
Book Description

Creativity and innovation go hand in hand. This book presents a plethora of creative interventions in education, culture, expressions, communications, and other areas. Each chapter brings forth a core idea well attested on the scales of creative interventions. It is a collaborative effort to bring forth multidisciplinary creativity in the ever-evolving world of design, communication, and possibilities. There is really no logical order to the book. You do not necessarily have to start at the beginning, just find a chapter that interests you and read. I hope that you find the book stimulating as well as informative.

Theory and Best Practice Models in Educational Institutions in Spain and Italy

Book Description

The current societal and social reality in Europe is undergoing far-reaching changes due to the phenomenon of migration. Educational policy and pedagogical practice play a key role in the academic support of immigrant children in schools. In this volume, the connections between societal change and educational issues in relation to two southern European nations, Spain and Italy, are analyzed. The stories of intercultural communication and integration of these two case studies focus on five themes: linguistic diversity, the performance gap, teacher training programs and school culture, the role of music education in multicultural and multilingual contexts, and the development of a supranational education as an improvement for multicultural education. The volume is of particular relevance for educational researchers, as well as for the interested general reader. It takes the reader to public and private entities in Italy and Spain, where intercultural education is part of societal discourse, and serves as a sounding board for the discussion of developments in other parts of Europe with similar demographics.

Paths to a Culture of Tolerance and Peace

Book Description

We are living today in a multicultural world, surrounded by people from different backgrounds, cultures and religions. Establishing tolerance and peace has become crucial. Without these qualities, social stability and communal harmony are threatened; and acceptance of each other remains elusive. Spreading a culture of tolerance and peace is necessary to address contemporary issues of world peace, this includes reflection on the importance of refusing violence and adopting a more peaceful means for resolving disagreements and conflicts. This book, written by the world’s foremost thinkers in this area, aims to increase feelings of openness and respect toward others, solidarity and sharing based on a sense of security in one's own identity and a capacity to recognize the many dimensions of being human in different cultural and social contexts. Topics discussed in the book include: Promoting Tolerance and Peace  Teaching Tolerance and Peace  Human Values  Intercultural / Interreligious dialogue  Human Fraternity document

Education and Poverty

Book Description

What are the effects of recent public policies for reducing educational inequalities? How do privatization and other market-based education measures influence schooling in poverty contexts and teacher training programs? In what ways, and to what extent, can these programs take responsibility for improving low-income students’ learning? How do ethnic and cultural differences relate to socioeconomic differences at school? This collection of essays serves to improve the reader’s understanding of the complex relations between education and poverty. While it does this mainly by delving into problems and challenges of the Chilean educational system, they are also currently of international concern. The chapters, authored by leading scholars in Chile and worldwide, present theoretical reflections on, and reports of, contemporary educational research on such issues as social equality, schooling in low socioeconomic sectors, and teacher education, among others. The book will be particularly helpful for scholars from different disciplines who work in education as well as for teacher educators, schoolteachers, and policy makers. More generally, it will be also of interest to anyone who wants to form justified, well-informed beliefs on the ways in which various educational and socioeconomic institutions and processes could, and do, affect each other.

Global Inclusive Education

Book Description

This book addresses issues related to school inclusion from the perspective of systemic inclusion. It focuses on the need to face the challenges of inclusion in education from a broad perspective, including the classroom, the school as an institution, families, and the community. It also pays attention to the full interactions between them. The book demonstrates how inclusion can be carried out in very real, concrete and everyday ways. It also shows how researchers can work hand in hand with the professionals and other stakeholders who are developing their practices day by day. The book draws on a range of research projects of the Spanish and international research groups to provide both rich theoretical frameworks and rigorous research outcomes related to the four dimensions of the systemic inclusion perspective and its necessary networking: classroom, school, families and the community. Most of the chapters take Spain as the case study but, far from being a local book, it uses Spanish analysis to dialogue universally with current main debates and challenges in inclusion, almost 30 years after the Salamanca Statement.

