International Labour Law

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No one will deny that labour standards comprise a necessary framework for balanced economic and social development. Yet on a global level such balanced development has not occurred, despite the existence of a rigorous body of international labour law that has been active and growing for almost one hundred years. The implementation of this law devolves upon states; yet many states have failed to honour it. If we are to take serious steps toward a remedy for this situation, there is no better place to start than a thorough, well-researched survey and analysis of existing international labour law - its sources, its content, its historical development, and an informed consideration of the barriers to its full effectiveness. This book is exactly such a resource. It provides in-depth interpretation of the crucial International Labour Organisation (ILO) the relationship between international labour law and economic competition standards on industrial relations collective bargaining and dispute settlement procedures protection of trade unions prohibitions on enforced and child labour promotion of equal opportunity and treatment time and rest provisions wage determination and protection occupational health and safety provisions special issues on non-standard forms of employment foreign and migrant workers social security provisions privacy protection The presentation demonstrates that these rules and standards offer invaluable benchmarks to governments, judiciaries, employers, and trade unions. The book’s combination of detailed commentary and an overarching social policy will make it especially valuable to legislators, human resources managers, employers organizations, trade unions, jurists, and academics concerned with the role of work in our globalized social system. This sixth edition of the book by Jean-Michel Servais analyses the potential of those standards in a globalized world, and the necessary evolution. It examines the actual implementation of those rules in the national context, comparing different experiences. It integrates the latest instruments. It examines the most recent public debates on labour regulation (dealing with health and security at work, personal data, minimum wages, social security, strikes, etc.), updates the bibliography and opens some perspectives for the future work of the global institutions.

Enterprise and Social Rights

Book Description

Globalization has led to growing labour fragmentation and widening of gaps in social protection. Although the enterprise is increasingly expected to be socially responsible, in actuality extreme worker inequalities and social dumping have become ubiquitous worldwide. This volume – the first to focus attention on the ‘theory of the firm’ as it reveals itself in today’s world from a multidisciplinary perspective – underscores the necessity to rebuild a new scientifically controlled paradigm that acknowledges and regulates the dimension of power in the functioning of the organization. In their contributed essays, nineteen renowned scholars in labour law and industrial relations rethink the firm, its conception, its value, and its regulation, analysing such aspects as the following: – labour-management relations issues that arise when companies go global but workers remain local; – the firm as a social construction; – the continuing necessity for collective bargaining; – concealment of the employment relationship under the guise of self-employment; – concealment of the real employer behind figureheads and shell companies; – social welfare effects of outsourcing; – the company’s interaction with the network of suppliers and with local education processes; – determining who actually carries responsibility towards workers; – overcoming companies’ drive to enter the global market in response to national regulation; – realizing the notion of ‘duty of care’; – mechanisms of participation of workers in the management of the enterprise; and – the persistent limitations that women face in the workplace, even when worker participation is advocated. With attention to innovative developments in Germany, Italy, Japan, and other countries, analyses include case studies of specific companies as well as case law, in particular the European Court of Justice’s jurisprudence in matters of collective dismissals, seconded workers, and public contracts. In their head-on tackling of the fragmentation and blurring of social responsibility in enterprise organization, these important essays propose a view of the enterprise as a factor in a new ‘constitutionalisation’ of labour that shifts employment protection from single legal entities to the network’s economic activity, thus realigning the legal boundaries of the enterprise with its economic reality. As a compelling investigation of how a satisfactory implementation of labour standards in the fragmented enterprise can be guaranteed, this book will be studied by entrepreneurs, managers, consultants, corporate lawyers, judges, human rights experts, and trade unionists, and will be welcomed by academics and researchers in industrial relations and labour law.

