Du présentiel au e-learning efficient - 2e éd.

Book Description

Comment convertir progressivement une formation présentielle en e-learning, alors que tout s'est accéléré depuis deux ans ? Comment mettre en place les outils de formation distancielle, les objectifs pédagogiques et quels contenus proposer et sous quelle forme, et comment cela s'est concrétisé dans un contexte sanitaire très tendu ? Comment se pérénisent les acquis de ces deux dernières années, quelles sont les limites qui son apparues ? Comment répondre aux exigences de la législation ? De nombreux organismes de formation s’interrogeaient sur la mise en œuvre de la formation professionnelle à distance, désormais son cadre légal est peu à peu établi, ce guide pratique entièrement mis à jour vous propose un panorama complet des outils nécessaires pour maîtriser aujourd'hui toute sa chaîne de valeurs. Seul à aborder les quatre axes majeurs de la construction d’une formation professionnelle en e-learning (technologique, pédagogique, juridique et économique), cet ouvrage vous permet d’organiser un parcours de formation non seulement efficace, mais surtout, efficient ! Acteurs de la formation, vous trouverez ici les réponses à vos questions essentielles.

Professionnalisation et e-learning

Book Description

Comment se porte aujourd'hui l'e-learning en France et dans le monde ? Comment se situe-t-il par rapport à la formation ouverte à distance et le télé-enseignement à distance ? Comment les formes et les moyens différents d'apprentissage peuvent-ils contribuer au développement de notre professionnalité ? Quelle place l'e-learning occupe-t-il dans le champ de la formation professionnalisante tout au long de la vie ?

Apprendre à distance

Book Description

Un ouvrage, ici dans sa version ePub, pour décortiquer une nouvelle manière d'enseigner, à distance, et distinguer ce qui relève du mythe et ce qui est fondé scientifiquement. L'enseignement à distance s'est considérablement développé ces dernières années. Il a bénéficié du progrès des outils et de la qualité des réseaux, mais surtout de la période Covid et de la fermeture des établissements d'enseignement (écoles, collèges, lycées et universités). Souvent sans préparation ni formation spécifique, les enseignants ont dû innover pour mettre en place la " continuité éducative ", cherchant des solutions immédiates pour transférer un contenu pédagogique prévu en présentiel. L'occasion a été en partie manquée. Elle le sera tout autant tant que le rôle des différents acteurs et que les finalités du distanciel ne seront pas mieux définis. Car certains mythes ont la vie dure, y compris parmi les communautés pédagogiques. À travers dix chapitres, cet ouvrage s'attache à déconstruire ces mythes tels que : " La situation de la crise sanitaire a donné la possibilité de faire (réellement) de l'enseignement à distance ", " Le e-learning, c'est de l'apprentissage à distance ", " Enseigner et apprendre à distance sont des activités solitaires ", " Un cours à distance est un cours en présentiel mis en ligne ", " En formation à distance, l'enseignant perd la propriété de ses cours ", " La formation à distance est avant tout une question de maitrise des technologies..." Une réflexion indispensable pour tous les pédagogues du 21e siècle.

E-learning in Tertiary Education

Book Description

E-learning is becoming increasingly prominent in tertiary education. Rationales for its growth are wide-ranging, complex and contested, including widening access, on-campus pedagogic innovation, enhancement of distance learning, organisational change, knowledge-sharing and revenue generation. This report looks at the practice in 19 tertiary education institutions and is designed to elucidate both good practice and international trends. It is organised in three sections: activities and strategies; pedagogy, technology and organisation; cost efficiency and funding.

Assessment for Learning: Meeting the Challenge of Implementation

Book Description

This book provides new perspectives on Assessment for Learning (AfL), on the challenges encountered in its implementation, and on the diverse ways of meeting these challenges. It brings together contributions from authors working in a wide range of educational contexts: Australia, Canada, England, Germany, New Zealand, Norway, Israel, Philippines, Scotland, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United States. It reflects the issues, innovations, and critical reflections that are emerging in an expanding international network of researchers, professional development providers, and policy makers, all of whom work closely with classroom teachers and school leaders to improve the assessment of student learning. The concept of Assessment for Learning, initially formulated in 1999 by the Assessment Reform Group in the United Kingdom, has inspired new ways of conceiving and practicing classroom assessment in education systems around the world. This book examines assessment for learning in a broad perspective which includes diverse approaches to formative assessment (some emphasizing teacher intervention, others student involvement in assessment), as well as some forms of summative assessment designed to support student learning. The focus is on assessment in K-12 classrooms and on the continuing professional learning of teachers and school leaders working with these classrooms. Readers of this volume will encounter well documented accounts of AfL implementation across a large spectrum of conditions in different countries and thereby acquire better understanding of the challenges that emerge in the transition from theory and policy to classroom practice. They will also discover a wealth of ideas for implementing assessment for learning in an effective and sustainable manner. The chapters are grouped in three Parts: (1) Assessment Policy Enactment in Education Systems; (2) Professional Development and Collaborative Learning about Assessment; (3) Assessment Culture and the Co-Regulation of Learning. An introduction to each Part provides an overview and presents the suggestions and recommendations formulated in the chapters.

