Divine Disconnections

Book Description

From our relationships with God, our relationship with people and even our relationship with money, establishing the proper connection is important and identifying when to disconnect is equally as important. The purpose of this book is not to speak at length about the relationships in our lives that work. Its core purpose is to expose the many reasons relationships don't work and the habits and the personalities we should avoid. What you are connected to and who you are connected to matters.

Divine Connections

Book Description

Through DIVINE CONNECTIONS you will discover: - God's power for Godly Marriages, Families and Friendships - God's desire to work through Ministries - God's desire to bless Children and Youth - Kingdom preparation for your Destiny - Imparting the Blessing to the next generation within the Kingdom and within a Godly family - God's desire to destroy racism in the church - Kingdom Acceleration Through the influence of this world system many have developed a standoffish anti-Christ like mentality. The enemy knows this stronghold can prevent us from getting to our place in Christ. Discover in the pages of this book how God placed in all of us His purpose to advance the Kingdom and how God desires personally to connect each of us in the Kingdom of God to be a blessing. As you read, you will be encouraged and challenged to come out of your comfort zone and to walk into your God ordained Divine Connections. Shawn Easton is a gifted, and kingdom minded man. Throughout his life he continues to experience the love, grace, mercy and righteousness of God in Christ. He has experienced living the life of the prodigal son Jesus spoke about in His parable but now experiences and walk in the forgiving power of God. Shawn's desire is for people to come to the knowledge of Christ and for others to experience God's love and healing power. He desires to also help others possess everything God already has stored in His Kingdom. He heads an organization, which focuses on unveiling and giving God's medicine, wisdom and will in different areas of life. Shawn loves his family, church and close friends and also receives love from them. For more information on him and upcoming resources and projects visit his website at http: //www.wordinyourheart.org.

The Great Disconnection

Book Description

There is a great disconnection with God’s people in church on the weekend and who we are the rest of the week. It is like we suffer from schizophrenia, we have multiple personalities. We are one person when we go to church, a different person at work, at home, at social settings, when driving, etcetera. The Apostle Paul was aware of this predicament in the church at Philippi, “Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling” (Philippians 2:12). Paul is saying we must be consistent, no matter where we are or who is present. God wants us to live a consistent life everyday of our lives. This book shows how we can accomplish this task on a daily basis. The author starts off by showing why the disconnections exist in our lives. He first deals with our human dilemmas, getting us to understand who we are, and some things we don’t have to waste time asking God for. Then he addresses the ones who are responsible for the disconnections, dealing first with the individual and his contributions. Like taking responsibility for his actions, utilizing his gifts, not living by bread alone and how not to be covetous. Afterwards he moves to the part the church plays in the disconnection. How the Pastor, religion, traditions, politics, membership help to bring about and sustain the disconnection. The final section deals with how can we go about establishing the reconnection and maintaining it so that we can be who God wants us to be twenty four seven. Here he deals with developing long lasting relationships, becoming a disciple of Jesus, understanding and enjoying fellowship as we get involved in ministry.

A Paradigm of the Divine

Book Description

For centuries mankind has been taught to view the divine from an established point of view to the extent that any attempt to explore the Divine from a totally different angle could be regarded as blasphemous. This book attempts to position the reader at an unusual angle to enable him to see the Divine from an unusual perspective. Viewing the Divine from such an unusual perspective, the reader would be able to see the errors in mankind's beliefs about the Divine as well as the hidden identities of such Divine personalities like the Prophet Elijah, John the Baptist and Jesus Christ; including secular personalities like Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy. The errors in our beliefs about the Divine are expressed in satire and are meant to elicit humor, particularly for those who falsely claim Christhood. The book also attempts to bring out the common denominators between human and Divine endeavors.

A Divine Connection With A Message From God Volume II

Book Description

This book series a Divine Connection With a Message From God volume II subtitle "Michael!" Yes Lord. " You Have Been Redeemed!" You will learn and discover the real meaning of what it truly means to be redeemed by God at the cross at Calvary. I will also walk you through several of what I truly believe were real personal divine connections with God in Heaven when He spoke to me about Him redeeming me and about my walk and talk with Jesus here on earth and how He healed me before He had to return Back to Heaven to again return. Why God chose me to reveal this certain things to me, I don't fully know. Maybe because my heart mind and soul were and is open to receive it or maybe I guess He knows that I will do something with it, according to His will in Christ Jesus. I truly feel that the Holy Spirit wants me to share it with as many people as possible before His second coming. Well, during the reading of this particular book series volume II, you will also learn and discover how the precious shed blood of Jesus at the cross at Calvary has and will continue to give you victory over any and every situation you face here on Earth, until you enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

Revelations of Divine Love

Book Description

Divine Impassibility

Book Description

Does God suffer? Does God experience emotions? Does God change? This Spectrum Multiview volume brings together four theologians who make a case for their own view—ranging from a traditional affirmation of divine impassibility (the idea that God does not suffer) to the position that God is necessarily and intimately affected by creation—and then each contributor responds to the others' views.