Divine Revelations and Manifestations

Book Description

Do you know the greatest mystery of all mysteries and the greatest secret of all secrets that is concealed in all creation that holds all the sacred secrets and mysteries of life? We are all students of life learning lifes sacred secrets and mysteries in a universal class. We have a lot to learn that we do not know yet. The life experience is our greatest teacher who silently speaks to us. Life is an adventure filled with explorations, investigations, and discoveries of new knowledge. It is an odyssey toward the Holy Grail.

The Realm of the Miraculous, Signs and Wonders

Book Description

If you want God to use you mightily as a miracle worker in the demonstration of signs and wonders, to raise the dead, open the eyes of the blind, raise the lame from wheel chairs, heal HIV/AIDS, cancer and other critical cases which medical doctors have declared as unfathomable, then inundate your spirit with the revelations encapsulated in this book. This book is jam-packed with Throne Room revelations on the supernatural power that will blow off your mind, blast off your spirit like a rocket booster and catapult you to an arena of divine exploits in which demonstrating the power of God is a normal occurrence. The fundamental purpose of this book is to present astounding and practical biblical truths on how to tap into the realm of the supernatural to unlock Heavens' solutions for the masses who are desperately in need of God's power. The purpose of this book is to equip the Body of Christ with revelation knowledge needed to mature in walking in the supernatural power of God.This book is truly an experiential read where the Throne Room revelations of God's word and the practical spiritual experiences of the author are juxtaposed as interwoven threads. It is a Holy Ghost-breathed revelation that unveils the greater depths of the miraculous as well as the realms, dimensions and degrees of God's power, ushering believers who have a perennial hunger, insatiable appetite and unquenchable thirst for the supernatural into newer, deeper and profound territories of the glory realm. The essence of this book is to unveil, unpack and decode the divinely coded mysteries of God's Word in the arena of supernatural power so as to launch the world in divergent spheres of humanity across the globe into the greater depths of the miraculous. It is a roadmap that takes you on a journey from a spiritual recession of God's power into a plethora of divine manifestations. It invites the reader to ascend into the greater heights of the Heavenly realm to breathe a fresh air of God's presence, far above the polluted atmosphere of near-sighted religious ideas. As one who has been enlisted in God's agenda for the supernatural in this season, my passion in writing this book is that you will step into your birth right to operate in the greater depths of the supernatural realm. This is because demonstrating the power of God through miracles, signs and wonders is a divine legitimate birth right bestowed upon humanity and an irrevocable inheritance bequeathed upon every believer. Therefore, the Throne Room revelations that are encapsulated in this book will awaken you to an arena of divine consciousness of the power of God in you so that you don't stay in the league of the ordinary fanatics forever. As you step out of the ordinary convictions of the life of mediocrity into the realm of the undefinable, uncharted and unrecorded miracles in this very hour, you will be instantaneously catapulted into the highest realms of God's power to be a solution to every case in all facets of human existence.Presiding over a global network of apostolic and prophetic visions, in the capacity of the Director of the World renowned Global School of Signs and Wonders (GSSW), the President of Christ Resurrection Movement (CRM), the Director of Global School of Resurrection (GSR), Senior Pastor of Resurrection Embassy (RE) and the founder of Resurrection TV (The Dead-Raising Channel, Apostle Frequency Revelator hands us the lost keys to the Throne Room of Heaven and shows us the way back to the Heavenly realm as he calls the church back to her original mandate of demonstrating the supernatural power of God. Therefore, if you are a fire-starter and God-chaser who is willing to pioneer a revolution of signs and wonders in this world, continue to plunge into the depths of revelations encapsulated in this publication.There shall be an unmistakable imprint of the divine stamped on the life of everyone who shall be touched by reading this book.Apostle Frequency Revelator

Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation

Book Description

This document's purpose is to spell out the Church's understanding of the nature of revelation--the process whereby God communicates with human beings. It touches upon questions about Scripture, tradition, and the teaching authority of the Church. The major concern of the document is to proclaim a Catholic understanding of the Bible as the "word of God." Key elements include: Trinitarian structure, roles of apostles and bishops, and biblical reading in a historical context.