Legal Translation and Court Interpreting: Ethical Values, Quality, Competence Training

Book Description

This multidisciplinary volume offers a systematic analysis of translation and interpreting as a means of guaranteeing equality under the law as well as global perspectives in legal translation and interpreting contexts. It offers insights into new research on • language policies and linguistic rights in multilingual communities • the role of the interpreter • accreditation of legal translators and interpreters • translator and interpreter education in multiple countries and • approaches to terms and tools for legal settings. The authors explore familiar problems with a view to developing new approaches to language justice by learning from researchers, trainers, practitioners and policy makers. By offering multiple methods and perspectives covering diverse contexts (e.g. in Austria, Belgium, England, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Ireland, Norway, Poland), this volume is a welcome contribution to legal translation and interpreting studies scholars and practitioners alike, highlighting settings that have received limited attention, such as the linguistic rights of vulnerable populations, as well as practical solutions to methodological and terminological problems.

Work Motivation

Book Description

This edited volume in SIOP's Organizational Frontiers Series presents the current thinking and research on the important area of motivation.Work Motivation is a central issue in Industrial organizational psychology, human resource management and organizational behavior. In this volume the editors and authors show that motivation must be seen as a m

Post-secondary Distance Education in Canada

Book Description

Following a foreword (Ross Paul) and an introduction (Robert Sweet), three sections on instituting postsecondary distance learning systems across Canada are presented: access and student support, educational technology, and institutional response. The first section contains the following: "Women in Distance Education: Towards a Feminist Perspective" (Rebecca Coulter); "Building Bridges: Northern Native Teacher Training" (Robert Paulet); "Le Tuteur et le Support a l'Etudiant en Enseignement a Distance" (Celine Lebel, Bernard Michaud); and "Provision of Student Support Services in Distance Education: Do We Know What They Need?" (Gordon Thompson). Papers in the second section are as follows: "La Formation a Distance: Des Choix Technologiques et des Valeurs" (France Henri, Therese Lamy); "Third Generation Course Design in Distance Education" (David Kaufman); "Contradictory Directions for Distance: Cultural Miscegenation, or Cultural Symbiosis?" (Gary Boyd); "A Philosophy of Distance Education: Perceptivism" (Charles Brauner); "La Technologie Educative dans l'Enseignement a Distance, Son Role et Sa Place" (Louise Sauve et al.); and "Distance Learning using Communications Technologies in Canada" (Barbara Helm). The third section contains the following: "Diversity or Chaos in Canadian Distance Education? A View from Overseas" (Anthony Bates); "Canada's Open Universities: Issues and Prospectives" (Ross Paul); "Involvement with Distance Education: Issues for the University" (Margaret Haughey); "Distance Education and Accessibility to Canada's Community Colleges" (John Dennison); "Being Responsible to the Adult Distance Learner: A Secondary School Example" (Norman McKinnon); "Canadian Private Sector Distance Education: A Preliminary Analysis of Organizational Structure and Governance Issues" (Kenneth Slade, Robert Sweet); "Collaboration in Distance Education" (Abram Conrad, James Small); "Collaboration in Distance Education: British Columbia's Open Learning Agency" (Ian Mugridge); and "Collaboration in Distance Education: Ontario's Contact North/Contac Nord" (Terry Anderson, Connie Nelson). (NLA)

Multipliers of Change

Book Description

Higher Education Leadership and Management have become increasingly important throughout the years due to the complexities that have to be addressed by universities worldwide. This can be seen not only in professionalisation in fields such as faculty management or in areas of quality assurance and internationalisation, but also in the need for exchange and training in academic leadership, such as that of deans or study deans, or of university leadership in general. The Dialogue on Innovative Higher Education Strategies (DIES) is addressing this need in emerging countries by building platforms of exchange and offering training courses. Not only is the programme supporting capacity building of human resources, but it is also specifically focusing on inducing change within the universities, such as introducing new instruments or tools in the area of quality assurance and internationalisation, and addressing specific challenges or setting up new structures in the form of projects in the frame of the training. The ‘National Multiplication Trainings’ Programme under DIES is further addressing the sustainability and multiplication of the DIES Programme, that is, alumni are enabled to implement capacity building in higher education leadership and management in their national context. The articles within this volume of the “Potsdamer Beiträge zur Hochschulforschung” (Potsdam Contributions to Higher Education Research) analyse and share the experiences of such training programmes held in Colombia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Guinea, Malaysia, Kenya, and Uganda. They all revolve around the best ways to address the needs and challenges in higher education leadership and management, and in building capacities in these areas.