Rules of Engagement and the International Law of Military Operations

Book Description

The book systematically analyses the relationship and interaction between rules of engagement (ROE) and the legal framework regulating armed conflicts, both at the international and national levels. At the international level, the relationship between ROE and human rights law and international humanitarian law is explored. At the national level, the book relates ROE to (comparative) criminal law. A separate chapter analyses the complex relationship between self-defence law and rules of engagement. It is the first monograph to comprehensively examine these issues and to analyse how ROE interact with the various sources of the (international) law of military operations, both in terms of the law as a source for these rules and how the law is reflected and implemented through them. In doing so, and based on the author's own experience, the book provides examples of how complicated, often controversial issues of law can be resolved while keeping the rules understandable at all levels of military operations. Aimed at both scholars and practitioners, the book provides a bridge between the academic world and the operational world. It provides new insights for both of those audiences in terms of understanding how the law applies to - and through - the rules on the use of force for military operations.

Mission Uruzgan

Book Description

I en række afhandlinger beskrives den hollandske ISAF styrkes indsats i Afghanisatn fra 2001-2010. I en fireårig periode fra 2006-2010 var det hollandske kontingent indsat i den afghanske provins Uruzgan og opnåede bemærkelsesværdige resultater. Sikkerhedssituationen blev forbedret, den økonomiske udvikling blev stabiliseret ligesom den offentlige administration, uddannelsen af børn og sundhedsplejen m.v. blev forbedret. Efter 2010 er provinsen overtaget af amerikanske og australske tropper.

Jus Post Bellum

Book Description

Jus post bellum is the body of international legal norms and rules of international law that applies to a post-conflict situation as it moves to a status of peace. This book provides a detailed legal analysis of all aspects of jus post bellum, and uses case studies to show its relevance to the reality of situations on the ground.

The 'legal Pluriverse' Surrounding Multinational Military Operations

Book Description

The 'Legal Pluriverse' Surrounding Multinational Military Operations conceptualizes and examines the "Pluriverse": the multiplicity of rules that apply to and regulate contemporary multinational missions, and the array of actors involved. These operations are further complicated by changes to the classification of the conflict, and the asymmetry of obligations on participants. Structured into five parts, this work seeks, through the diversity of its authorship, to set out the web of legal regimes applicable to military operations including forces from more than one state. It maps out the ways in which different regimes interact, beginning with the laws of armed conflict and their relation to international humanitarian and human rights norms, and extending through to areas like law of the sea and environmental law. A variety of contributors systematically compile and take stock of the various legal regimes that make up the pluriverse, assessing how these rules interact, exposing norm conflicts, areas of legal uncertainty, or protective loopholes. In this way, they identify and evaluate approaches to better streamline the different applicable legal frameworks with a view to enhancing cooperation and thereby ensuring the long-term success of multinational military operations.

The Battle of Gettysburg: The Country, The Contestants, The Results

Book Description

It is difficult to present a great battle with sufficient detail to please both the student of tactics and the average reader. If the visitor is not satisfied with the brief outline here presented, he is recommended to read further in the books listed, and especially to employ a guide, without whose trained and supervised services the best manual is inadequate. The reader in search of romance is recommended to the successive Incidents of the Battle as herein presented. According to official records, the Gettysburg campaign of 1863 began on June 3rd and ended on August 1st. No effort will be made to describe the movements, counter-movements, and fifty minor engagements that occurred before the armies crossed the Mason and Dixon’s line and finally concentrated at Gettysburg, where they engaged in battle on July 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. It is necessary, however, that the visitor should understand the approach to the field. On June 3rd the Union Army, called the Army of the Potomac, lay at Falmouth, Va., on the north side of the Rappahannock River, Major-General Joseph Hooker in command. The Confederate Army, called the Army of Northern Virginia, occupied the south bank, with headquarters at Fredericksburg, General Robert E. Lee in command. Both armies were resting after the major engagement at Chancellorsville, in which the Confederates were victorious. The Army of the Potomac was made up of seven infantry and one cavalry corps. It numbered at the time of the battle approximately 84,000. The Army of Northern Virginia was made up of three infantry corps and one division of cavalry. It numbered at the time of the battle about 75,000. Following the text is a roster of officers, which should be consulted, both for an understanding of the battle and because of the obligation to honor brave men. During the month of May, General Lee visited Richmond to discuss with the Confederate government various plans involving political and military considerations. Up to this time, the South had won the major victories, but her resources, both in men and sinews of war, were diminishing, and a prolonged conflict would be disastrous. It was decided that the army should invade the North via the Shenandoah and Cumberland valleys, with Harrisburg as an objective. This route not only afforded a continuous highway but put the army in a position to threaten Baltimore, Philadelphia, and Washington from the north. The Blue Ridge Mountains to the east would screen the advance, and the rich agricultural section would furnish supplies of food and forage. The time was propitious. General Lee’s army was in the prime of condition. The North was discouraged by losses, distrustful of Lincoln, weary of war. The South believed that one great victory would assure her the friendliness of the leading powers of Europe. Her independence once acknowledged, she could import the materials of war and the necessities of life which she lacked. It was thought certain that at the prospect of invasion the North would withdraw troops from the siege of Vicksburg then being conducted by General Grant. With high hopes the march was begun. On June 3rd Lee put his army in motion northward, with Ewell’s Corps, preceded by Jenkins’ and Imboden’s Cavalry, in the advance, followed by Longstreet and lastly by Hill. Longstreet moved on the east side of the Blue Ridge in order to lead Hooker to believe that Washington would be threatened. On reaching Snicker’s Gap, he crossed the Ridge into the Shenandoah Valley and followed Hill, who was now in advance. The great army was strung out from Fredericksburg, Va., on the south to Martinsburg, W. Va., on the north, with the cavalry division under Stuart guarding the gaps along the Blue Ridge. Since 1863 the population of Gettysburg has increased from 2,000 to 5,500 After driving out Union forces stationed at Winchester under Milroy, Lee’s Army crossed the Potomac at Williamsport and Shepherdstown on June 23rd, 24th, and 25th, and advanced northward, unopposed, through the Cumberland Valley, toward Harrisburg.

