Strings, Branes and Dualities

Book Description

As recent developments have shown, supersymmetric quantum field theory and string theory are intimately related, with advances in one area often shedding light on the other. The organising ideas of most of these advances are the notion of duality and the physics of higher dimensional objects or p-branes. The topics covered in the present volume include duality in field theory, in particular in supersymmetric field theory and supergravity, and in string theory. The Seiberg-Witten theory and its recent developments are also covered in detail. A large fraction of the volume is devoted to the current state of the art in M-theory, in particular its underlying superalgebra as well as its connection with superstring and N = 2 strings. The physics of D-branes and its essential role in the beautiful computation of the black hole entropy is also carefully covered. Finally, the last two sets of lectures are devoted to the exciting matrix approach to non-perturbative string theory.

Strings, Branes and Dualities

Book Description

As recent developments have shown, supersymmetric quantum field theory and string theory are intimately related, with advances in one area often shedding light on the other. The organising ideas of most of these advances are the notion of duality and the physics of higher dimensional objects or p-branes. The topics covered in the present volume include duality in field theory, in particular in supersymmetric field theory and supergravity, and in string theory. The Seiberg-Witten theory and its recent developments are also covered in detail. A large fraction of the volume is devoted to the current state of the art in M-theory, in particular its underlying superalgebra as well as its connection with superstring and N = 2 strings. The physics of D-branes and its essential role in the beautiful computation of the black hole entropy is also carefully covered. Finally, the last two sets of lectures are devoted to the exciting matrix approach to non-perturbative string theory.

Strings, Branes And Gravity (Tasi 1999)

Book Description

Many of the topics in this book are outgrowths of the spectacular new understanding of duality in string theory which emerged around 1995. They include the AdS/CFT correspondence and its relation to holography, the matrix theory formulation of M theory, the structure of black holes in string theory, the structure of D-branes and M-branes, and detailed development of dualities with N = 1 and N = 2 supersymmetry. In addition, there are lectures covering experimental and phenomenological aspects of the Standard Model and its extensions, and discussions on cosmology including both theoretical aspects and the exciting new experimental evidence for a non-zero cosmological constant.

Strings, Branes, and Gravity

Book Description

Many of the topics in this book are outgrowths of the spectacular new understanding of duality in string theory which emerged around 1995. They include the AdS/CFT correspondence and its relation to holography, the matrix theory formulation of M theory, the structure of black holes in string theory, the structure of D-branes and M-branes, and detailed development of dualities with N = 1 and N = 2 supersymmetry. In addition, there are lectures covering experimental and phenomenological aspects of the Standard Model and its extensions, and discussions on cosmology including both theoretical aspects and the exciting new experimental evidence for a non-zero cosmological constant.

Introduction to Strings and Branes

Book Description

Detailed, step-by-step introduction to the theoretical foundations of strings and branes, essential reading for graduate students and researchers.

The Little Book of String Theory

Book Description

The essential beginner's guide to string theory The Little Book of String Theory offers a short, accessible, and entertaining introduction to one of the most talked-about areas of physics today. String theory has been called the "theory of everything." It seeks to describe all the fundamental forces of nature. It encompasses gravity and quantum mechanics in one unifying theory. But it is unproven and fraught with controversy. After reading this book, you'll be able to draw your own conclusions about string theory. Steve Gubser begins by explaining Einstein's famous equation E = mc2, quantum mechanics, and black holes. He then gives readers a crash course in string theory and the core ideas behind it. In plain English and with a minimum of mathematics, Gubser covers strings, branes, string dualities, extra dimensions, curved spacetime, quantum fluctuations, symmetry, and supersymmetry. He describes efforts to link string theory to experimental physics and uses analogies that nonscientists can understand. How does Chopin's Fantasie-Impromptu relate to quantum mechanics? What would it be like to fall into a black hole? Why is dancing a waltz similar to contemplating a string duality? Find out in the pages of this book. The Little Book of String Theory is the essential, most up-to-date beginner's guide to this elegant, multidimensional field of physics.

Progress in String, Field and Particle Theory

Book Description

The NATO Advanced Study Institute and EC Summer School "Progress in String Field and Particle Theory" was held in Cargse from June 25th till July 11th 2002. The main focus of the school was the recent progress in the very ac tive areas of superstring theory, quantum gravity and the theory of elementary particles. It covered topical problems in domains such as duality between gravity and gaugeinteractions, string field theory, tachyon condensation, non-commutative field theory, string cosmology and string phenomenology. The School featured daily introductory lectures and topical seminars. An informal Gong Show session allowed young post-doctoral researchers and senior graduate students to make a concise presentation oftheir current work. The School gave an excellent opportunity to the youngest researchers to establish a close relationship with their seniors and with the lecturers. These proceedings will further serve in fixing the acquired knowledge, and hopefully, become a useful reference for anyone working in this fascinating do main of physics. Some of the contributions provide an elementary introduction to their subject, while other ones are more geared to the specialist. We are deeply indebted to the NATO Division for Scientific Affairs for funding, and for their constant attention for our meetings, and to the European Commission for a High-Level Scientific Conference grant HPCFCT 2001-00298.

Dualities In Gauge And String Theories - Proceedings Of Apctp Winter School

Book Description

Contents: Lectures:Supermembranes: An Introduction (M J Duff)An Introduction to p-Branes (K S Stelle)Notes on Matrix Strings and Fivebranes (H Verlinde et al.)Intersecting Branes (J P Gauntlett)BPS Bound States, Supermembranes, and T-Duality in M Theory (J G Russo)D=6, N=1 String Vacua and Duality (L E Ibáñez & A M Uranga)Flat Symplectic Bundles of N-Extended Supergravities, Central Charges and Black-Hole Entropy (S Ferrara et al.)Black Hole Thermodynamics and String Theory (S R Das)Seminars:One-Instanton Calculations in N=2 Supersymmetric Gauge Theories (K Ito)Field Theory on Coadjoint Orbit and Self-Dual Chern-Simons Solitons (P Oh)Cohomological Yang-Mills Theory in Eight Dimensions (H Kanno et al.)Charged BTZ Black Hole as a Global Vortex in Anti-de Sitter Space–Time: A Bridge by Duality (Y Kim et al.)Tensionless Gravitational String in D=6, N=1 Heterotic String Vacua (N Kim et al.)Quantum Ergoregion Instability (G Kang) Readership: High energy physicists. Keywords: