Education and Development in Central America and the Latin Caribbean

Book Description

Rooted in an international political economy theoretical framework, this book provides unique insights into the global forces and local responses that are shaping education systems in Central America and the Latin Caribbean (CALC). The book covers all Spanish-speaking countries of the CALC region and examines the effects of macro-economic pressures, geopolitical intervention, neo-colonial relationships, global pandemics, transnational gang networks, and the influence of international organizations. Chapters analyse the challenges and opportunities these global forces present to education systems in the region as well as highlighting the local efforts to address, mitigate, and counteract them. In doing so, the book illuminates how education can contribute to either maintaining or challenging inequalities and exclusion in the face of pressures from the global to local levels.

Education, Citizenship, and Cuban Identity

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This book explores how Cuba’s famously successful and inclusive education system has formed young Cubans’ political, social, and moral identities in a country transfigured by new inequalities and moral compromises made in the name of survival. The author examines this educational experience from the perspective of those who grew up in the years of economic crisis following the fall of the Soviet Union, charting their ideals, their frustrations and their struggle to reconcile revolutionary rhetoric with twenty-first century reality.

Caminando juntos

Book Description

El Programa de Formación e Innovación para Atender a la Primera Infancia desde la Universidad Pública es el resultado de una iniciativa encabezada por el Dr. Luciano Concheiro Bórquez, Subsecretario de Educación Superior, quien, a partir de una visión de educación compartida, convocó a diversos actores a unir esfuerzos en la reorganización de nuestro sistema educativo y sus políticas públicas y así contribuir a la gran transformación nacional desde sus cimientos. Este llamado tuvo eco en 16 IES afiliadas a la ANUIES, siendo la UATx la encargada de coordinar los trabajos bajo el liderazgo del Dr. Luis Armando González Placencia y del Dr. Serafín Ortiz Ortiz. Caminando Juntos, Volumen 1 es uno de los primeros resultados del Programa y en éste se presentan algunos de los productos de investigación elaborados por los Cuerpos Académicos Interinstitucionales, los cuales fueron constituidos para atender las diversas problemáticas relacionadas con las primeras infancias en México. En sus páginas, el lector encontrará las realidades cotidianas que las niñas y los niños, sus comunidades y los profesionales que los atienden, deben sortear a base de creatividad, perseverancia y un alto nivel de compromiso en el logro de su desarrollo integral. Esta obra nos llevará a un recorrido que inicia en la zona costera de Chiapas y pasa por los estados del centro hasta llegar a la zona Yaqui de Sonora, exponiendo situaciones de rezago social y académico al tiempo que propone algunas alternativas innovadoras para enfrentar las situaciones de vulnerabilidad, violencia y exclusión sistemática de las que son objeto las infancias mexicanas. Sirva este primer volumen como un paso firme en el trayecto que habremos de caminar juntos para lograr que las primeras infancias mexicanas se desarrollen en plenitud, procurando espacios para que su voz sea escuchada y donde reciban un cuidado amoroso y sensible.

Handbook of Research on Education for Participative Citizenship and Global Prosperity

Book Description

Active participation in processes of change are an essential aspect of community participation, and proper recognition of opportunities for participation facilitate community engagement nationally and internationally. Education and its relation to citizenship in recent years has become one of the most important fields of research. From different areas and contexts, it has been revealed that there is a prevailing need for education for citizens to take part actively in the processes of change and improvement that the current global situation requires. The Handbook of Research on Education for Participative Citizenship and Global Prosperity is a pivotal reference source focusing on the productions and fields of study that are carried out all over the world on education for citizenship, namely the devices that provide young people with the consciousness and highlight the aspects of an active democratic life. While highlighting topics such as citizenship identity, educational policy, and social justice, this publication explores participation instruction, as well as the methods of community involvement. This book is ideally designed for educational administrators, policymakers, researchers, professionals, and educators seeking current research on instructional methods for teaching active community and political involvement.

Implementing Deeper Learning and 21st Century Education Reforms

Book Description

This open access book is a comparative analysis of recent large scale education reforms that broadened curriculum goals to better prepare students for the 21st century. The book examines what governments actually do when they broaden curriculum goals, with attention to the details of implementation. To this end, the book examines system level reforms in six countries at various levels of development. The study includes system level reforms in jurisdictions where students achieve high levels in international assessments of basic literacies, such as Singapore and Ontario, Canada, as well as in nations where students achieve much lower levels, such as Kenya, Mexico, Punjab-Pakistan and Zimbabwe. The chapters examine system-level reforms that focus on strengthening the capacity to teach the basics, as in Ontario and Pakistan, as well as reforms that aim at building the capacity to teach a much broader set of competencies and skills, such as Kenya, Mexico, Singapore and Zimbabwe. The volume includes systems at very different levels of spending per student and reforms at various points in the cycle of policy implementation, some just starting, some struggling to survive a governmental transition, and others that have been in place for an extended period of time. From the comparative study of these reforms, we aim to provide an understanding of how to build the capacity of education systems to teach 21st century skills at scale in diverse settings.

Educación integral

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