativa en los contextos escolares y extraescolares. Se trata de realizar un diagnóstico no limitado en exclusiva a la detección de problemas organizativos, curriculares o técnicos de la educación, sino a la prevención, la individualización y la mejora de la calidad del proceso educativo. El libro se divide en dos partes. Los cuatro primeros capítulos son de carácter más general y sirven como punto de partida y reflexión sobre la definición y delimitación del diagnóstico pedagógico. Por este motivo, se desarrollará: una breve revisión histórica que permita comprender qué elementos han favorecido su configuración y desarrollo; una delimitación conceptual que clarifique conceptos afines y/o disciplinas afines al diagnóstico; una descripción de los contenidos y funciones; y por último, una presentación de las técnicas y los procedimientos de recogida de información en el proceso. Los siguientes capítulos están dedicados a las especificidades propias del diagnóstico en la etapa de educación infantil, así como a la descripción de las técnicas de observación sistemática que pueden aplicarse tanto en la evaluación como en el diagnóstico en esta etapa.

Toward High-quality Education in Peru

Book Description

This book has three main recommendations. First, it is necessary to generate basic standards, quality goals, and quality measurement systems. Second, once quality can be measured, a clear system of accountability should be implemented based on these standards and quality goals. The clients will play a central role in these systems by demanding their rights to quality services; this will only become possible once there are standards and goals that clarify clients' rights. Third, once there are standards and systems of accountability, investment is needed to strengthen the institutional capacity of the providers.

Education in a Single Europe

Book Description

This book brings together contributors from the different member states of the European Union in order to understand the different degrees of subscription to the concept of Europe and the role education plays in such a process. This second edition includes the new countries which have become part of the union and also considers recent developments in policy and practice. Countries covered are: Austria; Belgium; Denmark; Finland; France; Germany; Greece; Ireland; Italy; Luxembourg; Netherlands; Portugal; Spain; Sweden and the UK. All sectors of education are dealt with in each case and the central theme of the European dimension is examined throughout.