The European Social Charter: A Commentary

Book Description

This authoritative Commentary drafted by scholars of the Academic Network on the European Social Charter and Social Rights (ANESC) is aimed both at researchers studying socio-economic rights in Europe, and at legal practitioners; civil society organisations, trade unions and ministerial staff engaging with the procedures of the European Committee of Social Rights. The text is compiled by a large body of expert contributors, working together with an Editorial Board, under the supervision of a Scientific Committee, which reviews the quality of each chapter. The Scientific Committee is composed of the most respected experts on the European Social Charter and Social Rights in Europe. The Commentary will offer approx. 106 Chapters, organized in 8 Volumes, some of which are focused on the substantive state obligations and the jurisprudence of the European Committee of Social Rights, others on the procedures that state representatives, international bodies and applicants must follow to engage with the system of the European Social Charter. Volume 2 analyses the European Social Charter provisions, starting with the Preamble and covering Articles 1 to 10 and is edited by Carole Nivard.

Internationales und Ausländisches Recht

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International Labour Review

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From UI to EI

Book Description

Established in 1940 in response to the Great Depression, the original goal of Canada’s system of unemployment insurance was to ensure the protection of income to the unemployed. Joblessness was viewed as a social problem and the jobless as its unfortunate victims. If governments could not create the right conditions for full employment, they were obligated to compensate people who could not find work. While unemployment insurance expanded over several decades to the benefit of the rights of the unemployed, the mid-1970s saw the first stirrings of a counterattack as the federal government’s Keynesian strategy came under siege. Neo-liberalists denounced unemployment insurance and other aspects of the welfare state as inflationary and unproductive. Employment was increasingly thought to be a personal responsibility and the handling of the unemployed was to reflect a free-market approach. This regressive movement culminated in the 1990s counter-reforms, heralding a major policy shift. The number of unemployed with access to benefits was halved during that time. From UI to EI examines the history of Canada’s unemployment insurance system and the rights it grants to the unemployed. The development of the system, its legislation, and related jurisprudence are viewed through a historical perspective that accounts for the social, political, and economic context. Campeau critically examines the system with emphasis upon its more recent transformations. This book will interest professors and students of law, political science, and social work, and anyone concerned about the right of the unemployed to adequate protection.

The Future of the International Labour Organization in the Global Economy

Book Description

The International Labour Organization was created in 1919, as part of the Treaty of Versailles that ended the First World War, to reflect the belief that universal and lasting peace can be accomplished only if it is based on social justice. As the oldest organisation in the UN system, approaching its 100th anniversary in 2019, the ILO faces unprecedented strains and challenges. Since before the financial crisis, the global economy has tested the limits of a regulatory regime which was conceived in 1919. The organisation's founders only entrusted it with balancing social progress with the constraints of an interconnected open economy, but gambled almost entirely on tools of persuasion to ensure that this would happen. Whether that gamble is still capable of paying-off is the subject of this book, by a former ILO insider with an unrivalled knowledge of its work. The book forms part of a broader inquiry into the relevance of founding institutional principles to today's context, and strives to show that the bet made on persuasion may yet pay off. In part, the text argues that there may be little alternative anyway, showing that the pathways to more binding solutions are fraught with difficulty. It also shows the ILO's considerable future potential for promoting effective, universal regulations by extending its tools of persuasion in as yet insufficiently explored directions. Starting with an examination of how the organisation's institutional context differs from 93 years ago, the author goes on to evaluate the prospects of numerous proposals put forward today, including the trade/labour linkage, but going beyond this. As a case study in how strategic choices can be made under legal, social and institutional constraints, the book should be valuable not only to those with an interest in the ILO, but to anyone who studies international organisation, labour law, law and society or political economy.

Regulating Social Europe

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A large part of the legal debate about European social integration has been focussed on social dialogue, and in particular on the role of European collective agreements, as formerly regulated by the Maastricht Agreement on Social Policy, but now incorporated into the Amsterdam Treaty. In this volume, an attempt is made to conceptualise the function of European collective bargaining, based on an analysis of the Treaty provisions specifically dealing collective bargaining, but going beyond the Treaty in several respects. Taking an inter-disciplinary approach, the book seeks to broaden the analysis of European collective bargaining, placing it within the broader institutional context of the phenomenon usually referred to as "EC regulatory deficit". Against this background the author gives proper recognition to the different factors - legal, theoretical, institutional, political and industrial-relations oriented - which converge in the field of European collective bargaining. The author concludes that in the overall context of a general redefinition of Community regulatory strategies, European collective bargaining should be viewed not as evidence of an incomplete supranational legal pluralism but rather as a construction of Community law.