Caminando juntos

Book Description

El Programa de Formación e Innovación para Atender a la Primera Infancia desde la Universidad Pública es el resultado de una iniciativa encabezada por el Dr. Luciano Concheiro Bórquez, Subsecretario de Educación Superior, quien, a partir de una visión de educación compartida, convocó a diversos actores a unir esfuerzos en la reorganización de nuestro sistema educativo y sus políticas públicas y así contribuir a la gran transformación nacional desde sus cimientos. Este llamado tuvo eco en 16 IES afiliadas a la ANUIES, siendo la UATx la encargada de coordinar los trabajos bajo el liderazgo del Dr. Luis Armando González Placencia y del Dr. Serafín Ortiz Ortiz. Caminando Juntos, Volumen 1 es uno de los primeros resultados del Programa y en éste se presentan algunos de los productos de investigación elaborados por los Cuerpos Académicos Interinstitucionales, los cuales fueron constituidos para atender las diversas problemáticas relacionadas con las primeras infancias en México. En sus páginas, el lector encontrará las realidades cotidianas que las niñas y los niños, sus comunidades y los profesionales que los atienden, deben sortear a base de creatividad, perseverancia y un alto nivel de compromiso en el logro de su desarrollo integral. Esta obra nos llevará a un recorrido que inicia en la zona costera de Chiapas y pasa por los estados del centro hasta llegar a la zona Yaqui de Sonora, exponiendo situaciones de rezago social y académico al tiempo que propone algunas alternativas innovadoras para enfrentar las situaciones de vulnerabilidad, violencia y exclusión sistemática de las que son objeto las infancias mexicanas. Sirva este primer volumen como un paso firme en el trayecto que habremos de caminar juntos para lograr que las primeras infancias mexicanas se desarrollen en plenitud, procurando espacios para que su voz sea escuchada y donde reciban un cuidado amoroso y sensible.

Handbook of Research on Family Literacy Practices and Home-School Connections

Book Description

Research has shown that families and schools that partner together improve literacy outcomes for their students. Family literacy includes homework and shared book reading but goes beyond these school-to-home activities to encompass family-generated practices. These literacies include family connections around activities such as cooking, play, religion, social, and community groups. Further study on the importance of the partnership between the home and school is required to implement best practices and provide students with the best possible education. The Handbook of Research on Family Literacy Practices and Home-School Connections seeks to understand the connections made and new information learned during the COVID-19 pandemic surrounding family literacy and shares updated practices and new perspectives on what it means to partner with families and embrace diverse family literacies in this new world. The book also provides teachers’ perspectives on how future relationships between the school and home can be shaped through both narrative and research-based chapters. Covering key topics such as parenting, homework, and social distancing, this major reference work is ideal for administrators, school faculty, academicians, scholars, practitioners, instructors, and students.

Proceedings of the 2022 International Conference on International Studies in Social Sciences and Humanities (CISOC 2022)

Book Description

This is an open access book. CISOC’2022 – The 2022 International Conference on International Studies in Social Sciences and Humanities, invites the entire scientific, academic and professional community to present their contributions, which can be written in French, English, Spanish or Portuguese. All papers (full articles) will be submitted to a “double-blind review” by at least two members of the Scientific Committee, based on relevance, originality, importance and clarity. The papers presented must bring discussions on actual theoretical, or methodological, or empirical workshop proposals around Social Sciences and Humanities. The topics proposed for the Conference are related to: Psychology, Education, History, Linguistics and language, Political science, Religious studies, Philosophy, Globalization, Humanities, Archaeology, Anthropology, Inter-cultural studies, Development, Geography, Library and Information Sciences.

Career Re-Invention in the Post-Pandemic Era

Book Description

Long before the COVID-19 pandemic, humanity was facing economic hardships with human jobs going to automation, AI, and machines. In the downward slope of the pandemic, large percentages of the world’s population are without work, and many are still in isolation and social distancing for biosafety and health. If it is true that crisis brings out opportunities, then this is a highly opportune moment for humanity to redefine and move forward. Career Re-Invention in the Post-Pandemic Era explores how people in their respective localities are adapting for a new economy through new understandings of the world and concomitant reconceptualizations of the self. This work addresses how people are thinking of the present and the near-future, how people are surviving the present moment of sparsity and shortages, and how people are retooling themselves to adapt to a new economy. Covering topics such as digital skills, K-12 education, and entrepreneurship, this book is an essential resource for faculty of higher education, K-12 administrators, government officials, business leaders, entrepreneurs, sociologists, economists, researchers, and academicians.

COVID-19 and Marginalisation of People and Places

Book Description

This book examines how COVID-19 has often enhanced social and economic marginalisation in different places and societies around the world. It explores the reality that selective deglobalisation is occurring and over and above the human tragedy which has been experienced, many societies and economies have had to adapt to the new reality which they find themselves in. Governments have been challenged to improve health care and provide economic relief and stimulus packages to sectors as diverse as tourism and education which have had to develop new ways of coping. Resilience theory is drawn on to help explain some of the creative responses which we observe, while in other places deep-rooted concerns for the future are a stark reality. By describing how the pandemic has exacerbated pre-existing geographic, social and economic marginalisation, particularly for the most vulnerable places, societies and economic activities globally, this book provides insight into the impacts and implications across the world and reflects on the different experiences.