Divine Manifestations

Book Description

Divine Manifestations (Tajalliyat-e-illahiyyah) is an unfinished book of The Promised Messiah(as), written in 1906 and published posthumously in 1922. The book covers important subjects of divine knowledge and spiritual insight. It opens with an account of the precision with which the Promised Messiah's prophecies regarding earthquakes had been fulfilled, and foretells the coming of five more terrible catastrophes. In this context, Haduras also explains the philosohopy behind divine chastisement. The difference between divine and satanic dreams, an account fo the fulfilment of the prophecy regarding 'Abullah Atham, and a profound prophecy about global acceptance and victory of Ahmadiyyat - the true Islam - are but a few of the many singular themes discussed in this book.

A Divine Revelation of Hell

Book Description

Visions of Hell... In A Divine Revelation of Hell, over a period of thirty nights, God gave Mary K. Baxter visions of hell and commissioned her to tell people still alive on earth to reject sin and evil, and to choose life in Christ. Here is an account of the place and beings of hell contrasted with the glories of heaven. Follow Mary in her supernatural journey as she enters with Jesus into a gateway to hell and encounters the sights, sounds, and smells of that dark place of torment, including its evil spirits, cells, pits, jaws, and heart. Be an eyewitness to the various punishments of lost souls and hear their shocking stories. This book is a reminder that each of us needs to accept the miracle of salvation before it is too late—and to intercede for those who do not yet know Christ. Time is running out.

Divine Revelation

Book Description

INCREASE YOUR SPIRITUAL STRENGTH AWAKEN YOUR HIDDEN POTENTIAL AND FULFILL YOUR DESTINY Sushan Shumsky has taught thousands how to develop a deep spiritual connection within themselves by learning to listen to and trust the "still small voice" within -- the voice that embodies the wisdom needed to set a clear direction in life and make the biggest decisions with peaceful confidence. In Divine Revelation, she presents her proven techniques for opening your heart, mind, and spirit to the riches of inner divine contact and for learning how to: * Augment your innate intuitive abilities * Identify the source of intuitive messages and test their authenticity * Overcome resistance to divine contact by breaking through ego barriers * Attain mastery in the practice of meditation * Become self-reliant in solving personal problems and charting a course for the future

A Divine Revelation of Heaven

Book Description

Caught Up into HeavenAfter thirty nights of experiencing the depths of hell, Mary Baxter was shown the realms of heaven. Here are breathtaking glimpses of the beauty and joy that await every believer in Jesus Christ.

A Divine Revelation of Angels

Book Description

Best-selling author Mary Baxter describes dreams, visions, and revelations of angels that God has given her. Explore the fascinating dynamics of angelic beings--their appearance, their assigned functions and roles, and how they operate, not only in the heavenly realms but also in our lives here on earth. Discover the difference between good angels and bad angels (demons) and their activities as you learn to distinguish angels of light from angels of darkness God’s holy angels are magnificent beings who are His messengers and warriors sent to assist, sustain, protect, and deliver us through the power of Christ.

Divine Revelation

Book Description

This book contains DIVINE REVELATION FOR THE WORLD OF MAN, BEFORE AND BEYOND 2020 - 2075, FROM THE GREAT LORD OF THE UNIVERSE AND MIGHTY ANGELIC ONES ABOVE.Let the reader of this material be guided by the Spiritof Light in God, to be properly situated on thesystems of the Holy Spirit, for personal andcollective excellence in divine ascent. Dear reader, As you may be aware, the world of man ispresently encapsulated in a high profile network ofdarkness and wickedness. No nation on Earth is leftout. But in the midst of these, the Supreme Light ofthe Almighty is also ignited to salvage the children ofmen, by the Finger of the King of Kings and Lord ofLords.To this end, you have a duty, I have a duty, we have aduty. What is this duty? It is to always serve as divinechannels of the Light of God, for the subjugation ofdarkness in our world. And what is this Light? It isLove, Divine Love. Let this be manifested in ourthoughts, words and actions.By this, we work and walk within the foundation ofthe system which grants the entry for the interventionof the Forces of Light in our world; which dovetailour consciousness with THAT ordained to salvagethe human race. This is the hour to truly be ourbrothers keeper. This is the hour of fulfillment, foranyone who is truly human to be a defender of Light.