Dumb Energy

Book Description

Wind and solar energy have negative economic value. An objective analysis of the economics involved show that wind and solar are heavily subsidized. Some of the subsidies are open, but much of the subsidy is hidden from the public. There are special tax deals and sweetheart power purchase agreements. Although wind and solar are promoted as a low carbon solution, they are a remarkably expensive way to reduce carbon emissions. The erratic nature of wind and solar means it is necessary to have a dual system - the wind or solar, and in addition, a conventional system to backup the erratic wind or solar. Sometimes the wind does not blow. The sun does not shine when it is cloudy, or at night.Extensive lobbying and outright propaganda has convinced the public that it is a good idea to spend billions on this dumb wind and solar energy. The facts and figures are in this book, in an easily-understood format.

The False Promise of Green Energy

Book Description

Green energy promises an alluring future---more jobs in a cleaner environment. We will enjoy a new economy driven by clean electricity, less pollution, and, of course, the gratitude of generations to come. There's just one problem: the lack of credible evidence that any of that can occur. --

The Future of Technology

Book Description

From the industrial revolution to the railway age, through the era of electrification, the advent of mass production, and finally to the information age, the same pattern keeps repeating itself. An exciting, vibrant phase of innovation and financial speculation is followed by a crash, after which begins a longer, more stately period during which the technology is actually deployed properly. This collection of surveys and articles from The Economist examines how far technology has come and where it is heading. Part one looks at topics such as the “greying” (maturing) of IT, the growing importance of security, the rise of outsourcing, and the challenge of complexity, all of which have more to do with implementation than innovation. Part two looks at the shift from corporate computing towards consumer technology, whereby new technologies now appear first in consumer gadgets such as mobile phones. Topics covered will include the emergence of the mobile phone as the “digital Swiss Army knife”; the rise of digital cameras, which now outsell film-based ones; the growing size and importance of the games industry and its ever-closer links with other more traditional parts of the entertainment industry; and the social impact of technologies such as text messaging, Wi-Fi, and camera phones. Part three considers which technology will lead the next great phase of technological disruption and focuses on biotechnology, energy technology, and nanotechnology.

Nation's Business

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The Energy and Security Nexus

Book Description

The relationship between energy and security has been receiving increasing attention over the last few years. Energy literally drives the global economy. Societies rely on it for everything from advanced medical equipment to heating, cooling, and irrigation. Whether it derives from advanced nuclear reactors in developed nations or simple wood stoves in the developing world, energy is recognized as vital to human welfare. It influences our economic, political, and social policies. Possessing or not possessing sufficient energy determines a state's political and economic power. Competition for energy has been, is, and will be a source of conflict. The choices nation-states make when it comes to energy will have a profound bearing on a wide range of security concerns, from nuclear proliferation to climate change.

Hardware Age

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College Journalism

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Embedded Systems for Smart Appliances and Energy Management

Book Description

This book provides a comprehensive introduction to embedded systems for smart appliances and energy management, bringing together for the first time a multidisciplinary blend of topics from embedded systems, information technology and power engineering. Coverage includes challenges for future resource distribution grids, energy management in smart appliances, micro energy generation, demand response management, ultra-low power stand by, smart standby and communication networks in home and building automation.

Make It Bigger

Book Description

Scher reveals her thoughts on design practice, drawing on her experiences as a leading designer in the USA. The book includes a survey of Scher's work, from her designs as art director at Columbia Records, to her identity for New York's Public Theater.

Climate Change Baffles Brains

Book Description

We have now sunk to a depth where the restatement of the obvious is the duty of intelligent men. George Orwell’s words are worth repeating as climate-warming alarmists promote doomsday scenarios that have no basis in science. L. Rowand Archer examines the lie of global warming—and the motivations for it—in this treatise that exposes the socialist agenda and fear mongering of the liberal left. Lost in the propaganda is the fact that man-made CO2 emissions have greened Earth, transforming some former desert regions into verdant oases of greenery, and contributing to record crop yields. Instead of demonizing CO2, we should be praising CO2 for helping to feed the world. Because weather is familiar to all, it seems that everyone has a theory about what causes climate change, and that makes it difficult to argue rationally about the real science behind climate change. This book is intended to provide a nontechnical understanding of climate skepticism as argued by over 300 knowledgeable authors in their fields who question the notion that humankind is the major influence of climate change. Get real answers to what is really happening in Climate Change Baffles Brains.