International trade and core labour standards

Book Description

Quels sont les principaux événements intervenus sur le plan des échanges et des normes du travail depuis la parution en 1996 de l'étude de l'OCDE sur " Le commerce, l'emploi et les normes du travail "? Que fait-on pour promouvoir ces normes? Quels ont été les progrès enregistrés? Quelles sont les interactions possibles entre normes fondamentales du travail, échanges, investissement direct étranger, développement économique et emploi? Telles sont quelques-unes des questions auxquelles s'efforce de répondre cette étude sur "Les échanges internationaux et les normes fondamentales du travail". L'ouvrage passe également en revue les principales préoccupations liées à ces normes et à leurs interactions avec les échanges et l'emploi, s'efforçant de définir un terrain d'entente sur lequel pourra s'édifier à l'avenir un dialogue constructif entre l'ensemble des parties concernées.

African Yearbook of International Law / Annuaire Africain de Droit International, Volume 10 (2002)

Book Description

"The African Yearbook of International Law" provides an intellectual forum for the systematic analysis and scientific dissection of issues of international law as they apply to Africa, as well as Africa's contribution to the progressive development of international law. It contributes to the promotion, acceptance of and respect for the principles of international law, as well as to the encouragement of the teaching, study, dissemination and wider appreciation of international law in Africa. A clear articulation of Africa's views on the various aspects of international law based on the present realities of the continent as well as on Africa's civilization, culture, philosophy and history will undoubtedly contribute to a better understanding among nations. "The African Yearbook of International Law" plays an important role in examining the tensions underlying the State in Africa, and by shedding more light on the causes of the fragility of African state institutions so as to facilitate the identification of appropriate remedies. The tension and interrelationships among issues such as territorial integrity, self determination, ethnic diversity and nation-building are constantly addressed. Development, human rights and democratization in Africa are also subject of continuous attention and examination.

Book Description

Yearbook of the European Convention on Human Rights

Book Description

This volume of the "Yearbook of the European Convention on Human Rights, prepared by the Directorate of Human Rights of the Council of Europe, relates to 2003. Part one contains information on the Convention. Part two deals with the control mechanism of the European Convention on Human Rights: selected judgments of the European Court of Human Rights and human rights (DH) resolutions of the Committee of Ministers; part three groups together the other work of the Council of Europe in the field of human rights, and includes the work of the Committee of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly and the Directorate General of Human Rights; part four is devoted to information on national legislation and extracts from national judicial decisions concerning rights protected by the Convention. Appendix A contains a bibliography on the Convention, and Appendix B the biographies of the new judges elected to the European Court of Human Rights.

Book Description