Handbook of Research on Bilingual and Intercultural Education

Book Description

As education becomes more globally accessible, the need increases for comprehensive education options with a special focus on bilingual and intercultural education. The normalization of diversity and the acclimation of the students to various cultures and types of people are essential for success in the current world. The Handbook of Research on Bilingual and Intercultural Education is an essential scholarly publication that provides comprehensive empirical research on bilingual and intercultural processes in an educational context. Featuring a range of topics such as education policy, language resources, and teacher education, this book is ideal for teachers, instructional designers, curriculum developers, language learning professionals, principals, administrators, academicians, policymakers, researchers, and students.

Educar para la diversidad en el siglo XXI

Book Description

Índice: La atención a la diversidad y el reto de la globalización - La cultura de la diversidad o el elogio de la diferencia y la lucha contra las desigualdades - La construcción del proyecto curricular integrado: una alternativa para dar respuesta a la diversidad - Los trastornos de la personalidad. Sus tipos - El valor de la convivencia y el reto de la interculturalidad - Políticas de la diversidad para una educación democrática igualadora - Dilemas y condiciones de las escuelas inclusivas - Igualdad, equidad, solidaridad - Evaluación y atención a la diversidad - Estrategias para favorecer la autodeterminación de alumnos con necesidades especiales - Procesos cognitivos en el profesor - Multiculturalidad y educación. Niños inmigrantes en la escuela aragonesa - Una escuela para todos: un reto social y educativo - Los problemas contractuales en el aula - Un programa de habilidades para niños con necesidades educativas especiales - Modificaciones formales del habla materna dirigida al niño con síndrome de Down - El síndrome X frágil: primera causa de retraso mental hereditario - Atención a la diversidad y práctica psicomotriz: una experiencia con niños síndrome de Down - Respuesta educativa a un alumno autista: estudio sobre una experiencia de colaboración familia-escuela - Programa de acogida: atención extraescolar a la sobredotación intelectual - El diagnóstico y tratamiento integrales del TDAH - El concepto de autodeterminación según Wehmeyer y su relación con el retraso mental - El alumno zurdo: didáctica de la escritura - Organización de recursos y respuesta educativa al alumno con necesidades educativas especiales - Educación física adaptada: una propuesta para primaria - ¿Cómo se organiza el proceso de transición a la edad adulta y a la vida activa de las personas con discapacidad psíquica? Un estudio contextualizado en la comarca del Segrià (Cataluña) - Educación intercultural e inmigración: situación en la región de Murcia - Estudio europeo sobre las habilidades de comprensión y expresión al finalizar la Educación Obligatoria - Perspectivas psicosociales para una educación e intervención en/desde la diversidad - Educación intercultural y derechos humanos - Diferencias de género en inteligencia, creatividad, personalidad y rendimiento académico en estudiantes universitarios - Proyecto Ego-Etno de investigación y formación pedagógica para la educación intercultural - La elaboración de proyectos de centro como instrumento favorecedor de la educación multicultural - Una respuesta a la diversidad en Educación Secundaria Obligatoria: los programas de educación compensatoria - Diversidad de prototipos de conducta interpersonal y actitudes ambientales - Educar para la diversidad: intervención con minorías étnicas - El trabajo en pequeños grupos como instrumento de atención a la diversidad - Comunidades de aprendizaje: una propuesta educativa basada en la igualdad de diferencias y en el aprendizaje dialógico - Una educación compensatoria. ¿Una respuesta a las diferencias socioculturales? - Diversificación curricular integrada en el centro: un modelo práctico para la ESO - Orientaciones para el desarrollo de la atención a la diversidad en la Enseñanza Secundaria Obligatoria - La atención a la diversidad en el proyecto educativo y curricular de centro - El poder de la singularidad en el discurso educativo de la diversidad. La construcción del conocimiento escolar en contextos heterogéneos - Atención a las diferencias individuales y motivación por el aprendizaje en el aula ordinaria. Una experiencia de investigación - La integración de las nuevas tecnologías en la educación. Personalización en la Red - Proyecto JECD. Vías alternativas de integración Web Master. "Creando constructores de páginas web" - Actualización de baremos del D.A.T. en la identificación de las altas habilidades intelectuales - Nuevas perspectivas sobre el aprendizaje en la escuela: la inteligencia emocional - Los centros sociolaborales: una respuesta educativa integral de atención a la diversidad - La educación del niño hipoacúsico en el movimiento scout - Niños culturalmente marginados: un proyecto para su educación en Chile - Epílogo a las reflexiones del Congreso.