Teaching Innovation in University Education: Case Studies and Main Practices

Book Description

In the last decade, the development of new technologies has made innovation a fundamental pillar of education. Teaching innovation includes the evolution of both teaching and learning models to drive improvements in educational methodologies. Teaching innovation is a pioneer in the understanding and comprehension of the different teaching methodologies and models developed in the academic area. Teaching innovation is a process that seeks validation in the academic and teaching communities at universities in order to promote the improvement and its practices and uses in the future characterized by digital development and data-based methods. Teaching Innovation in University Education: Case Studies and Main Practices features the major practices and case studies of teaching innovation developed in recent years at universities. It is a source on study cases focused on teaching innovation methodologies as well as on the identification of new technologies that will help the development of initiatives and practices focused on teaching innovation at higher education institutions. Covering topics such as didactic strategics, service learning, and technology-based gamification, this premier reference source is an indispensable resource for pre-service teachers, lecturers, students, faculty, administrators, libraries, entrepreneurs, researchers, and academicians.

Handbook of Research on Engaging Digital Natives in Higher Education Settings

Book Description

The integration of technology has become so deeply rooted into modern society that the upcoming generation of students has never known a world without such innovations. This defining trait calls for an examination of effective methods in which to support and motivate these learners. The Handbook of Research on Engaging Digital Natives in Higher Education Settings focuses on the importance of educational institutions implementing technology into the learning and teaching process in order to prepare for students born into a digital world. Highlighting relevant issues on teaching strategies and virtual education, this book is a pivotal reference source for academicians, upper-level students, practitioners, and researchers actively involved in higher education.

Proceedings of the International Conference on Communication and Applied Technologies 2023 (ICOMTA 2023)

Book Description

This is an open access book.ICOMTA’23 – The 2023 International Conference on Communication and Applied Technologies has as organizing entities the Universidad del Rosario (Bogota, Colombia) and the Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla (Mexico); and as collaborators at the Universidade de Vigo (Galicia, Spain), Universidade de Santiago de Compostela-Equipo de Investigaciones Políticas (Galicia, España), International Media Management Academic Association (IMMAA) and International Research Network of Communication Management (XESCOM).The conference, which will take place at the Angelopolis Campus of the Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla between September 6, 7 and 8, 2023, will take place in a mixed mode (face-to-face and virtual).

Multifaceted Analysis of Sustainable Strategies and Tactics in Education

Book Description

A multifaceted approach will be needed to fix the often-unsustainable challenges faced in the 21st-century academic arena. The trends in public and private institutions of education are more cutbacks, downsizing, mergers, sequestrations, lean process implementations, and the increase in hiring part-time workers over full-time workers. At the same time, the COVID-19 pandemic has brought with it an array of schooling challenges around organizational change. Some challenges are structural, some are political, some are human resources related, and yet others are symbolic. To fix these problems, there is a need to address a core issue: increasing student engagement. This requires a wholesale rethinking of what schooling can be. Multifaceted Analysis of Sustainable Strategies and Tactics in Education brings increased awareness to students seeking education and faculty navigating the politics regarding the challenges they face, awareness of the disempowered voices found in the halls of these institutions, and light to the challenges facing administration in education. Covering topics such as parental involvement, work-based learning, and academic success, this premier reference source is an essential resource for educators and administrators of both K-12 and higher education, pre-service teachers, teacher educators, government officials, librarians, researchers, and academicians.

Y nos mandaron a casa. Relatos y testimonios docentes durante la pandemia

Book Description

Trascender el umbral de la institución educativa, adentrarse en sus recovecos y “hacer hablar” a sus sujetos-actores constituye un desafío intelectual que en esta obra se aborda con una atractiva solvencia. Pensado como un acontecimiento disruptivo, el escenario socioeducativo estallado por la Covid-19 es problematizado a través de un juego entre los mandatos derivados de las políticas, el desarrollo de una multiforme y segmentada Universidad Pedagógica Nacional y el plano existencial de los sujetos-actores institucionales de la Unidad 211, Puebla. Estos últimos, al dar cuenta de los avatares sufridos durante el periodo pandémico, nos aproximan a un universo significante en el que se inscriben la historia y la cultura institucional en tensión con los dispositivos burocrático-académicos y las trayectorias personales. Entre el malestar institucional exacerbado por la pandemia y la infatigable búsqueda de ir más allá del “aquí no pasa nada”, trasciende la preocupación de los autores por honrar la tarea educativa de la Universidad, por lo que se convoca a recoger y potenciar los aprendizajes y los proyectos posibles. El abordaje analítico es esmerado y lo acompaña un afán didáctico a lo largo de la obra; el lector encontrará una sugerente y amigable vía de acceso a la caleidoscópica temporalidad upeniana.