The Routledge Handbook of Latin American Development

Book Description

The Routledge Handbook of Latin American Development seeks to engage with comprehensive, contemporary, and critical theoretical debates on Latin American development. The volume draws on contributions from across the humanities and social sciences and, unlike earlier volumes of this kind, explicitly highlights the disruptions to the field being brought by a range of anti-capitalist, decolonial, feminist, and ontological intellectual contributions. The chapters consider in depth the harms and suffering caused by various oppressive forces, as well as the creative and often revolutionary ways in which ordinary Latin Americans resist, fight back, and work to construct development defined broadly as the struggle for a better and more dignified life. The book covers many key themes including development policy and practice; neoliberalism and its aftermath; the role played by social movements in cities and rural areas; the politics of water, oil, and other environmental resources; indigenous and Afro-descendant rights; and the struggles for gender equality. With contributions from authors working in Latin America, the US and Canada, Europe, and New Zealand at a range of universities and other organizations, the handbook is an invaluable resource for students and teachers in development studies, Latin American studies, cultural studies, human geography, anthropology, sociology, political science, and economics, as well as for activists and development practitioners.

Indigenous Education Policy, Equity, and Intercultural Understanding in Latin America

Book Description

This book is a comparative study of educational policies over the past two decades in Latin America. These policies, enacted through constitutional reforms, sought to protect the right of Indigenous peoples to a culturally inclusive education. The book assesses the impact of these policies on educational practice and the on-going challenges that countries still face in delivering an equitable and culturally responsive education to Indigenous children and youth. The chapters, each written by an expert in the field, demonstrate how policy changes are transforming education systems in Bolivia, Ecuador, Mexico, and Peru. Going beyond the classroom, they highlight the significance of these reforms in promoting intercultural dialogue in Latin American societies.

Intercultural and Multicultural Education

Book Description

This volume brings together the dynamic discussions and lively debate of intercultural and multicultural education taking place across the world. Contributors take readers to the countries, schools, and nongovernmental agencies where intercultural education and multicultural education, either collectively or singularly, are active (often central) concepts or practices in the daily educational undertaking and discourse of society.

Horizontes en la práctica docente. Complejidad, TIC y mediación educativa

Book Description

Pensar la docencia desde la complejidad educativa. Esta obra reúne una serie de capítulos en los que se abordan temáticas relacionadas con la educación superior desde una mirada académica, destacándose como premisas el pensamiento complejo, las TIC, así como el trabajo estratégico que desempeña el docente como facilitador de procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje a nivel universitario. Para ello, se toma como contexto la llamada «sociedad de la información y el conocimiento», en donde se ha definido una nueva ordenanza global que deviene en marco de referencia para entender los procesos de transformación que se les requieren a las universidades, en términos de políticas educativas, para la innovación de su currículo, los modelos educativos, como la transformación de las prácticas pedagógicas de sus académicos. Lo obra integra una serie de textos en donde se analiza el fenómeno educativo, con énfasis en el papel que jueganlos docentes en la configuración de ambientes educativos que contribuyan al aprendizaje de sus estudiantes, para lo cual se proponen tres capítulos: «Perspectivas en la educación y el pensamiento complejo», «Comunicación, diversidad y mediación educativa» y «Sujetos de la educación y ámbitos emergentes para la enseñanza». Cada uno de los cuales se compone de textos que, en lo particular, abordan temáticas que permiten ampliar el horizonte desde el cual pueden se comprendidas problemáticas que caracterizan a la educación contemporánea en el nivel superior.

The Education of Indigenous Citizens in Latin America

Book Description

This groundbreaking volume describes unprecedented changes in education across Latin America, resulting from the endorsement of Indigenous peoples' rights through the development of intercultural bilingual education. The chapters evaluate the ways in which cultural and language differences are being used to create national policies that affirm the presence of Indigenous peoples and their cultures within Mexico, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia and Guatemala. Describing the collaboration between grassroots movements and transnational networks, the authors analyze how social change is taking place at the local and regional levels, and they present case studies that illuminate the expansion of intercultural bilingual education. This book is both a call to action for researchers, teachers, policy-makers and Indigenous leaders, and a primer for practitioners seeking to provide better learning opportunities for a diverse student body.

The Palgrave Handbook of Race and Ethnic Inequalities in Education

Book Description

This comprehensive, state-of-the-art reference work provides the first systematic review to date of how sociologists have studied the relationship between race/ethnicity and educational inequality over the last thirty years in eighteen different national contexts.

Anthropologies of Education

Book Description

Despite international congresses and international journals, anthropologies of education differ significantly around the world. Linguistic barriers constrain the flow of ideas, which results in a vast amount of research on educational anthropology that is not published in English or is difficult for international readers to find. This volume responds to the call to attend to educational research outside the United States and to break out of “metropolitan provincialism.” A guide to the anthropologies and ethnographies of learning and schooling published in German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Slavic languages, Japanese, and English as a second language, show how scholars in Latin America, Japan, and elsewhere adapt European, American, and other approaches to create new traditions. As the contributors show, educators draw on different foundational research and different theoretical discussions. Thus, this global survey raises new questions and casts a new light on what has become a too-familiar discipline in the United States.

Intercultural Education in the European Context

Book Description

This book offers a comparative analysis of the intercultural theories and practices developed in the European context. Bringing together work on the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Greece, The Netherlands and Sweden, it examines specific approaches to intercultural education. Structured around a series of core questions concerning the main features of diverse groups of migrants present within a country and within schools, the major issues raised by scientific research on the presence of migrant students, and the adoption of relevant educational policies and practices to address these issues - together with examples of best practice in each case - Intercultural Education in the European Context explores the strengths and weaknesses of the intercultural education approach adopted in each context. Offering a broad framework for the study of intercultural education as adopted in European settings, the book highlights the contribution of education to the development of a fair, democratic and pluralistic Europe. As such, it will appeal to scholars and policy makers in the field of sociology, migration, education and intercultural relations.

Intercultural Education in Chile

Book Description

This book examines the status of intercultural education in Chile. It does this through three axes: the first is multidisciplinary, including historical, anthropological, sociological, and pedagogical, to account for varied aspects of the Chilean intercultural education. The second is the consideration of multiple indigenous peoples, analyzing students’ groups or indigenous peoples, such as the Rapa Nui, Aymara, or Mapuche. Finally, the book has a multilevel perspective that recognizes that educational policy involves different actors, from the central government to local communities. The book incorporates study material enriched with the experience and analysis of different perspectives and methodologies of its authors, being useful for understanding intercultural education in the country. It is a versatile resource for understanding this topic, as well as a support for the development of programs and policies. Translation from the Spanish language edition: Educación Intercultural en Chile. Experiencias, pueblos y territorios by Ernesto Treviño, et al., © Ediciones UC 2017. Published by Ediciones UC. All Rights Reserved.