Southern Theories

Book Description

This book critically explores Global South perspectives, examining marginalised voices and issues whilst challenging the supremacy of Global North perspectives in literature. The unique value of this book lies in its extensive coverage of various Southern challenges, including disaster management, climate change, communication, resilience, gender, education, and disability. It also underscores the relevance of indigenous philosophies such as animism, Buen Vivir, Buddhism, Confucianism, Daoism, Neozapatism, Qi vitality, Taoism, and Ubuntu. Stemming from regions as diverse as Sub-Saharan Africa, Asia, and Latin America, these philosophies are brought into public discourse. By demonstrating their practicality in designing intervention programs and influencing policy-making, the book fills a critical gap in global Southern literature while promoting context-specific knowledge for improving well-being in the Global South contexts. This book’s content resonates with a diverse audience, encompassing students, academics, researchers, NGOs, and policymakers from postcolonial states in the Global South and those from Global North countries. Furthermore, it is highly relevant to communities within the Global North that mirror the Global South – those grappling with equity issues for indigenous populations. It has a versatile appeal that transcends disciplinary boundaries, encompassing cultural studies, sociology, international development, philosophy, and postcolonial studies, thus making it accessible to all educational levels. It holds particular interest for those in development studies, indigenous studies, government departments globally, international organisations, and universities worldwide.

Theoretical and Practical Approaches to Non-Formal Education

Book Description

In this collection of work, the contributing authors tackle the topic of non-formal education from a variety of disciplines, such as computer science, psychology, education, science education, literacy, music, art, and social studies by sharing original perspectives, and proposing novel educational approaches. The book chapters present insights into designing and carrying out non-formal education activities, operational management strategies related to non-formal education, activating and creating the well-being of participants in non-formal education activities, and implementing active learning. The current volume appeals to a wide audience, including teachers, parents, students, and education specialists, as well as researchers and community members working with youth and children. Moreover, this volume appeals to an international audience, as the contributing authors are from various countries, including the USA, Indonesia, Italy, Romania, and Spain. The interdisciplinary and global perspective presented in the current volume makes it not only valuable for the educational field, but unique, compared to similar publications in the field.


Book Description

Diversidade(S). Discapacidad, altas capacidades intelectuales y trastornos del espectro autista se estructura en tres partes. En primer lugar, se presenta la discapacidad intelectual desde el modelo social. En segundo lugar, se estudian los trastornos del espectro autista desde una visión amplia e interdisciplinaria hasta los aportes específicos de Fernand Deligny en Francia y el movimiento de la neurodiversidad en Inglaterra. En tercer lugar, se indican los elementos esenciales para el trabajo educativo con niños con altas capacidades intelectuales en el aula. El libro recoge los enfoques teóricos, modelos epistemológicos, técnicas de acompañamiento socioeducativo, instrumentos de detección, evaluación y orientaciones generales de trabajo en contextos educativos para los tres casos citados. Se plantea una aproximación teórico-práctica que ofrece criterios de actuación a los profesionales de la educación. Por otro lado, se interroga sobre algunos debates y controversias presentes en los casos estudiados ofreciendo, en su conjunto, un contenido extenso y de gran aplicación práctica.