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Controversial Issues and Social Problems for an Integrated Disciplinary Teaching

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The scientific literature has been showing that the teaching of controversial topics constitutes one of the most powerful tools for the promotion of active citizenship, the development and acquisition of critical-reflective thinking skills (Misco, 2013), and education for democratic citizenship (Pollak, Segal, Lefstein, and Meshulam, 2017; Misco and Lee, 2014). It has also highlighted, however, the complexities, risks and interference of emotional reactions in learning about sensitive, controversial or controversial historical, geographical or social issues (Jerome and Elwick, 2019; Reiss, 2019; Ho and Seow, 2015; Washington and Humphries, 2011; Swalwell and Schweber, 2016). Recent studies have advanced in the analysis of strategies employed by teacher educators in teaching controversial issues (Nganga, Roberts, Kambutu, and James, 2019; Pace, 2019), and in the curricular decisions of teachers about this teaching (Hung, 2019; King, 2009). These developments confirm the appropriateness of discussing or developing deliberative skills and conversational learning as the most appropriate strategy for the didactic treatment of controversial issues (Claire and Holden, 2007; Hand, 2008; Hess, 2002; Oulton, Day, Dillon and Grace, 2004; Oulton, Dillon and Grace, 2004; Myhill, 2007; Hand and Levinson, 2012; Ezzedeen, 2008). The promotion of discussion on specific social justice issues has also been approached from the use of controversial or documentary images in teacher education contexts, in order to question what is happening or has happened in present and past societies (Hawley, Crowe, and Mooney, 2016; Marcus and Stoddard, 2009). In this context, the aim of this contributed volume is, on one hand, to understand the discourses and decision-making of teachers on controversial issues in interdisciplinary educational contexts and their association with the development of deliberation skills. On the other hand, it seeks to offer studies focused on the analysis of the levels of coherence between their attitudes, positions and teaching practices for the teaching and learning of social problems and controversial issues from an integrated disciplinary perspective.

Peace Education and Religion: Perspectives, Pedagogy, Policies

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Whether formally incorporated into curriculum and teacher training or informally integrated in contexts such as state or NGO initiatives dealing with resolving social, ethnic, and religious conflicts, peace education is increasingly recognized as a critical component in addressing violence in contemporary plural societies. Peace education can constructively undertake a reframing of historical narratives while inspiring practical community activities. An important, but insufficiently studied and theorized aspect of peace education is the role of religion. The challenge to peace education in today’s globalized, diverse, mobile, and religiously pluralistic world is to be able to take both complex global and distinctive local situations into account. The contributions to this integrative collection of essays provide exactly these local and global perspectives on the state of peace education and its relationship to religion across pedagogy and curriculum, state policies, and activism within societies on the front lines of resolving internal conflicts, whether historical or recent, that often reflect aspects of religious identities.

Construyendo la democracia en sociedades posconflicto

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En los aos 90, Guatemala y El Salvador firmaron acuerdos de paz integrales que pusieron fin a d(r)cadas de un sangriento conflicto interno. Ambos acuerdos de paz OCoas como el proceso de construccin de paz que le siguiOCo han tenido un impacto en el concepto tradicional de paz, ya que fueron pioneros en lo que son consideradas operaciones de paz de segunda generacin, multidisciplinarias (que van mis alli del cese al fuego). Uno de los objetivos principales de los acuerdos de paz y el proceso de construccin de paz, era fortalecer los incipientes procesos democriticos en el per odo del posconflicto. Mis de una d(r)cada ha transcurrido desde que los acuerdos fueron suscritos. En ambos casos la democracia electoral o pol tica ha logrado mantenerse vigente y el sistema pol tico ha tenido una apertura. Los combatientes armados en ambos pa ses han ahora formado sus propios partidos pol ticos, han participado en elecciones y han obtenido puestos en el Congreso. Sin embargo, muchos problemas persisten y la democracia dista de estar consolidada. La democratizacin en ambas sociedades, se ve confrontada con muchos problemas antiguos y por nuevos desaf os. Sin duda alguna la paz ha tenido un impacto en la democratizacin, pero algunas ireas han avanzado mis que otras y algunas pueden haberse incluso estancado. Existen diversos estudios individuales acerca de los procesos de negociacin e implementacin de la paz en Guatemala y El Salvador. Sin embargo, se ha escrito muy poco desde una perspectiva comparada. Ademis, se han llevado a cabo pocos anilisis integrales acerca del desarrollo democritico reciente en esos pa ses. En este libro, dos equipos de investigacin utilizan nueva informacin y t(r)cnicas mltiples de investigacin comparada para presentar un perfil actualizado del proceso de democratizacin en ambos pa ses y una evaluacin de la interaccin existente entre la paz y la democratizacin."

Advances in Youth Bullying Research

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Internationale Perspektiven zur Musik(lehrer)ausbildung in Europa

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Das Bildungsgesetz der spanischen Regierung aus dem Jahre 2013 (sp. LOMCE) gilt als Todesstoß für künstlerische Fächer an allgemein bildenden Schulen: Erst 1990 als Pflichtfach eingeführt, wird Musik nun nur noch als Wahlfach angeboten. Auch die Musiklehrerausbildung an den Hochschulen verzeichnet massive Einbußen. Besonders irritierend daran ist, dass die betroffenen Universitätsgremien zu dieser politischen Entscheidung nicht gehört wurden. Damit verschwindet in Spanien das Studienfach Lehramt Musik je nach Universität nach nicht einmal 18 bis 20 Jahren aus dem Studienangebot.

Two in One

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Two in One is a book of poetry, a compendium of my poems of the present and past through my personal experiences and feelings. My poetic expression is an invitation to reflection, in all what is surrounding us in this life, in the beauty of nature in its totality. The themes are diverse, and I do not have a definite form. Whenever I write in English, my poetry is merely in prose with some splotchy words in consonance, but when my inspiration is in Spanish, my poetry is totally in verse. Two in One is like two books in one, in two languages and in two forms: in verse and in prose. The translations of my poems from English to Spanish or vice versa are more directed to their essence or contents. The last poem or hymn was added as homage to FBC Mariano Melgar de Arequipa Per for its one hundredth anniversary, and it is only in Spanish.


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