De Brief van Aristeas

Book Description

De Brief van Aristeas is een geschrift uit de tweede eeuw voor het begin van onze jaartelling. Het is geschreven in het Grieks door een Jood uit de Joodse gemeenschap in Alexandrië in Egypte. Anders dan de naam doet vermoeden, gaat het vermoedelijk niet om een echte brief, maar is de briefstijl louter een literaire vorm. De Brief van Aristeas is vooral bekend geworden vanwege de legende die het bevat over het ontstaan van de Septuagint. De Egyptische koning Ptolemaeus II Philadelphus zou een vertaling van de Tenach in zijn groeiende bibliotheek willen hebben. Daartoe liet hij zeventig (of tweeën-zeventig) Joodse geleerden vanuit Jeruzalem naar Alexandrië komen, alwaar hij hen in aparte ruimten opsloot op het eiland Pharos, voor de kust van Alexandrië.

Nieuw Apostolische Bijbel 3

Book Description

Deze Bijbel is geschreven omdat alle Bijbels niet de deuterocanonieke boeken en de Apocriefe boeken bevatten. (Apocrief is afkomstig van het Griekse woord voor verborgen of geheim. Apocrief is een term waarmee bepaalde boeken worden aangeduid die aanvankelijk door sommigen als onderdeel van het Oude Testament van de Bijbel werden beschouwd, maar uiteindelijk niet in de canon van de Bijbel zijn opgenomen. We kennen Apocriefen van het Oude Testament en Apocriefen van het Nieuwe Testament.) De deuterocanonieke boeken (Er zijn tien (of volgens sommigen elf) boeken die, hoewel ze niet tot de Hebreeuwse canon behoren, door de katholieke kerk en de oosters-orthodoxe kerken gezaghebbend worden geacht. Deze boeken worden deuterocanonieke boeken genoemd.

De economist

Book Description


Book Description

In deze bundel staan 3 boeken. "Beschouwingen over de God van Israël" zijn brieven aan Ds. Jenkins over de Heilige Geest. Leerstellig en bevindelijk van aard. W. Stevens, schrijft over dit werk: "... om dit wel te overwegen en biddende te overdenken." Huntington schreef: "Bij het schrijven ontving ik meer leiding van de Heilige Geest dan bij ieder ander boek."Het 2e boek is 'De verborgenheid der Godzalig-heid.' De schrijver zet uiteen dat de Zoon van God, de menselijke natuur aannam. Hij was en bleef een Goddelijk Persoon in de kribbe, aan het kruis en in het graf, naar Zijn menselijke natuur.Het 3e boek luidt: 'Het Arminiaanse geraamte.' "Hiervan ben ik zeker, de leerstellingen, welke ik hier beschreven heb, zijn niet naar de mens; want ik heb ze niet van de mensen geleerd, maar door de openbaring van Jezus Christus. Indien wij van mening zijn dat de waarheid geen verdediging waard is, dan moeten we verwachten, dat de Heilige Geest Zijn vleugelen zal uitslaan om van ons weg te vliegen."