The Handbook of the Neuropsychology of Language

Book Description

This handbook provides a comprehensive review of new developments in the study of the relationship between the brain and language, from the perspectives of both basic research and clinical neuroscience. Includes contributions from an international team of leading figures in brain-language research Features a novel emphasis on state-of-the-art methodologies and their application to the central questions in the brain-language relationship Incorporates research on all parts of language, from syntax and semantics to spoken and written language Covers a wide range of issues, including basic level and high level linguistic functions, individual differences, and neurologically intact and different clinical populations

Neurogenic Language Disorders in Children

Book Description

Language disorders in children are one of the most frequent causes of difficulties in communication, social interaction, learning and academic achievement. It has been estimated that over 5% of children present with some kind of language disorder. This volume illustrates the state of the art in neurogenic language disorders in children. The most recent findings about acquired epileptiform aphasias (from Landau-Kleffner syndrome to autistic regression) are presented and discussed.Language disorders in children with early brain lesions are reviewed in relation to the side of the lesion and their epileptic correlates (e.g., paroxysmal abnormalities during NREM sleep). New clinical reports are presented and a large discussion is held on language disorders due to malformation or tumor lesions localized to the Posterior Fossa. The last part of the volume reviews the state of the art on some of the most debated clinical neurolinguistic pictures of developmental age such as crossed aphasia in children, the modality and types of aphasia recovery in children and persistent acquired childhood aphasia. This volume is the fifth in a series of books commissioned by the International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics.

Alexander Romanovich Luria

Book Description

Alexander Romanovitch Luria is widely recognized as one of the most prominent neuropsychologists of the twentieth century. This book - written by his long-standing colleague and published in Russian by Moscow University Press in 1992, fifteen years after his death - is the first serious volume from outside the Luria family devoted to his life and work and includes the most comprehensive bibliography available anywhere of Luria's writings.


Book Description

L’ambulatorio in psichiatria dell'età evolutiva

Book Description

In psichiatria dell’infanzia e dell’adolescenza il primo contatto con il paziente riveste una grande importanza clinica e può far risparmiare tempo e risorse. Una consultazione ambulatoriale ben condotta permette di giungere a un’ipotesi diagnostica rigorosa, orientando invii per approfondimenti e presa in carico; in alcuni casi, può acquisire carattere terapeutico. Questo volume guida il clinico, anche quando lavora da solo, verso una formulazione diagnostica il più possibile precisa ed esauriente. Il libro illustra uno schema di procedura clinica che integra le diverse prospettive proprie del campo in un’ottica evolutiva, esaminando la metodologia del colloquio, le tecniche per la valutazione cognitiva, neuropsicologica e psicopatologica, i contatti con genitori e scuola. Questo testo è rivolto a neuropsichiatri infantili, pediatri, psichiatri e agli specializzandi in tali discipline; più in generale, può essere di interesse per chiunque abbia contatti con pazienti in età evolutiva.


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Book Description