The Bluegrass Conspiracy

Book Description

When Kentucky Blueblood Drew Thornton parachuted to his death in September 1985—carrying thousands in cash and 150 pounds of cocaine—the gruesome end of his startling life blew open a scandal that reached to the most secret circles of the U.S. government. The story of Thornton and “The Company” he served, and the lone heroic fight of State Policeman Ralph Ross against an international web of corruption is one of the most portentous tales of the 20th century.

Drug Conspiracy

Book Description

Part history, part true crime thriller, part first-hand investigation into the inner workings of the U.S. Justice Department, and part polemic, Drug Conspiracy: “We Only Want the Blacks”—My Persecution by the United States Government is the story of one man’s attempt to navigate the labyrinthine bureaucratic system that oppresses marginalized people and bullies innocent victims into submission. It also tells the story of one man’s refusal to yield to the yoke of an out of control machine, the local color of a city in the Heart of Dixie, and the strange logic of the War on Drugs that is eroding the soul of this country.

Camels, Oil, and Fire and the Marijuana Conspiracy

Book Description

Marijuana is a leading drug threat to the country (USA). Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and the National Drug Intelligence Center (NDIC) in a report prepared by the Federal Research Division, Library of Congress, 2003. In the recent years, marijuana (weed) has gained tremendous popularity in the American public, and the media is creating hype on its beneficial uses medical or recreational. The marijuana traders and growers have started making huge profits, and it is becoming a prolific industry. The marijuana growers have devised multiple ways to cross-seed various varieties and have made weed in a more potent forms available than before. Arent the days sooner when school-going children may have marijuana cookies, gums, and candies for breakfast and school lunch? How about cigarette companies add a blend of marijuana along with tobacco and advertise as mild, light, and strong blends. There will be a boom in the tobacco industry, and smokers will have already made out cigarettes for smokers that are blended with marijuana at their local stores alongside other regular tobacco products. Are we going to make all America a smoking heaven for marijuana and years later think that we might have gone too far in promoting marijuana, so start banning this menace?

How to Avoid Federal Drug Conspiracy and Firearms Charges

Book Description

STOP! Before you use or sell drugs. Before you pick up that gun. Before you help someone do either. READ THIS BOOK! It might save you from being locked up for a long time by the Federal Government. Just because you don't use or sell drugs does not mean that you're safe. Without the information provided inside this book, you are in possible danger. Save a friend or family member by reading this book. This book is FYI only. It will help you understand what will happen if you, or someone you know, get arrested by Federal agents for guns or drugs. Even if you are already in jail, this book will provide helpful information about your current situation and will provide you with Bureau of Prison policies and prison locations. So arm yourself with this weapon - Knowledge. How can you stay out of harm's way if you do not know what will harm you.

Smuggler's End

Book Description

Dark Alliance

Book Description

Major Motion Picture based on Dark Alliance and starring Jeremy Renner, "Kill the Messenger," to be be released in Fall 2014 In August 1996, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Gary Webb stunned the world with a series of articles in the San Jose Mercury News reporting the results of his year-long investigation into the roots of the crack cocaine epidemic in America, specifically in Los Angeles. The series, titled “Dark Alliance,” revealed that for the better part of a decade, a Bay Area drug ring sold tons of cocaine to Los Angeles street gangs and funneled millions in drug profits to the CIA-backed Nicaraguan Contras. Gary Webb pushed his investigation even further in his book, Dark Alliance: The CIA, The Contras, and the Crack Cocaine Explosion. Drawing from then newly declassified documents, undercover DEA audio and videotapes that had never been publicly released, federal court testimony, and interviews, Webb demonstrates how our government knowingly allowed massive amounts of drugs and money to change hands at the expense of our communities. Webb’s own stranger-than-fiction experience is also woven into the book. His excoriation by the media—not because of any wrongdoing on his part, but by an insidious process of innuendo and suggestion that in effect blamed Webb for the implications of the story—had been all but predicted. Webb was warned off doing a CIA expose by a former Associated Press journalist who lost his job when, years before, he had stumbled onto the germ of the “Dark Alliance” story. And though Internal investigations by both the CIA and the Justice Department eventually vindicated Webb, he had by then been pushed out of the Mercury News and gone to work for the California State Legislature Task Force on Government Oversight. He died in 2004.

The Conspiracy Revealed

Book Description

It seems as if drug abuse has always been with us. Today, marijuana is readily available and seems to be a part of our culture. Until the late 1970´s, marijuana seizures of a car's trunk capacity seemed to be common place for law enforcement. Overnight, drug enforcement was turned upside down, ton quantities of South American marijuana entered the U. S. by sea vessels disrupting financial institutions with the huge amount of proceeds involved. Unprepared and under funded law enforcement, was unable to meet the challenge of big time smuggling and distribution. Finally, realizing the problem, law enforcement assaulted the violators with weapons such as the Racketeering Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO), Continuing Criminal Enterprise (CCE) and Conspiracy laws. This coupled with the stepped up efforts of the U. S. Coast Guard and Customs patrolling Florida's coast line pushed large marijuana cartels west. The Conspiracy Revealed follows the efforts of a small U. S. Attorney's Office in Beaumont, Texas and the efforts of law enforcement in Texas to help meet part of the challenge presented by the enforcement effort in Florida. That is, meeting the challenge of a multi-million dollar drug cartel that would later be labeled the "Cowboy Mafia" by the media. Years later, as a retired DEA Agent, I wrote my account of the investigation which I named Good Old Boys and Grass. It was during the copyright of my manuscript, as if by Divine intervention, that a book was published. The author stated that he had been a friend and employee of one of the people investigated and convicted in the conspiracy. His allegation was that the Government was only out to get his millionaire friend. Along with the book, the author placed a copyright and commercialized the name "Cowboy Mafia." A following book tried to represent the Government's investigation but lacked the insight necessary. My view of writing about the incident changed from simply entertainment to reporting a conspiracy. This is in respect to a three-year long investigation that included over thirty-five defendants, 100 tons of marijuana charged, official corruption prosecuted, deaths during the investigation and over eighteen million dollars in fines and forfeitures. It seems only appropriate that this presentation should be made. The result is the Conspiracy Revealed.

The Conspiracy of Silence

Book Description

The Bluegrass Conspiracy

Book Description

Chronicles the life and death of Drew Thornton, an ex-narcotics officer and leader of a world drug orgranization with ties to Kentucky's state government and national law enforcement, and detective Ralph Ross's long time pursuit of Thornton

Conspiracy Investigations

Book Description

This book describes in detail the methods used in complex criminal investigations that focus on terrorism, drugs, and sophisticated street gangs. It presents overviews of current drug trends in America, terrorist organizations and their methods of operation, and the major street gangs operating within the United States. It explains in detail what a conspiracy is, what the elements of crime are, how the law allows prosecutors to attach criminal liability to all members of the conspiracy, and the many other advantages of charging defendants with these statutes.