Accentuated Innovations in Cognitive Info-Communication

Book Description

Considering the emergence of artificial intelligence, virtual and augmented reality, 3D video and television, and holography, it is logical that we should also begin to create applications and businesses driven by these technologies. The 12 chapters of Accentuated Innovations in Cognitive Info-Communication focus on the research and development of state-of-the-art information in Cognitive Info-Communication. This interdisciplinary research area has emerged as a synergy between Info-Communication and Cognitive Sciences. It presents a synthetic, holistic combination of coherent technologies that will become increasingly important in the coming decade. It is a teaching and reference guide for VR, robotics, virtual classrooms and institutions, and medicine at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels. The discussed book is an immersive learning experience for students and teachers worldwide. In addition, it applies to other fields such as healthcare, performing arts, and television.

Cognitive-Behavioral Play Therapy

Book Description

Cognitive-Behavioral Play Therapy (CBPT) incorporates cognitive and behavioral interventions within a play therapy paradigm. It provides a theoretical framework based on cognitive-behavioral principles and integrates these in a developmentally sensitive way. Thus, play as well as verbal and nonverbal approaches are used in resolving problems. CBPT differs from nondirective play therapy, which avoids any direct discussion of the child's difficulties. A specific problem-solving approach is utilized, which helps the child develop more adaptive thoughts and behaviors. Cognitive-behavioral therapies are based on the premise that cognitions determine how people feel and act, and that faulty cognitions can contribute to psychological disturbance. Cognitive-behavioral therapies focus on identifying maladaptive thoughts, understanding the assumptions behind the thoughts, and learning to correct or counter the irrational ideas that interfere with healthy functioning. Since their development approximately twenty-five years ago, such therapies have traditionally been used with adults and only more recently with adolescents and children. It has commonly been thought that preschool-age and school-age children are too young to understand or correct distortions in their thinking. However, the recent development of CBPT reveals that cognitive strategies can be used effectively with young children if treatments are adapted in order to be developmentally sensitive and attuned to the child's needs. For example, while the methods of cognitive therapy can be communicated to adults directly, these may need to be conveyed to children indirectly, through play activities. In particular, puppets and stuffed animals can be very helpful in modeling the use of cognitive strategies such as countering irrational beliefs and making positive self-statements. CBPT is structured and goal oriented and intervention is directive in nature.

Smart Learning with Educational Robotics

Book Description

This book will offer ideas on how robots can be used as teachers' assistants to scaffold learning outcomes, where the robot is a learning agent in self-directed learning who can contribute to the development of key competences for today's world through targeted learning - such as engineering thinking, math, physics, computational thinking, etc. starting from pre-school and continuing to a higher education level. Robotization is speeding up at the moment in a variety of dimensions, both through the automation of work, by performing intellectual duties, and by providing support for people in everyday situations. There is increasing political attention, especially in Europe, on educational systems not being able to keep up with such emerging technologies, and efforts to rectify this. This edited volume responds to this attention, and seeks to explore which pedagogical and educational concepts should be included in the learning process so that the use of robots is meaningful from the point of view of knowledge construction, and so that it is safe from the technological and cybersecurity perspective.


Book Description

This comprehensive monograph updates progress in understanding children's language learning and its pathologies. It stresses the neurologic basis of normal language acquisition and the consequences of a variety of disorders using such tools as detailed analysis of language comprehension, production and use, as well as functional brain imaging and electrophysiology. It also underlines the import6ance of subcortical circuitry and inner speech and reviews the unfolding or regression of language of language in focal brain lesions, autism, Williams syndrome and developmental disorders of oral and written language.

Disability and Disadvantage

Book Description

This collection is the product of two workshops held at the University of Manchester in May 2007 and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in September 2007.

Percorsi di riabilitazione - Funzioni esecutive nei disturbi di linguaggio

Book Description

Sebbene il Disturbo di Linguaggio sia caratterizzato prevalentemente da difficoltà linguistiche, spesso è accompagnato da deficit cognitivi di natura extraverbale, in particolare nelle Funzioni Esecutive (FE). Dopo una prima parte nella quale vengono delineati i modelli neuropsicologici di riferimento e le dinamiche di sviluppo delle FE, il volume approfondisce il tema della loro valutazione, descrivendo gli strumenti disponibili. Seguono una sezione dedicata all’intervento con il bambino, la famiglia e la scuola — con tantissime indicazioni e proposte operative — e la presentazione di casi clinici. L’opera fornisce infine materiali operativi mirati alle principali componenti delle FE: • attenzione, con schede per allenare le due sottocomponenti di attenzione selettiva e sostenuta; • memoria di lavoro, con schede sulle abilità inerenti i domini verbale e visuo-spaziale; • pianificazione, con attività per potenziare le capacità cognitive superiori; • inibizione, con proposte per esercitare la capacità di controllare una risposta abituale e prevalente in favore di una meno abituale ma necessaria.

