Innovative Perspectives on Corporate Communication in the Global World

Book Description

Today's global markets demand that companies of all sizes look to international markets for potential customers. The successive crises that have taken place in the last decade make the internationalization of companies essential. This situation is further aggravated in the case of SMEs, as surviving only from national markets is becoming increasingly difficult. Indeed, the economic sphere is in constant flux, which demands that companies have a great capacity for adaptation to face the new challenges of an ever more globalized and difficult market. In this context, new forms of business communication are emerging, especially through the web and new technologies. Digital marketing and the dissemination of corporate information have become key processes for the success of companies. It is therefore crucial to research different digital marketing processes and ways of breaking down linguistic and cultural barriers between users from different sociolinguistic contexts. Innovative Perspectives on Corporate Communication in the Global World contains different contributions focused on the description of methods, processes, and tools that can be adopted to achieve corporate internationalization goals. The chapters provide a comprehensive review of the why, what, and how of disseminating corporate information and promoting corporate digital communication into internationalization processes. These strategies can be related to the development of digital tools, the design of new corporate communication strategies, the proposal of new ways of breaking social and linguistic barriers between technology users, or the creation of new methodologies aimed at evaluating the effectiveness of digital marketing strategies. This book is ideal for marketers, managers, executives, entrepreneurs, practitioners, researchers, academicians, and students interested in new corporate communication strategies and their effectiveness.

Engaging People in Sustainability

Book Description

The book is based on the exchange of professional experiences which featured in an IUCN CEC workshop in August 2002. Practitioners from around the world shared their models of good practice and explored the challenges involved in engaging people in sustainability. The difficulties facing practitioners vary between country and context but some challenges are universal: A lack of clarity in communicating what is meant by sustainable development; An ambition to educate everyone to bring about a global citizenship; Social, organisational or institutional factors constrain change to sustainable development, yet there is an emphasis on formal education, and community educators do not receive the same support; A lack of balance in addressing the integration of environmental, social and economic dimensions leading to an interpretation that ESD is mainly about environment and conservation issues; New learning (rather than teaching) approaches are called for to promote more debate in society. Yet, few are trained or experienced in these new approaches. Practitioners need support to explore new ways of promoting learning. [Foreword, ed].

The North American Mosaic

Book Description

The North American Mosaic has four overarching features. First, it is, to the extent feasible, based on comparable information on the status and trends of major indicators of the state of the environment in Canada,Mexico, and the United States. Second, the report confirms that these three countries together make up an incredibly complex, dynamic, and interconnected ecosystem in which humans play a dominant and decisive role. Third, the report raises important and sometimes disquieting questions concerning the sustainability of some current trends. Finally, the report is a reminder that our economic, social, and physical well-being are utterly dependent on the life-sustaining services provided by nature. This report emphasizes the importance of developing mutually compatible economic, social, and environmental goals and policies across the three-country region.

Programa de Formación Profesional del Paramédico. Nancy Caroline. Volumen 1 Impreso, Volumen 2 libro electrónico. En español.

Book Description

El Programa de Formación Profesional del Paramédico, de Nancy Caroline, segunda edición, es la evolución más reciente del principal programa de formación académica para paramédicos.

Regional Archaeology in the Muisca Territory

Book Description

Regional settlement analysis providing demographic and economic reconstructions of the chiefdoms encountered by the Spanish Conquistadores in the eastern Andean cordillera of Colombia and of the earlier societies from which they sprang. The full regional settlement dataset is provided electronically. Complete text in English and Spanish.

La formación de educadoras y educadores ambientales:

Book Description

La formación de educadoras y educadores ambientales en la Universidad Autónoma de la Ciudad de México (UACM), ha sido uno de los objetivos primordiales a los que se ha orientado esta institución desde los primeros momentos de su creación. En su seno, oferta el programa académico de la maestría en Educación Ambiental, el cual busca concretar nuevas respuestas educativas a los problemas ambientales que se viven en los diferentes puntos del país, y de manera particular, en la Ciudad de México, a fin de revelar otros futuros posibles para todos, donde el respeto por la condición humana y la protección del medio ambiente sean dos aspectos inseparables. En este marco, el programa de la maestría en Educación Ambiental hace un alto en el camino para tratar de averiguar cuáles han sido algunos de los senderos que ha transitado en su objetivo ineludible de formar educadores ambientales; indaga sobre los conocimientos, habilidades y destrezas adquiridas por los estudiantes y busca comprender cómo se han materializado en prácticas pedagógicas concretas, al tiempo que pretende reflexionar sobre la forma en que sus egresados se asumen como educadores ambientales y muestra algunas las perspectivas de futuro que le otorgan a la educación ambiental en los años por venir. Así, los escritos que integran este volumen muestran distintas miradas al trabajo profesional de los egresados, donde se sitúan algunos análisis y reflexiones en torno a los hallazgos y propuestas, producto de la visión particular de cada uno de sus autores, esto con la intención de compartir un primer acercamiento al campo de la educación ambiental, y de manera concreta, una perspectiva de análisis sobre el quehacer educativo-ambiental de los egresados de este programa académico.