Developmental and Educational Psychology

Book Description

The branch of psychology which focuses on human learning is known as educational psychology. It is associated with the study of memory, conceptual processes and differences between individuals for the purpose of formulating new strategies for learning processes in humans. Educational psychology relies heavily on another branch of psychology known as developmental psychology. This discipline studies how the feelings, behavior and thinking of an individual change throughout the life. Developmental psychology defines human cognitive development over different periods of development. Therefore, the developmental sequence of a student can provide information about the level and kind of knowledge which can be absorbed by them. This in turn can be useful in deciding the subject matter to be taught to them. This book is a valuable compilation of topics, ranging from the basic to the most complex advancements in the field of educational and developmental psychology. It provides significant information of this discipline to help develop a good understanding of this field and related fields. Those in search of information to further their knowledge will be greatly assisted by this book.

I disturbi del linguaggio

Book Description

Il volume si rivolge ai logopedisti, ma vuole raggiungere e coinvolgere, in un approccio multiprofessionale, tutti gli specialisti che si confrontano con le tematiche relative ai disturbi del linguaggio, in fase sia diagnostica che terapeutica. Raccoglie i contributi di varie figure professionali a rinforzo della necessità — sancita anche dalla nuova normativa al riguardo — di approcciare le problematiche specifiche con modalità di équipe interdisciplinari. I disturbi del linguaggio si articola in tre parti, fra loro strettamente collegate. La prima parte illustra le più recenti prospettive teoriche e i risultati delle ricerche in questo ambito; la seconda affronta il tema della valutazione dei bambini con disturbi del linguaggio per progettare in modo efficace il trattamento, sottolineando come sia necessario ottenere delle evidenze documentate sulla validità dei programmi di intervento. Conclude l’opera un’interessante sezione in cui vengono riportate esperienze cliniche con i bambini. Il volume fa parte della collana «Logopedia in età evolutiva», che si propone di fornire un quadro globale delle problematiche legate alla comunicazione orale e scritta, dai disturbi di linguaggio a quelli di apprendimento.

Breast Cancer

Book Description

I am honored to write the Foreword for this first volume of the M. D. Anderson Cancer Care series, because I believe the book represents a milestone not only for M. D. Anderson but also for cancer specialists everywhere. All of us, whether we work in academic medical institu tions, medical school hospitals, community hospitals, oncology clinics, or solo practice, have seen remarkable changes in our practice over the recent decades. We know that breast cancer patients live longer, feel better, and look better than ever before, and they face this dreaded disease with more optimism than ever before. Each of us deserves to be proud of this progress. Though I am now primarily a laboratory scientist and admin istrator, I am proud of my own work on factors that control the growth of tumor cells, most prominently through regulation of EGF receptors and HER-2/neu, and the promise that work holds for women who have breast cancer. The authors represented in this volume have made important contri butions to breast cancer care. Likewise, every reader of this book has and will continue to make critical contributions to the health of women with breast cancer. I would like to express the hope here that each of us takes the opportunity to step outside our subspecialties-surgeon, internist, radiation oncologist, pathologist, radiologist, laboratory scientist-and learn how we can better integrate our work with that of other specialists.

A Clinical Guide to Occupational and Environmental Lung Diseases

Book Description

A Clinical Guide to Occupational and Environmental Lung Diseases delivers a concise compendium to the diagnosis and management of occupational and environmental lung diseases, incorporating evidence-based guidelines where available. Each chapter provides an updated review and a practical approach to different occupational and environmental lung diseases. With rapidly changing technology, new conditions and exposures will undoubtedly emerge. Clinicians need to remain vigilant about assessing the potential link between lung diseases and environmental exposures, and this book provides a practical guide to recognize, diagnose, and prevent occupational and environmental lung diseases. Written for practicing clinicians including internists, pulmonologists, and primary care providers, as well as industrial hygienists and environmental regulators, A Clinical Guide to Occupational and Environmental Lung Diseases is a timely and important new volume and an invaluable contribution to the literature.